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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. Those hands look killer
  2. 2 Medioums please. Thanks
  3. Put me down for 1. Excelent work!
  4. Anybody buy any of the unlicensed versions? How do they compare to the MR versions? Thanks
  5. I have seen the listings on Ebay but I am wondering if these are the best deals or are this scalper prices? Anyone familiar with any stores that sell these cheaper than ebay? Thanks
  6. I am happy I won something. Thanks Guys. Next year I peomise I will have something more ambitious. Great time!
  7. I am so happy they are making these. I hope we have Max Roy in his grey TV flight suit Claudia Capt Gloval Kakizaki Max in Q rau flight suit Can't wait to pick up a couple of sets
  8. Cool! That helmet is badass!
  9. I beleive Seichi is goin to be there with alot of Macross stuff.
  10. That is very cool
  11. Exactly. My Blue boy is naked without him. How aboot some Zentradi figures as well as a Kakizaki, Gloval, and Claudia figures. This seems like a no brainer so I hope they make them
  12. Any info or rumors floating around on more CMS figure series coming out? I really thought that these where well done.
  13. More LV valks would be great. Any new valks that come out and sell out is good so Yamato has no excuse to not make more. Hope these rumors are true.
  14. I bought my first two Low Viz's for $125 and $130 at Treasure Island at Frank And Sons. They did sit around for a while before they went up.
  15. hirohawa

    SDF-1 1/8000

    Very cool!
  16. The first post, the link, and several other posts contain the word: August. What year?
  17. Release date?
  18. I just saw Kindom of Heaven and after the last 3 or four turds would not be keen to see Ridley Scott direct another movie much less another Alien Movie. While his early films where amazing his new films are amazingly boring and dumb. They are spectacular to look at but I want to see a story not a three hour cinematographers reel.
  19. Apparantly the fat lady has not sung yet. Gonna have to get 3 or 4 of these suckers.
  20. If everything is selling out Yamato would be crazy not to reissue more valks.
  21. When do we see work in progress pics?
  22. Exo look forward to those BGs. 1.No 2.Seal paint with Future 2-3 coats and use oil paint to fill in the panel lines and gives it detail to the recessed parts. 3.Visor was a clear recast from Rhoby's 1S heads. 4. It was Model Masters Enamel through an airbrush 5. I beleive it was white and lt. ghost grey Thanks
  23. It's the same valk pics taken over time as I am slow with progress. I am trying to do a custom 1/48 for MW con 5 but work is a bitch right now. When is MWcon 5 anyway?
  24. If you are applying the future with an airbrush you need to apply two or three coats, before you can apply an oil wash. Also use the oil thinner in very very small amounts as it can eat through the future. I barely use any when I apply the oils.
  25. New tally 1/48 - 24
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