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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. Looks awesome! Is there going to be any poseabilty in the arms/legs guns?
  2. All you gotta do is paint the fastpacks like so:
  3. I think the 1/48 line will go up alot in twenty years. These are some of the best transforming toys ever done. 319085[/snapback]
  4. Sometimes no means yes.
  5. Yeah but they have been keeping stuff from Graham for sometime. The GBP, Cannon Fodder and the 1/60 VF0 came out of nowhere, when the common belief here wsa that Yamato was done with their MAcross toys. Also they are re-releaseing the FP and the 1S in about a month. I think that their recent sceduled releases show that they are still into the Macross Licennse and it is only a matter of time before we see two seaters.
  6. I think there should be three bases. The round kite logo and skull sqaudron as well as a rectangular base with the japanese and english Macross Logo from the show. They should also come in two sizes 1/72 and 1/48. I would buy a few sets of these, they look like they are incredible quality.
  7. That is so awesome! Looks great!
  8. i bought mib 1/55 superostrich from him in 1992 for $325. The store was cool also. Sorry it is gone. He was kinda an A-hole even in person but cool stuff. Roger that. Apathetic Friggin a-hole would be my characterization. Lots of cool stuff in that shop though. The store is indeed no longer there. Last time I was there was probably 10 years ago. I wish I could go back in time with the money I have now - but don't we all? Three best remaining anime/import goods stores left are all on Geary. Two near Geary & 19th and a few stores in Japantown. 316378[/snapback]
  9. Nice job! Takes me back. What's with the White hands though? Gives him a gloved mickey mouse look.
  10. The one on the right I bought from Agent-GHQ four years ago on ebay. They are both very white and I pray that they stay that way. 315674[/snapback]
  11. Does one of these look familiar?
  12. That is good news! All they have to do is make a Kakizaki in the next wave and then we have all the pilots. There where too many girls in this grouping anyway. yeeeeaaaahhhh!!! that's hella good news. Man, I can't wait to get it! 313991[/snapback]
  13. Looks awesome! Love the weathering!
  14. hirohawa

    TV-1A head

    I agree
  15. Great googly moogly! This is awesome news. Looks like the fat lady has been effectively gagged.
  16. Those both look great. Did you guys just brush on the paint?
  17. This is one of the coolest projects I have ever seen on MW!
  18. hirohawa

    TV-1A head

    I want one also!
  19. I wonder if you will be able to take off max's helmet as with the Miriya, Roy and Hikaru version.
  20. Thanks for the pics.
  21. Any idea of when this project will be completed?
  22. That is freakin cool. Looks like a giant angry crab.
  23. Any progress from our talent out there? Thanks
  24. Thanks! Anyone else here have blaster experience?
  25. I checked every two hours. Glad MW is back!
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