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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. FANTASTIC! can't wait
  2. hmmm...I got an interesting question, if I buy an extra one, could I build this without the heavy missile add-ons and be just a regular Regult?
  3. yeah, I got the sad news already, sorely dissapointed, and I keep missing all this VF-11 on ebay 'cause I'm never home to bid on at the time the auction ends, uggg.... already posted on the wanted section but it seems noone has one available...
  4. hahaha! great FAQ... you can count me in!! I've been itching to get some of your work in my hand how long will it take for the kits to be done?¿
  5. So...Shin, want to show me your AFOS head!?
  6. at least they listen to us and seem to try and do something about it...thanks Graham for all the input you give them
  7. haha! who knows, maybe Hikaru cheated Misa with Minmei on the Megaroad01 and Misa steer it to a black hole or something on vengeance, haha
  8. grooooooooooooovy!! I like how it starts to increase the flickering speed...
  9. wow! I so want this... you think Yamato would accompany this with a 1/60 YF-21? *tisk tisk*
  10. I really don't know what happened to the X-9, I never played VFX-2 so I wouldn't know--- but, let's say if in their first encounter when teh Varuata engaged the Macross 7 fleet, they would had found only X-9 suqadrons, wouldn't that be like a turn down to the Varuata, since they found a fleet with aparently no spiritia to steal and Anima Spiritia (which they hated), would they just disregard and try and find another civilization to attack!?
  11. I guess there really is no way to analize such a character like basara, Macross 7 just gave us Basara as he is and period, no why he is like he is and where he's headed, what everyones interprets of him it's up tp each one of us and our projections towards the show aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, getting a fresh new topic here, I'm not sure if this was discused before... but, in Macross 7 there was a lot of cannon fodder VF-11 loses, only the much agile and abile fighters like the VF-17, VF-19 and unquestionably the VF-22 were able to put up a fight so, a hypotetical question, if the X-9 Ghost project would not have gotten shut down and the fleet would had an X-9 squadron solely against the Varuate, since it's an unmanned vehicle with similar if not supeior abilites to the VF-19/VF-22, would you think the Varuata would had been on a disadvantage since they would had to deal with a extremely relentless oponent with no spiritia to drain?
  12. hahaha...great stuff just convince your fiancé that your valks will look more classy inside a very nice display cabinet that matched the interior decoration and the valk won't look too out of place, and if your OCD you could color coordinate your toys so the crazy color schemes don't stand out like a sore thumb, hahaha by the way, I second the 'let's get all a man room', put me first in line for a more cheaper recast!! HAHAHA
  13. coooooooooooool!! Macross plus remastered in HD!?!? *neo* WOAA! *neo* I was never particularly fond of the cheap look to the Macross Plus DVD's hmm...remastered... 7... hmm...they should had remastered DYRL in HD first...
  14. I was ready to cancel my preorder if I got the same kit I ordered from darklord on ebay but some prick outbid me in the last second! I hate that
  15. we'd also get to see a new use to the little mechanical hands that came out of the VF-1 forearm
  16. mmm...I really don't know, but I think there's a member here that has Macross Zero subtitled and I think even an episode dubbed in english for download if it helps...
  17. errr...anyway, I'm sure that in the Macross universe, by the time of Macross 7, with all this overtechnology, cloning, micronizing and stuff, medicine should had advanced enough to keep a man from 'dying' so easily, so for me basara was not dead, just in some kind of stasis, just like all the unnamed pilots that got their spirita sucked, with the singing they gave Basara some spiritia to get out of his stasis... I mean, if they have the technology to shoot Basara some pink putty in space and keep him from sneezing his lungs out in the vastness of space with no space suit whatsoever after getting blown up by a gigantic space whale they can stop him from dying so this whole messiah stop for me it's not correct
  18. I don't know if my memory is failing me or not, and will not go trough the ordeal of rewatching Macross 7 for this, but what's all this deal of Basara 'dying'? far as I remember he was in some sort of a coma... hardly dead... maybe someone could clarify this for me
  19. Basara was just at the right moment in the right place for his singing I don't think the writers sat down and said "let's make a character so people can debate if he's a messiah or not" the main reason why Basara is so discussed is basicly cause he's not the 'perfect hero' sort of speak that everyone is accostumed to see, he's more like the anti-hero that ends up helping to save the day in a big way, and it's controversial as in, how can a character with so many flaws and never changes be the saviour in such a perfect way... it's just a different approuch for Basara, since the beginning of the series, he already had all that was needed to win and that's why he's seen as a saviour, he didn't had to learn anything or do anything out of character, he just had to be himself apart from the usual flawed hero in anime that needs to grow and learn certain abilities to reach his main goal
  20. WTF?? is it breakdancing? is i ready to fall thanks to loose legs? or is showing the stiffness of the leggs by holding that odd pose? haha
  21. haha! thanks for the correction sketchley we also had Valkyries vs space whales! and people still wonder why noone respect Macross 7!!? haha
  22. Just saw the subbed episode 1, the mecha animation is cool, but i totally complete HATE the character design, I know this new pc-flash design is the current trend but it looks so LAME!! they look like badly drawn characters... anyway, story seems interesting, at the beginning I kept reminding Macross Zero and the Asuka looking for the bird human body and later I kept thinking Evangelion with all this 'book of the death', myth talk and giant invincible monster
  23. this show is sick man!! but I was dissapointed at Isaac death, I thought he was going to survive since he had already been warned by Hiro that he was going to be killed the Peter vs Sylar figh was cool but I was expecting more also, why would you turn your back on the guy you're fighting, and how of all the flying glass pieces only ONE hit in the back of his head in the most narrow point but none catch on his back... hahaha, oh well... hahaha can't wait for the next episode and see the future!
  24. thanks guys for the replies, I didn't see the 10 request and 20% deposit for the VF-11 as I've seen with other kits there, when I saw it, it already stated as taking preorders and the stimated arrival date, oh well, guess will have to wait a little more, still feel more better with the assurance that some of you got your kits
  25. maybe they saw it, decided to release the credit card black valkyrie, saw it attracted a lot of attention and decided to go with the stealth later on
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