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grebo guru

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Everything posted by grebo guru

  1. The image originally appeared in this book: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/dyrl_tia.htm Grebo
  2. One of the things I love about this design is how the part behind the canopy (in fighter mode) turns around 180 degrees to cover the cockpit in Battroid mode. I always thought that the magically-appearing cockpit cover was much more of a "magical" element than the VF-1's notorious hip rearrangement. I tell ya, this guy is clever! I'm still trying to unearth the link to his site. I'll post it when I find it.
  3. No prob, dude. Glad you dig it.
  4. Ha! That last one is really good for a few yuks. And man... I love what you did with the cockpit interior on that one!
  5. Hey there all, Could someone who has the Hasegawa "VF-1 Valkyrie Weapon Set" maybe scan the box cover and post it here? I'm looking for a 300dpi, color, 100% size scan... it can be a JPG to keep the size down. Thanks in advance! Grebo
  6. Sheesh! Well pooh-pooh on you, Kaiba! I'm gonna continue my quest whether you like it or not. I think the VF-2JA is a pretty darn sweet design, so I want it (and the VF-2SS, etc etc) to have a more complete range of head-models. As for the "YF-1R", I'm very well aware it's not supposed to exist. However, artwork (and toys!) of it do exist, and since I don't think it adds anything to the VF-1, I may as well try and repurpose the head design for one of the VFs that doesn't already have lots of head variants. It's not the coolest-looking head by any stretch of the imagination, but I think it fits right in with the heads of the VF-1A and VF-11B/C. I have decided, though, that I'm NOT gonna assign the YF-1R head to the VF-2JA body as I do think their aesthetics clash. I'll more likely try reassigning the YF-1R head to the VF-3000 body, as this is another VF model with a shortage of head variant. And besides, the standard VF-3000 head also has three lasers. As for the VF-1SR head, I gotta agree with Zinjo. I think it works really well on the VF-2JA body. To my eyes, the VF-1R series' heads are very much in line with the design of the VF-2JA. In fact, I'm thinking that perhaps the best thing to do with the VF-1R series is to reassign all three heads (AR, JR, and SR) to the VF-2JA, and reassign the VF-2JA's head to the VF-2SS as it's J-Model head. I still haven't decide, though, which VF to give the VF-1R's SPII packs. Grebo!
  7. Sure, they are, but in Battroid mode they've still got a lot of utility when fired forward (IMO anyway).
  8. From the looks of it, almost certainly some Japanese fan-made Doujinshi. This is the kind of thing that makes me ache to go to comiket again.
  9. Here's another one along the same lines: the VF-2SA. The head is from the VF-1SR. Considering how superfluous the R-series is (although I love their Super Packs and intend to transplant them onto some other VF), and considering how much I like the VF-2JA, this transplant seems to make sense to me. Sooner or later I'll transplant the VF-1AR head onto the VF-2JA as well, to give the Icarus a fairly complete lineup of head variants. The VF-2JA already has a J-type head, of course, so I haven't decided yet what to do with the VF-1JR's head... but it will be donated to some other VF, for sure. Grebo
  10. Thanks for the compliment, Kensei! It's nice to know my projects are appreciated. And yes, Knight26, that is (pretty much) a VF-17 head. The image I lifted it from is a rough design for the VF-17, and the design is quite similar -- even down to the colors. As for the laser's position, I imagine that it could swing forward like the laser on the VF-1A can. Perhaps I should add in a few details to make that more apparent... Grebo
  11. Yeah. I've often wondered if those airbrakes/panels would make good housings for missiles (micro or full-scale air-to-air type).
  12. Oh, and here's another tweak I did on my favorite VF. The lineart of the VF-XS has a really nice shot from the rear of the fighter with its airbrakes/leg panels open. I was disappointed that this particular shot was never done for the VF-2SS. So, I photoshopped it up! The result is attached. Grebo
  13. Here's a nice single-laser'ed version of the Nightmare. I scanned the high-detail VF-17S Battroid art from "Macross 7 Animation Materials" and added on a b&w version of the head from page 18 of "Shoji Kawamori Macross Design Works." Came out alright, I think. I haven't bothered coloring it, since the VF-17's color scheme is pretty well set and this headswap wouldn't be any reason to change it. Grebo!
  14. Hey there anime53k8, sorry I took so long getting back to you... Anyway, how's this? Grebo
  15. My quest -- to give all Variable Fighters a variety of heads -- continues... Considering that the VF-1 already has a zillion heads (A, D, E, J, S, T, AR, JR, SR, SOL, SDP, etc), and considering that Robotech is stupid, I've decided that the head of the "YF-1R" would be put to better use on a different model. The result: the "VF-2RA". Grebo (Truth be told, I'm not 100% satisfied with this, from a graphics POV. The scan is kinda dirty, and I had to scale up the gun from a much smaller picture. I might redo this later on.)
  16. What, the Schneeblume? I dunno, I'm rathter fond of the SW-XA1 as it is. If I swiped its head for the VF-2SS, what would the now-headless Snowdrop use? For more head-transplanting madness, check out the customized VF-2RA I've put in another thread...
  17. All this chatter about the X-02 version of the YF-23 got me thinkin'. What I've got here is just a rough draft, but I think it's got potential... an X-02 version of Macross Plus' YF-21:
  18. The thing that's mind-boggling about this fellow's site is that he's done alternate versions of zillions of anime mecha. Gaiking, Mospeada, Bryger, Baxinger, Metaljack, Kamen Rider, Megaranger, Gaogaigar, D-Garn, Dangaioh, Bubblegum Crisis, Tobikage, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on. Amazingly, he's done original, alternate transformations and mecha designs for all of these. I mean, it's just incredible.
  19. Okay, I've been fiddling around some, and I managed to transplant the head of the VF-XS onto the body of the VF-2SS. Adding on a more classical sensor (as opposed to the VF-XS's total lack of any kind of "eye") yields a pretty workable "VF-2A". Attached are color and lineart versions. Grebo!
  20. Ahoy all, While perusing Japanese fan art websites, I came across a guy who is a wizard at transforming mecha. I cannot find the link right now, but once I do I'll post it. In the meantime, here's his alternative take on the VF-1. It's modest, but clever. Enjoy!
  21. Well, those are really nice pics and models (I've actually read those threads already, was quite pleased when I found them), but.... not an M3 pilot suit. That's the one from Macross 2036. Thanks though!
  22. Ah. That is clearer. Is this a known fact, or is it supposition?
  23. But that's not manufacturing -- that's customization. Radical customization, yes, but customization nonetheless. I mean, the guys on "Pimp My Ride" do this same kinda thing (and more, in fact -- they replace the engines too). But I don't think anyone would say that the garage guys at Pimp My Ride "manufacture" cars.
  24. Ah, of course. You know everything, after all. But then why did you say this...? (bold emphasis mine) To me, this implies that you were under the impression that the FBz-99 (and heck, the Az-130 too) were manufactured by the Varauta.
  25. To each his own. I've put enough work into this image -- I'm pretty happy with it at this point. Thanks for the compliment, though. I'm glad people have been interested. :-) Grebo
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