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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. woa!! he got an optimistic here! hahahhaa mmm...i actually wouldn't want any more macross 7 unless it's mentioned as something that just happened, I want to see no more Basara or fire bomber no more, just like the Hikaru, Misa and Mimmei, they are not to be discussed about anymore, hahahahhaa
  2. WOW!! get ready to get a barrage of PM's from people here to make them one for them too fantastic job, keep it up, wonder what else macross you might have already done
  3. wow, that VF-0D looks like it went throught some fun times, hehehe, like it a lot, love the worn effect on the exhaust
  4. I want Max's Q-Rau too!! maybe I should buy a pair, save them up, wait a couple of years and sell them for 300+ each...ow yeah! Macross items are never a bad investment
  5. Kissdum looks good, maybe if it works we can get sick battle scenes even better than the already amazing but short Macross Zero ones
  6. boy, we need a new topic apart from the new series anyway, let's say you are stationed in a macross fleet, you fly a VF-1J, you're the squadron leader, what color would you put in your valk'?? what squadron name?? no pink peckers please! I would like to fly a heavy dark grey scheme with red stripes called the post-mortem squadron, haha! lame! how about you?
  7. seems like a custom, but the 1982-2007 date highlighted makes you think...
  8. thar robot head sketch is rather interesting?? is it for that VF-1???, kinda ugly...and wow, that transformation sequence is killer, but I have no idea how can it keep those poses, that most be a glued like crazy to hold up, that pose where it's falling to the floor just holding by it's arm is awesome
  9. it's macross idol!! a story about how contestant enter a reality show type to see who sings the most with Basara, Minmei and Myung as judges but the viewers decides who wins and gets a contract to be the next Macross Idol, hahahahahahaa
  10. Hasegawa's 1/72
  11. what do I have to do to get that Roy DYRL helmet?
  12. wow! thanks for the step by step you make it sound so easy, too bad you appeared after I busted my ass and eyes painting my VF-22S max
  13. Valkyrie addict

    Graham's Sig

    haha! I guess that's the only way he can cope with so many secrets that he can't tell, hahahaha
  14. wow!! how the heck can you reach such amazing details on such small objets?? oh wait, what scale?? but still loook small
  15. Thanks Graham. you the man!!!
  16. Valkyrie addict

    Graham's Sig

    oh rats!! VF-11?? I've just pre-order the club-M recast on hobbyfan, but, hell yeah, I want vf-11 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with fast packs on 1st release please, and a smaller box since it's a smaller fighter
  17. BUMP...so how's the kit going? any pics?
  18. Skull 1 scheme so, anyone have ideas what's Kawamori special designed scheme YF-19 tht Yamato is going to release??
  19. hoooooooooooooooooly sh!t!! that's just not right Emerson!! ahahhaa! amazing toy collection, hope you keep kids out of that room 'cause they would just go crazy EDIT: Nice race this weekend Alain, Kimi dominated like a monster!
  20. Basara is not Jesus like!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus was not coky, self centered or driven to achieve his own pleasure, Basara only care about himself and his crappy singind and only sang for himself to achieve his own pleasure and noone understood him, besides, Jesus didn't need to fly and advance high tech valkyrie to prove his point, a donkey was enough for him EDIT: added smily!
  21. I wonder how many of us have started rewatching, SDFM, Macross II, plus and 7 to answer all the facts correctly, hahahhaa, good read indeed I actually don't like how they portrayed Reaction weaponry use on 7, it's a hassle to try to get to use them since you have to ask permission to everyone up to your mother for it, and when they got used they proved useless, it fail to destroyed a PD and a whale... I think, Macross II was mainly put off as non-cannon, as mentioned before so the stories of Mac plus and 7 could be developed, since Macross II limited the possibilites, look at how Kawamori has set up the Macross universe, very open to allow an infinite amount of stories to be telled, Macross II universe was very limited in a way, that Earth remained as it is, it develope a limted space fleet and are full of themself the original macross states that humanity shall never be close to extinction again thus the reason for the space colonization in case earth got attacked again and destroyed, and only reason I could find for the UN Spacy to limit the use of Reactin weaponry in 7 (apart from Japan's stigma), is that we shouldn't become like the Zentradi and destroy a civilization unless it was absolutely neccesary, the PD althought they were only... errr... 5 I think, were an advance race and to destroy them just isn't always the answer, and I find interesting how they portrayed Max and Miria, Max the Human as the Captain of Battle 7 always fighting and destroying, and Miria, the zentradi, mayor of City 7 trying to sort to limited militaristic approaches to protect the people and I find Zero fits well in the Macross continuity, I actually like the part, that in SDFM when Claudia is helping Misa, she tells the story of her and Focker and mentions that he got stationed in South Ataria Island for 1 year and didn't hear anything from him until she got stationed there right before SDFM storyline, which would fit into the Zero storyline, in that year, the events of Zero happened [spoiler warning for the MW fan who's been living under a rock and hasn't seen Zero] and also Focker had to grieve for that scientist chick that we never see how she got wounded so she could spit blood and die
  22. the problem with animes, is that most of them are fairly similar, once you seen one, you feel like you've seen them all they all focus in one character, a child, who is insecure and somewhat antisocial, who turns out to be the saviour of the universe but doesn't really care, is forced into the situation, and several mentors/friends help him to develop, grow up or whatever so he can finally be ready to save the world, this is mostly, when the character is male but if the main character is a female, she is a strong whiny talented cocky girl who can achieve everything, but needs to get off her ego trip to save the world and let's not forget the I can leap 15 feet easily and shoot fireball with my hand and have 3 episodes go by with flashbacks when they are in a battle or whatever, or the excessive I need to explain you everything or try to convince you that my phylosoohy is the right one before I kick your ass
  23. most annoying kid character in the history of great mecha animes.... Shinji from Evangeleon, everytime I watch it I just wanted to throw the remote at him, hahhaha that's actually something I don't quite understand from the Japanese culture, for them the age goas along with knowledge, elder people are very respected, but they have that fetish thing about little boys and girls on everything...
  24. haha! oh man, the first time I saw that I was like 'yeah! STFU!' haha uhhh...I so hated that song in Robotech, I just muted the damn thing anyway!, Kaifun has to be alive to harvest his organs, or they'll be useless, for him to be concious during the process is optional hehe
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