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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. the ruskies sure knew how to built nice looking sleek fighters...too bad with the fall of the soviet union all those fighter went to hell and future plans also... no money, no nothing... oh well, it's better than the cold war nuclear threat, haha
  2. i really hated how they portrayed Max and Milia's relationship torn apart by a power struggle in Macross 7, they sorta hinted that Max wanted to fix things up, but whenever they got close to something they went along and make Basara start taling nonesense and sing like an idiot.... hated that so much anyway, how about a story about a young elite pilot who is found stranded in an old busted VF-4 who is later revealed to be Hikaru and Misa's son and that way we could get some insight on the original cast fate without having to make a story about them....
  3. who says monters can maneuver in space, just stick a huge ass booster on it's ass and we'll see them evading missiles barrages just like any valkyrie, hahahahaha
  4. hahaha!! no wonder Grahams doesn't mind about Yamatos QC, he's too busy doing 'other' stuff hahahaha
  5. uuuuuuuuuuuuuh.....finally confirmed, new macross, I hope it's a new series, perhaps we could finally get what we've waiting for, a new series with fresh ideas with no magical hocus pocus since kawamori will be too busy with his other projects... so, if they are just getting the singing 'idol' how long will it take to get the series aired?
  6. very nice....a great way to get a 1/48 Max without paying big bucks! keep up the good work dude
  7. alright, nice and tight, thanks man!
  8. hmmm....anyone having any problems with the left hip joint being loose?? I rarely transformed mine, infact, left it in gerwalk for almost a month and then in fighter mode for another month, and when I transformed into battroid I couldn't pose it right cause it kept falling apart.... *frustated* anyone knows how to take apart the joint so it can be tighten???
  9. that's about right, the price may vary a bit if it's the original or a repaint, but, the price is regularly between 120-140 USD, you should research on several places to see what's the best price and don't forget to add shipping to the final price good luck mate!
  10. woa...nice collection darkvalkyries, I see your glass stands have small reflector like lights on them, could you post pics of them on....they must look battyin
  11. haha, great stuff guys, so anyone been in a similar situation in real life?
  12. I know it's not meant to be but just curioush ow would the delta wings look in battroid I'm not too into it, the whole YF-19 apeal are the FSW, making it into a delta wing makes it look too generic
  13. 3/5 it was a great way to give closesure to the series, but as mentioned before, 5 minutes of new animation in a 30 min musice video wasn't the best way to do it maybe if they had shown the VF-4 for more than 2 seconds I wold had given it a 4/5 stars, hehehehe
  14. so...the VF-11 will carry most of it's payload with addons?? in Macross 7, the VF's are using FAST packs, I thought they could only be used in space?? that's why they always jettisoned their packs on the other Macross series....hhhhhhhmm.... ?¿?
  15. patiently waiting for the right chance for Yamato scary booth guy to make a mistake and take pictures like a madman before running
  16. most of the vf-0 comes in a yellowish white, the armor comes in blue and grey, there's a lot of painting required... at some point, it really becomes a pain in the ass with the masking and fine detailing to get it the way it should be
  17. damn! well...I voted for him... too bad...
  18. who would you have chosen in the end? Misa or Minmey and why? or would you have made up your mind before and not play around like Hikaru extra question: what would you had done with Kaifun?
  19. I want a big epic battle, were the UN-Spacy is reduce to the minimun and forced to rely on old mass produced fighters that they have left like the VF-1 and VF-4....oohh yeah!!
  20. Hello RichyX welcome to the boards, you'll find lots of usefull info in here well, you're question is sorta vague, what kind of model are you looking for? what is your budget? if you want scale models, the best ones are mostly from Hasegawa if you want toys, currently, the best is Yamato, but they are sorta expensive and right know you have reached a sorta big debate on the forum about their toys, in general, they are very good in detail, but it sometimes leaves a bit more desired for their price the Robotech masterpiece valks you mention are for some reason expensive and consider a collector item but they are really nowhere near as good as Yamato's, but if you want to make a profit, keep them sealed up cause their market value keeps increasing over the years it's nice that you're getting into a lot of Macross, but errrr.... try not to mention 'robotech' too much here since people aren't very fond of it (long story) and also, don't dwell too much on Macross 7, hhahaha! theirs a newbie thread that might be usefull (if you want to read 80 plus pages) also for peoples collection, you might want to check the 'display your collection' thread Display collection hope this help, good luck, nice to have a new member, welcome aboard!
  21. so...will Yamato be making this paint scheme??? *droooooooooooooooool* I would pay!!!!!!!!!!! exactly what I payed for my current YF-19...maybe a bit less *tisk* * tisk* hehe
  22. Basara's songs saps my will to go on too, seriously!
  23. I just pre-order my foldildo too... I know my girlfriend will be very pleaseeeeeeeed, hehehe
  24. wow, great stuff!! I wish I could get as good as you guys, damn!! here's my reactive armor, lots of pic in the 'display your collection' thread I don't know why couldn't it bring a freaking gunpod!!, next project, max and miria's VF-22's!!!
  25. it comes in that color from the factory
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