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Everything posted by Bmaximum

  1. Bmaximum

    I'm back...

    Thanks alot for the replies thus far! Another question...alot of the stuff I'm missing is from a few years ago to pressent. What are the best sites to go to for gettin all these valks without havin to saber duel with everyone on ebay? Not that I'm not prepared to make a few more victims outta those who challenge but for some of these valks it's just not cost effective...
  2. Bmaximum

    I'm back...

    Most definately! I will be getting the Mac plus and zero valks. On the upper row. were those the 25th anniversary vf's in the black and gold boxes? Macross frontier...I am SOOOOOOOOO outta the loop on this one! I will check it out! Are there any valks coming out for it?
  3. Bmaximum

    I'm back...

    Hey people! I'd like to first start off by bidding you all a hearty hello! I hope all has been well in my absence (I.E. not too many flame wars breaking out) and all has been in good spirits. It's taken me a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time to come back, to be honest I'm still climbing to my feet (as there have been nothing but uphill battles) but now it would appear that things are finally stabilizing enough so that I can begin buying again. To be totally honest there's prolly not too many of you who remember me...that's fine, for those who do...SOUND OFF!!! What I'm looking for from my fellow fans is a shopping list of the TRANSFORMABLES that I missed. I perussed the site (I know that Shawn and GRAHAM stay real busy so it can be hard to update things from time to time) and I know there are a few more valks etc. that haven't made it to the list yet. Please do me a favor and look through what I have and tell me what holes need to be cemented. Much appreciated! http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z84/jae...tion/?start=all
  4. Thank you and funny you should ask about the 1/100 scale takas...I was looking for those (actually) before I went on my hiatus from collecting. If you look reeeeeallly close there is a 1/100 scale bandai hiding in my collection. Take a bow though sir! You are definately pretty accurate as I have an efinity(sp?) for the chunkies! It all started (same as alot of people here) with Jetfire...Jetfire...Jetfire...< goes into flashback sequence >
  5. C'mon bro change it to jet form!!! This j/m is so damned cool!
  6. Thank you!! With the mospeada stuff it is a little incomplete, I require the iota or the theta (i think) and the blowsuperior and bartley robotech versions. The tread was a little hard to come by, bought it from a frenchmen of this site actually while trollin the background for a really sweet price! With the beetras I was hopin to someday find beet vadam but after a bit of research I found out that that and beet papil never came to be. As with the beetras and insecter robos I wanted it to be seen that before the insecticons came into be...they were here, I think a full ten years prior? I think my collecting style makes me a completist, but only in certain products, sizes or styles.
  7. Thank you, yeah, I been outta circulation since late '05. If you notice, just about everything that came out in the latter half of 2000 on back I collected in duplicate. It's because (like alot of members here) I have kids...two sons to be exact. At current they seem to be interested in alot of the same stuff I'm interested in but they're still young. I plan on giving them all my yamatos by dividing them evenly between the 2 of them, whomever takes better care of their collection may have everything else...If yamato ever stops putin out valks then I'll probably stop collecting after a couple more joe's, transformers and star wars figs. I have a list, a bunch of valks to pick up over at the ex's family home back in Japan and VERY limited space...
  8. Hello all, I've been gone awhile, alot has happened, some good, mostly bad but the good thing is that I'm recovering and will be back collecting as soon as I can. In the meantime (and mind you everything isn't pictured) enjoy these photobucket pix. Oh yeah, can ayone help me out with navigating photobucket? I migrated everything over from yahoo about a year ago and it didn't all go in order. I tried to rearrange it via "remix" but it made a funky slideshow movie, I want everything like it was...organized. In the meantime here's the collection! Enjoy! http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z84/jae...tion/?start=all
  9. Bmaximum

    Please Read

    Sorry, I've been gone for a bit but I thought this was a topic about those unfortunate souls who need replacement parts. Instead there is alot of flame spray that basically boils down to a persons inablilty to keep calm. Just trying to figure something out to put things into perspective...this is a fan site, right? For the most part we all enjoy our product, right? Why is it we all have to be persecuted for the cumulative negative experiences that the few have had...sure it is the given right of EVERYONE to complain but I don't recall it extending to inflicting onself on the masses. Think about it, we are (for the most part) all grown, so why are some here *&tchin about toys? Hard earned money spent, yes, we all get the picture. Just register a complaint, find a way to fix your item and keep moving...positively. I, personally have had no issues with my collection. I'm cool with it but I find it personally insulting when I get called out for enjoying my problem-free eye candies. Get a bad product and you have a right to *&tch at the company but not at the company you keep...
  10. Sorry, been gone for a minute. I can scan the stickers for you but it could take some time. Jetfire is in one of nine trunks that are stacked in a room that has been deemed "for storage". Believe it or not there are some pics of Items that I haven't added yet. Due to the state of my house it's a hard task to pull off. Reminator, when do you need the scan by, I will do my best to accomodate you!
  11. Thanks for the compliment kind sir! It's actually an incomplete collection so t answer your question, nothing is gonna be on sale anytime soon. On top of that I was really planning to give everything to my boys when they get old enough to care, hence alot of the newer items being collected in twos. I rather enjoy what I have, what did you have an eye for? 373203[/snapback] it's kinda obvious that it's you. Solscud has like nothing compared to your stuff. 373210[/snapback]
  12. I couldn't separate them in this folder, please enjoy. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jae_dragon/a...m/ph//my_photos
  13. yeah, me too, I already have them separately, it'd be too hard to house this as a giftset. I'll keep looking anyways though! Thanks for the assist!
  14. A good friend of mine was telling me about a toys r us exclusive where there was a hikaru 1/48 vf-1(s?) that was packaged with strike armor. While my chances of finding one may be slim and none I'd still like a picture of a packaged one so I can know what I'm looking for. Can any of you help me out? Thanks!
  15. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!!!!!!! A beta, one to go with all my alphas. To heck with all the complainin, I'm just happy somebody FINALLY listened to my prayers and made one...BIG enough to fit the alphas that were already made. So long as it transforms (and I'm pretty sure it will) I'll buy a couple. I wonder if they'll milk this one and make one for every color variant? Maybe they'll make the cyclones next!
  16. Bmaximum

