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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. It was a DYRL version but it was like $1000!
  2. Check this out. http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...pic=111349&st=0 Could be very interesting!
  3. Wonder if they'll make 1/6 dolls of the Macross "ladies" .... 410018[/snapback] Lady dolls - that's never gonna happen.
  4. That box is cool! Thanks
  5. Thats better. Damn EXO logging in on my computer with his grubby fingers.
  6. LOOKS fantastic
  7. hirohawa

    More Cms Figures

    Isn't that ironic? Don't you think.
  8. I agree. Also you officialy have the coolest avatar on MW.
  9. Great News
  10. Abuse of executive privelages and a party pooper. You're suspect >EXO<.
  11. The HCMs are really cool. One day I'm gonna pick these up.
  12. Nah. Those guys are out of my league
  13. I'm interested.
  14. Got this over the weekend from Fatalist. I am very pleased.
  15. Yeah but you can't S-S-S-S-Stack and attack valkyries now can you. I feel very sad for fans of Wheeled Warriors simply because that cartoon sucked. 380305[/snapback]
  16. Soon. ALmost done.
  17. I love the original Takatoku Grey 1S. I wish Yamato would make the 1/48 like that.
  18. Those are not recasts they are an original sculpt of the DYRL hands done by Eternal D himself. Not to shabby either. Come to think of it where are my LOW VIZ DYRL hands.
  19. Looks great!
  20. hirohawa

    1/48 Gbp

    That is cool!
  21. I would be down for a couple of these. Probably a 1S and a 1A. Thanks
  22. The CF has white legs painted brown and white upper arms. Well, the brown intake covers and feet do seem to be a better choice to use with the camouflage than the standard grey ones. 374200[/snapback]
  23. Put me down for two sets. Boobies!
  24. I hate them. I'm only going to get 4 of each. The stealth is pretty cool and I BET THE LVII looks better in person.
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