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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. Latest arrival, manage to get me that Virgin MIB for 19,800 Yen and the VF-1J with no cracked shoulder for 9,750 Yen There should also be in there a v2 1/60 VF-1J Millia that I got for a good price too, but USPS decided that I was not worthy and lost it.
  2. I like this idea. Thanks for the clean up EXO, I've always wondered, do finished custom toys like the messes I do go in the toy or model section?
  3. I'd wish they'd take a more clean approach of removing the pieces to not leave the sprue marks
  4. Managed to nab this one from Yahoo Japan, fair price for this oddity. http://www.fromjapan.co.jp/auction/yahoo/input?item_addr=http%3A%2F%2Fpage18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp%2Fjp%2Fauction%2Fw96730961&bid_count=1
  5. I swear that SD VF-1S Roy battroid looks so much like a recast of the Metalboy Resin kit
  6. This thread should be rename to Macross hoarders united.
  7. Holy sh!t, I love this kind of work around! great stuff! The pilot figure mod is perfect. Would it be possible to add an LED to the cockpit?
  8. If you need some red ink I can donate a bit of blood. hehehehe Very impressive papercraft!
  9. I hate you cool8or because I can't be you! One of the best VE-1 I've had the pleasure of seeing! wonderful
  10. The VF-11C Full armor is one of my favorites. I've often fathom the idea of jumping into the 1/100 bandwagon, I just might do it now! too bad this kits are expensive and extremely hard to get.
  11. Fully loaded wings!!!! :o The VA-3 is so ugly it's beautiful! I want one Arcadia
  12. wow, that's massive!!!! Awesome work as always! can't wait to see it finished!! I second the question on what kit that 1/72 1J is?
  13. Where's the 1/60 Tuna head!!? hhehehe, awesome figures!!
  14. Thanks, still not done, fixing and fixing little details. I sanded smooth the gunpod hole for a more clean look. The problem with working with white, every layer adds more white and makes look uneven, also, it was not sanded smooth enough So, sanded to shape again and repaint the whole part, also stripped the missile rack paint to repaint and better finish that was chipped too much. That's better now And repaint those crevasses that needed fixing too. Now I have 2 extra gunpods!!
  15. You make it sound like he left, he's still around, waiting for the right time to make us dream again. ahhaha Cool customs!! I like the 5Grand anniversary VF-1 scheme. I feel the yellow is a bit too bright on the The First style fokker low viz, still cool none the less. Where are the battroid pics?
  16. Jefuemon!! that VF-2J with the Marduk pods... I got the Airwolf theme stuck on my head now.
  17. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
  18. LOL! great diorama DarrinG!! love it!! *envy envy* um...will there be one with a TV Millia Q-Rau?
  19. HAHA! OMG!
  20. I'll play along with this Mini SDF-1 if Arcadia does something like this
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