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Everything posted by Bmaximum

  1. Thank you, but my hat is off to YOUR collection, it is truely a work of art. I was espesially eyeing your 1/3000 scale SDF-1's. I almost got my hands on one just like yours when at the last second (and I mean the VERY LAST second) the buyer sold to someone else. As you could see, though, there are a few holes in my collection, gotta get couple alphas (3) and a cyclone to pick up and I'll be through with mospeada transformables, just to name a few.
  2. I wish my collection looked even HALF as good as some of you guys' stuff. I'm missing a few photos but here's the general picture http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jae_dragon/a...m/ph//my_photos
  3. Bmaximum

    Mac Zero

    That's probably what it was, I don't think i had the search engine set to a far enough out pattern, thanks fellas.
  4. Bmaximum

    Mac Zero

    I was browsing the yamato website and I noticed this pic of it and was wondering if anyone knew of a release date if any. Did a search here and didn't come up with anything so I was wondering if anyone got any new info. Thanks! http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=319
  5. Bmaximum

    Kids and your toys

    Assuming you mean toys...how so?
  6. Bmaximum

    Kids and your toys

    I have a three and five year old. Since the dawn of their existence I have taught them to respect other peoples' things, for the most part they wouldn't even think of grabbing my (or anyone elses for that matter) things without first asking. It also helps that I don't put my things in glass shelves but in black trunks with padlocks on them. If I feel I need to look at them for a trip down memory lane I simply open my yahoo photo album and gaze to my heart's desire. The whole outta sight outta mind thing works wonders. Besides that, though, I have had alot of things show up in the mail and each time (especially if their friends are over) they're good at saying "that's daddy's so we can't touch it untill he says ok". It also helps that I give them both alot of their own transformables so they can experience the joy. What I don't fully understand is why some of us think that by locking our things away we prevent the enevitable from happening. I know that my kids will eventually find a way around my security. I liked the high voltage idea from one of the postees as well as the one about the uncle in Hawaii but by far the better way is through pacifying them. I can't speak for everyone but I know that from my own experience as a kid, if dad and mom told me that it wasn't to be touched and locked it away in the deepest, darkest part of their room I would do a "Mission Impossible" to get to it. I'd pick locks, climb through windows, whatever had to be done. Even though I'd rarely break anything, if it became "untouchable" it automatically became the next Holy Grail. Trust me people, getting discovered won't even rank among the top ten in a kids' concerns if that "grail" is shiny enough. I know my boys'll eventually get curious enough to try to find out what is inside the plethora of containments I have my collection stored. Hopefully by the time they're strong enough to unstack those boxes it'll be because I'm giving it to them...
  7. Bmaximum

    Yamato SDF-1

    Sounds pretty cool, even though I'd love to see/buy two of these fine specimens of sculpture I'd still like to see (even though it would be a slim possibility for an official release) the armored vf-11c. I'd almost prefer the rellease of that one to the current soon to be released 1/48 GBP armor. The Macross being reserved for the last toy would be a fitting coup de-<whatever goes here>- to finish up the series, it would also let me know when to give my wallet a vacation .
  8. "Three meelleeon dollars" <puts pinky finger to corner of mouth>. I wonder how much he really paid for it and how much those are worth? I'd email and ask myself except I'm a total stranger and to ask someone you don't know a question like that is just plain rude. Thanks anyways though!
  9. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum ahead of time: I am wondering who else on this site (or anywhere else for that matter) has one of the original Beta transformables? I'm asking because even after gleaning this site for further info I still never really saw a decal sheet. Does anyone have pics? Thanks!
  10. Bmaximum

    Yamato toys

    Thanks all for the info, I am eternally grateful. To be honest I don't think there were just average (non-super) -1j Max and Millia 1:48's released, I could be wrong though as I am the one asking for a list...
  11. Bmaximum

