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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. Nice!! loving this bird Although I can already see in 5 years, v3 YF-19 with proper folding and position of wings for high speed mode. I wouldn't mind receiving my valks in a small cardboard box with no design and all the loose parts in a ziplock as long as it arrives safe and cuts on shipping.
  2. I would prefer tampoed UN Spacy kite in the neck part that splits cause after much handling the sticker tend to peal a bit.
  3. I should get mine be on thursday or friday, thanks for the pic.
  4. Was it ever released along with the T-Rex Zentradi soldiers?
  5. man, this valk custom has been quite an adventure for you. Now that you are set I hope to see it finish soon, such a nice scheme cannot be left incomplete.
  6. yeah, but it was very bland compared to how sexually suggestive this creepy dolls are...
  7. Curious...when I visited Chile I became and alcoholic... so much wine! :lol: We got many talented fellows from Chile here. Welcome to the nuthouse
  8. Indeed, pretty innovative and cute!
  9. LOL, it was me, I placed the order to see what the hell would happened, as expected, got an email for "out of stock" and to cancel order for refund. Bah!! they can horribly overprice by mistake and not care if some chum buys it, but a mistake like this can not be. Where you from walawala?
  10. Seriously...creepy pedo Arcadia super expensive dolls sold out...WTF Japan? How about giving us a Bridge Bunnies angel phillia edition.......... I feel dirty now.
  11. OMG!! you're alive! more destroids!!
  12. Box dimensions almost identical, slightly heavier and wider (probably by the sleeve) according to HLJ VF-1S Hikaru w/option parts 32.6 x 28.2 x 10.6 cm / 860g http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00233/Sci VF-1J 30th 32.6 x 28.3 x 10.8 cm / 1050g http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82001/Sci
  13. very nice!!, are they 1/144 scale? haven't seen any of this posted here before so I don't think they're members here.
  14. The old 1/60 YF-19 beginning to feel the burden of being replaced. Pretty good price, eventough it had a small damage and missing stickers, what YF-19 isn't damaged somehow. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamato-1-60-Macross-Plus-Yf-19-Valkyrie-isamu-type-In-US-/271266270139?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=eBrJMnhx95q%252Fgdui3wQs6DRywAE%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  15. I don't think it's a misspelling, it's present also in the 1/72 Hasegawa version, perhaps Tenjin added it that way so they had to keep it as part of the art?
  16. Someone noticed when the Hikaru 1S was released that the particular way the kit was made allowed for a possible Max & Miria scheme, he was right. This must have been planned since the failed beginning. I don't get why they'd make the FP proportionally smaller than it should be but the reactive warheads are huge instead, at least they help hide that way the abnormally unposeable hips.
  17. You must mean 80's grid pattern!! I don't know why, I don't think this particular valk scheme is nice, must be because it's something different and new but I'm really anxious to get mine.
  18. That's italian, I think it has something to do with the waterslide decals manufacturer.
  19. Can't even get the FP color right.
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