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Valkyrie addict

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Everything posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. Holly fvck! so awesome!!
  2. I must say, this look very nice.
  3. Well, guess we're gonna have a lot of weathering to do.
  4. Has anybody gotten any shipping confirmation? They were supposed to begin shipping on the 20th
  5. Pre-ordered at HLJ.
  6. Thanks, decided to bite the bullet on this by all the great reviews.
  7. Sooo...when are this thing gonna get shipped?
  8. They will probably add a stand and hopefully waterslide decals to justify and exhorbitant price increase.
  9. MrK twits https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/542139607836409857
  10. Great work as always Kurisama. A max VF-1J MtF scheme would definitely look real good. The VF-1A/J/S heads are all interchangeable on the Yammie VF-1, but I don't know if the gills would allow the head to sit flushed in fighter mode.
  11. It's ebay, they will go for 600 each.
  12. Great box art! Nice hips articulation... but it will all be worthless if the ball jointed feet are a loose mess.
  13. That gerwalk!!!! WOW!
  14. Awesome scheme! Finished pics...pretty please
  15. Gorgeous! great skills!
  16. With some proper love and painting skills this would look killer along the Makuros SDF-1, specially that VT-1...sorry, POWER HERO
  17. Everything is too expensive for Arcadia, except human size gunpods that go pew pew
  18. Arcadia getting in the 1/100 bandwagon?, not really sure what MrK means on his twit, something about Imasara prototype https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/538268271644901378
  19. hehehe, LOL No X-mas present for MW for panicking
  20. I will get this to compare with the Arcadia floppy ankle mess. This is Bandai's trump card against Arcadia.
  21. Brilliant move by Bandai. The Yammies are too expensive and hard to find now and Arcadia isn't releasing any VF-1's that people really want. A lot of new collectors are coming and will want to start collecting and the Hi Metal line will be easily available.
  22. Outstanding! more pics!
  23. Damn nice! Articulation doesn't seem as poseable as the YF-19
  24. Oh no! balljoint ankle.... whyyyyyyyy??? Someone please twit MrK that they must fix the loose joint that the YF-19 is plagued with.
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