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Everything posted by makurosu

  1. I don't hate either. Some things about Macross 7 were grating, mainly Basara. The mecha designs for Sound Force, and the designs for the Protodeviln were a bit silly for my taste. There were also few times I had trouble convincing myself to keep watching the first time through. Especially the first several episodes before the story really gets going. But, I enjoyed the story quite a bit. Especially the additions to the Protoculture. Fire Bomber has some pretty good music, too. I still listen several songs from the show and the OVAs pretty often. The mecha designs were pretty awesome, too. Macross II is blah. Not really grating, but then not too memorable either way. The dub makes a nice sleep aid.
  2. I'm not completely sure, to be honest. That was the only time I've ever done business with them, but I didn't have any problems. They got my order right shipped out fast, too.
  3. I just recently bought both series from rightstuf.com for $25 each. Mospeada Southern Cross
  4. I'm currently living in NW US.
  5. Hopefully I can get it this summer. I've been wanting to see the rest of the series since I got the Robotech Perfect Collection tapes several years ago. Right now, I'm pretty much broke. Besides that, it's pretty expensive compared to a lot of other shows I've been getting instead, like Firefly.
  6. I haven't posted much at all since the change to the new board, but I've been here since April of 2002, I think.
  7. SDF:Macross is still my favorite, followed by Macross:DYRL? After episode three of Zero, it's like to come next if the rest of the story is as good.
  8. I'll watch 3 first. I've recently watched 1 and 2 on a VCD I made of the first two episodes. I'm sure I'll watch all 3 in proper order at some point.
  9. I'm definitely getting the EE of the Two Towers when I get the money. I'll pass on the box, like I did with FOTR.
  10. I just finished watching Flashback 2012 after trying to download it for a couple days off of the iMacross servers. It was well worth the time, and an item I will be adding to my DVD collection as soon as I get the money. I've seen a couple of these music video with recycled and new footage montages before, and haven't been too impressed. The main disappointing one was Live, Love, Alive, but that's more because of the horrid guy voice versions of the songs, and Yellow's new look. (Insert barf emoticon here). This one was well done. Right down to the war black and white war footage over "Love Drifts Away". (Sorry, I can't remember the Japanese name off the top of my head. ) It was also great to finally see the footage of the Megaroad taking off. The VF-4 was also neat, though I didn't care for that goofy looking helmet Hikaru had on. Anyhoo, that was a fantastic and satisfying end to SDF:Macross/DYRL?
  11. Has the game improved at all in the last month or so? Jedi Bounties might actually be kind of fun, but perhaps less so if every Jedi on there can get the mission. hehe. Unless I start hearing about the game improving in leaps and bounds, this still isn't enough to keep my interest. I played for 3 long months and wish I wouldn't have even dumped the intial cost into it. Too bad they closed off the forums from guests. Now I can't follow it from day to day to see if the game is getting better or worse. I wonder how many people are gone for good now.
  12. I totally realize the inherent dangers in affordable HK bootlegs...it doesn't change my feelings. I never claimed to have been cheated; I just want to understand what the hell is going on. Also, links would be helpful... You might also want to d/l fanscripts, or episode synopsis. If you can find either or them, that is. I printed off a list of episode descriptions and background info on Orguss, and they really helped with a lot of confusion. About halfway through the episodes, I started reading through them before each episode and picked up a lot I never would have with the subs the way they were.
  13. That is true but I still have a problem of them even suggesting there was a love triangle. Both Basara and Gamlin were much older then Mylene. The two of them were what, in their early 20s and she was only 14. Come on. If she was just a few years older it would have been more believeable as well. Aye. That was the problem I had with a lot of the fanservice during the ending credits, as well. Seems a bit much for someone who's only 14.
  14. Yeah, that's from Macross Plus, which is a sequel to the original SDF:Macross series and not related to Macross II other than the Macross name. Macross II is set in alternate universe. I had a boot of DYRL that had the theme song to SDF:Macross in the menu, but that's not as weird as having Voices on Macross II. hehe
  15. My favorite is still the VF-1, particularly the Skull design VF-1S. I'm also really digging the VF-11 and YF-19 lately. The VF-9 doesn't look too shabby, either.