    Toy Ages

    Pretty funny Toonz but it still doesen't give me the faintest clue as to which is which for a decent age grade. Evanta, we are not trying to sponsor conformity, just trying to figure out if anyone already knows the brackets for toy ages that has most likely been set long ago. I am more than sure that this isn't the first time this subject has been brought up. in fact I'd be willing to wager that it's come up enough times for a group of someones to put out a set date or age to recognize a toy's graduation from one group to another. Thanks Akabob for your guesstimate...As for the gerbil, I've now gotten some rather funky thoughts running through my head like, searching the nearest pet shop for a gerbil with QC problems...I'll leave it at that. Must be getting dumb tired.
  17. Bmaximum

    Toy Ages

    I was cutting the grass and thinking...What are the differences in toy years for an item to go from new to classic, classic to vintage, vintage to antique? I was thinking new to classic, store bought to 10 & 15 years, classic to vintage, 10+~30+, vintage to antique being any toy over 30 years of age. Anyone else have info to support or disclaim?
  18. A ray of SENSE...thank you! Other than an announcement was there any other info granted? I had read through most of this thread and didn't see anything further, I was hoping there were maybe some test shots or something? I won't say that I agree with their marketing strategy ot their QC with the vf-1's I think the alphas are on point. While we all wouldv'e probably rather Yamato got the liscense for all that is Mospeada, Toynami's doin aight. All they need to do now is concentrate more on the toy and less on gimickry and both the Beta and Cyclone would be tight. I'm Reeeeeeeaaaaly lovin the idea of a Beta that would fit the alphas they came up with! Cyclones with rubber (treaded) tires wouldn't hurt too.
  19. OK, OK We get it already! Please <before my head explodes> does anyon have any pics or proof of any newness from toynami? Maybe a projected timeframe, specs...SOMETHING. I'm incredibly thirsty for some form of info and this thread is starting to play out more like an intifada than anything. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY CREDIBLE, PLAUSIBLE INFO!?! Please...
  20. Cyclones and Betas in ALL colors would be nice. As a twist though, they should make the Betas compatible with the alphas they've already released. They'd be big as all hell but who on this board WOULDN'T go ape dookie over a well skulpeted combo like that? Then there's the prospect of Cyclones! I've always had nothing but love for these bikes. I'd also like to see a more up to date cyclone version, like a transformable Hiyabusa 1300cc or a GXR 1000 in the same way macross stepped up it's game and made all the mac plus valks. I use the term good skulpt in howes that Toynami will get this right. With the vf-1's it was pretty much crash 'n' burn. With the alphas it looks like they picked up the rear a bit so if you figure it in mathmatic terms they have a negative and a positive that puts them at an even slate. Mind you, I am only judging their latest items of the pop era (robotech) and then just the vf-1's and alphas. It's faceted point of veiw.
  21. I haven't received mine from dell yet either. But, the 1gb sticks are in stock at many other places now: Anandtech Deal forums all within your price range. I'm gonna stick out my dell deal until 6/15 and if they delay it again, I'll just buy it elsewhere I have that game too, the problem though is that my BGM seems to have gone out. I keep my battery on full charge and havent really messed with much. can anyone tell me how to get the BGM for ridge racer (for the psp) to return? This is my first racer and is alot of fun but would be much better with the music! Thanks!
  22. what page was the last set of pics on? I know about the first page I just don't wanna go through all 21+ other pages
  23. Bmaximum

    HCM 1/72 VF-1S

  24. I started collecting transformers initially. It started with the insecticons as they were my first ebay kill...managed to get the WHOLE set from a guy (misb) for 150.00. Then my next target was jetfire. I had always wanted a jetfire when I was younger but was constantly given the rejection stamp from my parents. My buddy Darkwind told me about the many different jetfire versions and after carefull consideration hunted down and bought a painted matsushiro. Remembering how similar the design was to robotech (I hadn't heard it called macross yet) valks I did some more inquiry and learned about the (somewhat) dark past of the U.S. transformers line. I learned that the transformers I came to know were actually borrowed from about two to three other toylines and was at least ten years old by the time we saw them...well, the earlier versions anyway. This peaked my interest and I talked more with Darkwind who gave me this (well the earlier one) website address. I went to the "toys" section and my eyes became opened, my hands...greedier. I still collected transformers but it became almost like a civic duty to own every variation of macross transformable that was factory produced. This also lead me to collect mospeada and robotech. I still have a ways to go before I am "finished" even though I am past the 3/4 mark but that was how the colletion started. Later I ended up with two boys and that was when I had the idea...start collecting two of everything that comes out after the oldest was born. Now I can give them a booster to start their collections off with when they get a bit older. If they start to collect then I will divide things evenly down the middle, the one who takes better care of his collection gets to manage mine when I am gone. If only one collects the he will be the sole inheriter of my legacy, if neither chose to collect then I'll pass it down to a grandson that will. That or I'll lock it all in a cript somewhere and draw up a bogus map on heavy parchment and let them (far reaching family predacestry) find it that way. LOL!
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