    Yamato toys

    I have gleaned this site as to the official count of transformables that yamato has come out with up to now. Is there any way I could get some help on this matter. I just want the count on DIFFERENT mecha and scales, no reissues please.
  12. any pics?
  13. Much appreciated opus That's 21~24 degrees celcius...
  14. I would say use some dessicant packets and keep everything in the coolest, dryest place you can find. If you have a separately air conditioned room it would probably be best to keep it at a steady 70~75 degrees Farenheight (don't know if I spelled that right) with some sort of bug repellent plentiful and strategically placed. Just imagine if termites were to get to it without your knowledge, in NO TIME you'd have nothing but toys and droppings! P.S. Does anyone have the calculation for farenheight to celcius for those of us who don't live in the us?
  15. how old are they now? something tells me you will not be putting these models together for the next 10 years 3 and 5 years old. Right now the know to leave daddy's stuff alone when the mail comes (new toy additions) but I'm sure it would be a totally different matter if there was something (with REAL small parts) laying about for weeks or months at a time. I can just see it now, at a critical phase of construction something either comes up missing or mutilated and mystically returned with the ghost known as "Not Me" taking the blame. LOL
  16. Assuming your talking to me (because I came in on the end of this thread) I plan on assembling my models when my boys get old enough to leave well enough alone and when I stop getting moved from place to place.
  17. Hey guys, been missing in action for a while but still doin my thing. I'm missing quite a few pics but this is what I have so far. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jae_dragon/a...m/ph//my_photos
  18. Hello all, to answer a few questions. 'Aces, somehow during shipping the box must have become damaged, the window had gotten scarred too but it's all good, I'm just glad I have her. Thanks for helping me to complete my 1/55 singles collection! I don't display my items as I don't really have the room and probably wouldn't anyways as I have two small, extremely intelligent kids. If you look closely at most of the pics they are sitting on top of a black trunk, there are quite a few just like them that they have all been conservatively packed in. For the most part I will not be benifiting from them other than having the absolute joy of ownership as I will most likely be passing them down to whatever child or grandchild starts collecting. I suppose this also answers the question as to if I play with them, I don't have my room set up yet so my played with items aren't pictured. Most of my predacons were purchased before big transformers craze began with the exception of razorclaw as he was the hardest to find, I did see some poor bastard pay almost quadruple what I put down to own them not too long ago though .Still debating as to wether I should get the japanese giftset or not... Hey recon, just what is happening when you click the link to the pics? I have everything set up to public access so you should be able to see it. If you have a firewall set up to max security then that may be the root of your problem. let me know what's happening and I'll do my best to help you . Hope this helps, I'm off to look for some more alphas!
  19. Bmaximum


    Ok while I'll admit it has become somewhat of an addiction it is one that I am happy with. I have just completed a revision of my collection so I figured I'd share my progress up to now with all of you. There are a couple yamatos I still have to photograph but other than that I am just about done. EVERYONE please feel free to post what you have as well, I haven't been here for awhile and will be leaving again for a long while and would like to see what you all have! http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jae_drago...del%3as,2%3af,0
  20. Maaan, that is good to know, where can I get some of this product!?! I too was looking into doing some experiments on yellowed valks using crest whitening strips but alas I have no yellowed valks to experiment on...nevermind I think I know where I can get one. As we all know the yellowing (as before mentioned) is a chemical reaction that leaves a dinjy yellow color, the crest strips (designed to remove butter from teeth) just may have the opposite effect. I'll keep you posted.
  21. Nah, not that far out but around...
  22. I have the 1/48 Max VF-1J on order, other than the expected Millia VF-1J does anyone here have any ideas what yamato has up their sleeves within the next six months. I ask because I'll be outta the house for that timeframe with very little to no email capabilities and will need to clue the wife/in-laws in on what to look out for while I'm away. Thank you all!
  23. Aww it's all good . To set the record straight I did however get a bit miffed about the other reissues. I would'nt be as selfish to seek sanctuary for only my own collection, that's just childish, I just didn't want to cry over what's already been done. It's not just about value it's about being able to put yours in a room FULL of that which is new and being able to tell it from the rest. These are works of art, a question; how would you feel if you owned a Lassen or Da Vincci only to find out everyone else on your block had copies of the exact same one. You'd still enjoy it, cherish it, but it would be a little harder to do so because although YOURS is an original, it becomes somewhat watered down. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand where you're coming from with the pricing as I was able to get my last taka for a considerably cheaper price, I just lament for those who spent beaucoup bucks only to find that they should've waited...
  24. And well spoken at that. I'm sorry if a great many of you disagree with my logic but I had to save and brown bag my lunches to work for almost a year before I had enough to complete the Macross holy four. I'm sure many others had to go through just as much blood and sweat to complete their sets. Valkfan, I'm with you, if all of the valks were reissued then all we have left is "special packaging", it kinda takes all the fun outta collecting. While, yes, the prices are a bit extravegant it becomes a game of "how badly do you want it", if you don't want it that bad then you don't pay, if you do then you scrounge but in the end it's worth it. Not so if someone just got one that looks just like yours only about 20 years newer...then there's the jackasses that'll attempt to pass of a newer model for an older one and dupe an unsuspecting customer. I could go on all day but in the end I will say that if Bandai were to reissue the holy four it really cuts the legs of of the rest of us who went through hell to get the originals...unless they did something drastically different with them. ***To All: I apologize if I veered too far off topic (mainly I apologize to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 for this IS his topic about the history of...) if there any replies to what I wrote then please pm me, unless others feel them welcome here. Once again I apologize***
  25. I'd pay ONLY if it were the transformable version, it just seems a bit boring to have this fortress maximus sized bomber that dosen't change.
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