  16. Despite its contradictions, and some other problems I have with the OVA, I still like Macross II. It's a little tough to tolerate too often, but it's enjoyable when subbed. I enjoy the music, and the character designs by Mikimoto (I think?) The main problems I have with the OVA are some of the mecha designs and the way they seemed to not progress much over a long period of time. I much prefer M+ and Macross 7 where there is still active exploration and design improvements. In Macross II the people were basically asleep at the wheel for years and years.
  17. I like a few artists of just about every genre. My favorite is Blues, though. If I listen to rock music, which seems to happen less and less often these days, it's usually from the 60s, or a few specific albums that I still love. Metallica's early stuff, or Radiohead Ok Computer, for instance.
  18. I haven't really play too many of the FF games, but besides VII, my faves are I and VIII. I really need to get a PS1 so I can finish VIII and get the other rereleased Nintendo-days FF games.
  19. Those were pretty funny. Loved #2.
  20. Damn straight. The weapon ranges really need to be fixed. And well...the whole HAM system needs a lot of work. Hunting marks was crazy when I would need to constantly heal myself just to undo the damage my damn carbine was doing. About the only thing I used carbine for was one KD, which usually wouldn't even work, before I switched to pistol and spammed whatever one good shot I had. Which I really hated doing, as I prefer that playing the game took more thought than that. Especially when you get all of those new specials as you progress. Definitely. That's ulimately why I, and many of my friends, quit. We had no interest in PvP whatsoever. In large part, for me it was because as a BH, I knew that if I ever killed anyone there would be a nerf thread the next day. And also because of role-playing. I preferred to keep my character as a neutral guy who had only interest in money and didn't care much for politics as long as whoever was in power would employ him. But the PvE results of PvP changes really killed the game for me. Despite all of its issues, I still logged in everyday, but it got harder and harder to want to play when I would log in to find yet another move could even more HAM, or didn't work half the time. Why on earth they couldn't just code PvE and PvP completely separately is beyond me. They did it for reduced damage, why not just reduce specials even more in PvP only and leave the PvE stuff alone? Other than a few "nerf PvE" morons here and there, most of the nerf whines were directed at PvP. I doubt that these chaps really cared how many shots it took me to take down a Mountain Squill, or whether or not I would walk away from it. They were only concerned that they were getting "pwned" in PvP. Stupid it is to wreck the entire game to appease a couple people who don't like losing at PvP (and a lot of them would complain because they didn't win all the time. Once, a doctor came into the BH forum to call for an Eye SHot nerf because he lost one of three duels against a Bounty Hunter. ) Bleh.
  21. I'll be getting Halo, but not until after I get Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex 2. It's a great game, and I enjoyed it on the Xbox, but we've already waited this long for it.... Is anyone else getting sick of the good games that get crappy sequels that are made to emulate Halo? Unreal II and Red Faction II were both pretty much stinkers that I thought tried to hard to emulate Halo rather continue with what made the originals so good. It's not as disappointing with Unreal II as I didn't care so much for the structure of the game, but Red Faction had a really good story that should have had a great continuation if they were going to make a sequel for it at all. Bleh. The only thing they have in common is the geo-mod engine and the Red Faction name.
  22. I already canceled my account a month ago (only a day or two after being billed another month), and I haven't gone back since. The game has a lot of potential, but it's suffering from a lack of vision, and silly nerfs meant to bring the game inline for the PvPers regardless of how it affects the non-PvP crowd. I gave it a chance, and stuck with it for a few months because it was a Star Wars game and I hated to see it fail, but it eventually got too crappy for me to even care to login. For awhile it was really fun, but there were too many nerfs made to make what little content was there more challenging rather than adding stuff in at the top end. Once I became a BH and did a few missions, I couldn't bring myself to log in for hours just to run the same tired destroy missions. Maybe if there was more leveling, that would keep me around, but grinding for the sake of grinding isn't much fun in the long run, either. Now that the forums are closed, it'll be difficult to keep as much of an eye on it as I was, but I might stop by and check it out in another 6 months or so. To be honest, I'm not expecting much to improve. The devs are focused on appeasing PvP whiners and not focused enough on fixing classes, or the plethora of bugs that exist. I dont' see that they have the vision to turn the game around and provide the content that's going to keep players coming back. Towards the last month I was there, I'll have to say that the customer service was improving somewhat, or at least the dev communication was. As Duke said, the time period it's set in is also bad. If the PvP war mattered, and if the political make-up could change, that would make it far more fun. Right now, it just seemed to me like Quake deathmatch filled by adolescent "griefers". Bleh. SOE really screwed the pooch on this one.
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