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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. Great custom Scream Man! love it!
  2. Toynami can't even release a couple plushies on time.
  3. Every Macross anniversary Hasegawa releases a special VF-1 scheme. The 30th anniversary VF-1J was design by Tenjin and done with collaboration with Hasegawa who released a 1/72 and 1/48 version also.
  4. That's some fantastic work MacrossJunkie!! Always a treat to see you go nuts on this!
  5. Yes please. Also, VF-4G assembly kit
  6. Interesting news, I wonder how much revenue they get from the foreign market compared to the Japanese market. Really anxious to see what they will show on February AT WF.
  7. It's a compromise done with the VF-19's for the chubbier legs to appear sleek in fighter mode but it was not too noticeable in the 19S/F/Kai due to their strong glossy color, the engineer carried over to the new YF-19 but it stands out cause of the color, as well as the fat intake lip.
  8. I have two Max 1S, but this sort of deals are soooooooooo tempting!, with fees and shipped if it went for solid Y8000 it could be around 130 total. must....control....myself....
  9. LOL! you guys are nuts! Looking good!! but I'm not digging the canopy tint, looks almost purple, I rather have a clear canopy. The ordinances are an awesome addition!
  10. The Spacewolf came out great, what happened to the drop tanks? I remember that seam on the fuselage and the wings gave me some trouble, but it was on a 1/72 VF-22S. I suggest you have a look at WM Chen fantastic YF-21 build. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=ST&f=23&t=1457 Will you go with the 22S Max scheme or something slightly different since it's a YF-21? Nice build none the less!
  11. I still haven't received mine. Maybe this week to see what all the fuss about this valk is.
  12. I got a v2 1/60 Max for around 90 bucks from Yahoo Japan but with no super parts tough Anyone care to sell me theirs????
  13. The Macross 7 OVA, had a weird greenish black, the 17D seen there looked a greenish black too. Crazy haul congratz.... April huh? yeah, keep telling yourself that :lol:
  14. "T-3" = 3rd prototype?
  15. Thanks again, happy to share what I do and hopefully inspire some people to get on the customizing bandwagon. I love scale modelling but I have so little time to give them all the love they need , toys are quicker to customize since they're prebuilt One day I'll go back to models. So, part 2 on how to build you're own Yamato 1A Alaska Base custom. Here are all the parts that need painting masked. For the forearms I masked the small inner housing where the shoulder articulate because, if painted, it will rub with the white elbow and make a green mess, also, you must by all means avoid painting the the large attachment bar of the forearm, any extra layer of paint will make it extremely difficult to reassemble, it will get stuck and possibly break if you then try to remove it. The head is all glued, it can't be disassembled so you must mask the lens and the area around the head laser, when painting, first have the laser all the way forward and then all the way back for the rotating bit to be fully painted. Remove the intake cover and mask them from the inside becase the inner walls have to be green, It seems easier to mask the intake cover and paint but then your paint will not match, unless you wish to never take the covers off. Almost forgot the knees, this part has an inner spring so the outer housing is glued and can't disassemble to get the knee itself out, but it's quite easy to mask for painting since it's already apart from the rest of the leg, better than masking the whole leg with everything attached. All painted, excuse the poor lighting. You can see here the part of the forearm I decided not to paint, crappy lighting doesn't show the head laser turning out quite well. It's coming along just fine. The parts I left unpainted are not exposed when fully assembled so it doesn't matter. That's it for today, time to leave the paint to fully cure before reassembling. I have to also strip the tampo of some part, will show how later. Thanks for looking. Derex, umm...I'm not done with the GBP-1S armor yet. I'm figuring out how to panel line and decal it. I do have this picture I took while fooling around with the camera settings. You'd like to see a Max grey and blue custom armor? Not exactly what I'm doing but nothing a little head swapping and photoshop can't do to give us a little idea on how it would look. I'll give it a try later.
  16. First time masking? wow, great job!!, the first time I masked I made a whole mess by being inpatient. It's better to paint the canopy, the decal is glossy and stands out later by it.
  17. Is the antenna supposed to be like that?
  18. A Miria v2 1/60 went a few days ago for just a tad under 200 a few days ago on Yahoo japan auctions.
  19. What if you use the arms/gun barrels with weight as ballast to keep the head turret from toppling the model over?
  20. Wow, that custom is so many level of badass! As said before, get an extra set of missiles and the hard point, those hard point always have two tabs to attach, measure where you want the hard point to attach, drill two holes, attach and glue. Do you wish to do something similar as the model you showed or attach hard points to the wings?
  21. Awesome! well done!! I think what seems off is that the base color is white instead of tan, but I prefer the white/orange combo better. Can't wait to see it finished. I see you painted the canopy and black nose detail instead of using the decals, those parts are a pain to decal.
  22. Nice pics but whenever I see that 171 Alto custom it reminds me of this:
  23. Remember that Graham used to get free samples from Yamato, so his wife is definitely not accustomed. Just kidding. No wife is ever happy with us guys expending on something they can't in no way find any use to them.
  24. You know you have to cut some corners to afford this hobby, just that Scream Man did it literally. Kidding, very nice collection of everything and cool VF-11C Fokker, hope you don't live in a place prone to earthquakes.
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