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- Birthday 08/23/1974
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Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)
Not many of you remember me...I collected all manner of things, not just macross. I was on here buying, selling and trading but all of that was while I was in the service. Wasn't rich but my income was a lot more disposable than in recent years. I was also living in Hawaii so, when I got out of the service, life changed drastically. There was no housing allowance, medical insurance became a thing and, suddenly, the money I thought was gonna stretch (although the actual bring home was much higher...the benefits placed me well below the poverty line) didn't, on top of that, I got divorced. Luckily she wasn't interested in my collection bc I'd spent a good bit of coin on it. I collect comics too, this is far easier to keep up with. Long story short I'm currently back home, making better money, and choices. Got remarried to a woman who's down with my collecting and am now looking to return to it. But yeah, I had stopped for the better part of 13 years...BELIEVE ME, this is the extreme abridged version of everything that has happened...crap was like a movie, lots of ups and downs but I think I'm finally back...at some point, I'll start a thread in the collections part of the forum with a link, if admin will be cool with it...
Bmaximum changed their profile photo
Hello all! I've been gone for a pretty long time and am happy to be back. For those of you who remember me, how has things been? For those who don't, it's good to make your acquaintance! I just saw a show on the Travel Channel called 'toy hunter'! I did a search on this site and I didn't find mention of it...if there are other threads talkin about it then I apologize ahead of time for not being thorough enough. Here's the thing...there's an area where you can post your collection on their .com. I have watched the show and so far, macross hasn't been getting any love. Right now transformers and gi joe get most of the repeats...it's like no one knows of the beauty that is macross and it just ain't right!!! What say ye?
Hello all! I've been gone for a pretty long time and am happy to be back. For those of you who remember me, how has things been? For those who don't, it's good to make your acquaintance! I just saw a show on the Travel Channel called 'toy hunter'! I did a search on this site and I didn't find mention of it...if there are other threads talkin about it then I apologize ahead of time for not being thorough enough. Here's the thing...there's an area where you can post your collection on their .com. I have watched the show and so far, macross hasn't been getting any love. Right now transformers and gi joe get most of the repeats...it's like no one knows of the beauty that is macross and it just ain't right!!! What say ye?
Good lookin out bro! I'm always lookin to educate myself further! As you can all see by the collection I posted earlier in this thread I am a fan mainly of the transformable genre stemming mostly towards Macross and Transformers. ANY new input is always appreciated!
Thank you Thank you thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyout hankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouth ankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyoutha nkyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But was it one of the first releases? I have already seen evidence to state that the sticker sheets were different even among the Mat jetfires much less between the Mats and the later releases...you have an original Mat JF and all it had was the trusty gun clip? Thanks for answering before and thanks for any answer in advance.
C'mon ppl let's keep it clean here...I'll admit, I saw it too but decided to err on the other side of things, s'why I spelled out "transformables", LOL! But seriously, lest the topic get closed by mods can we please stay on target? Missile trees...Jetfires?
Actually I started out a fan of transformables. For the most part it really didn't matter the toy line. When I was young my family really didn't have the money to get me army dudes and vehicles to put them in, I opted for toys that could be both. As it turned out some were cool (transformers) and some not so much (convertors, go-bots etc...), it really didn't stop me from liking the ones that weren't so cool tho. I actually owned the Ovelon Gazette variant in the convertors line and got mad praise for it, only to have it stolen about a week after buyin it, I wasn't the only fan...Gi Joe was out of the question because even though the action figures themselves were somewhat inexpensive they almost certainly required accessories and vehicles which costed alot more and broke far more easily. From a parental perspective I can see why I did't get any Joes. In the end I am a fan of both Macross and the transformers (80's) toyline. Hope that answers your question!
Not disagreein with you but tryin to further strengthen your reply, YES what got alot of us into MACROSS was ROBOTECH. What got most of us into robotech tho...JETFIRE...It's the honest to <insert deity here> truth! When you chck the sindication from back in the day, transformers ratings had robotechs beat hands down. unless you were a bit older, almost too old to care about the toys, you weren't gonna care about the necessary subtleties and plot twists that robotech/macross had to offer. I mean, if you want further proof, ask 10 ppl our age (I'll be nice and throw mine out there, 35) how many watched transformers and looked steadfastly for the toys and then ask the same of robotech...it'll be fairly unanimous. Such can't be asked here because there'd be an obvious bias and not that it'd be a bad bias but there'd be a bias nonetheless. Continuing, due to Transformers being a ratings juggernaut with the kids they were able to sell more toys, kids run into the stores and see a JF on the shelf and think the looks real cool but don't later make the connection until later on when they see robotech. An example of ratings, I remember TF's being shown on FOX back in the day between 330 and 4 in the afternoons, the MAIN channel where all the cool cartoons were shown AND PRIME TIME. Robotech was on an off channel, not ABC or NBC and real early in the morning on the weekends, not impossible to catch but not the busiest time for TV. That was Midwest early 80's television lineups so I can't speak for the rest of the country, but the areas I know of. The few of us that were able to make the link were the ones who were not only lucky enough to either have the toy or know someone who had it but get up early enough (at least once) to catch robotech. So, yeah Skull-1, I agree with you! But can anyone PLEASE tell me if Jetfire came with missiles!?!
Again, I would caution against the use of such strong terminology. a rip off would be the use of a licenced product without permission of the parent company. Hasbro had full permission to use all molds to create the transformers toy line. The creators of the convertors/maladroids toyline made toys that looked like their other transformable varients but with small "alterations", just enough to get them over the top to make the toys. If they had the licences then Istand corrected but this is my educated guess...Sooooo...jetfire had NO missile tree?
I think the convertors were all knock offs. The transformers, Jetfire, the Insecticons ect...were all licensed port overs. the convertors were all poorly made reproductions of the original toys. Look at Joons, those would be another example of knock offs. I mean, if we were to truely consider JF a knock off then the Gakken Alphas (robotech) would also be knock offs....see what I mean? To echo Chen...
I apologize then for the harshness of such a comment, I've seen topics of this nature closed and locked by admin...so I want/ed to approach this with the utmost delicateness. One of the reasons I asked the questions I asked was because I may be getting back into the collecting scene sometime in the near future, another is just my innate curiousity. Not trying to turn this into a collections thread but I wish to shed a little illumination by showing why I asked about the heatshield and missile tree. Missing are pics of the open and closed GBP giftset and a pic of an open 90's super vf-1s. http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z84/jae...tion/?start=all
I most definately concur, Jetfire deserves a place amongst macross purity, if not for him maybe I wouldnt've found the pearly gates of Macrossdom. I understand that alot of the purists want to keep this a strictly macross themed site and that is how Shawn and Graham would want it...it's just, when it comes to Jetfire, the lines aren't as black and white as many others, who may want to ban this type of talk, say they are. If we were talkin about Jazz or Bumblebee then yeah, that' strictly for transfans but JF's different. Also, I would like it noted that am NOT trying to mount an insurrection but do my miniscule part to raise awareness...OK, so to the task at hand, is it unanimous that there was NO heatshield with the first mat jetfires? What about missile trees?
Yeahhhhhh, that price took it from high-end toy to, "Ludacris speed GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Y'know, as much love as I have for the ol chunkies (believe me I have most, if not all of em) I will have to agree with you. My love for them all began with jetfire. Honestly, I understand that he is a transfan fav and this is a Macross site, he is a bridge between the two. Maybe it IS unauthorized talk and I apologize but as we and countless others point out, without Jetfire, we may not have found out about Macross. I know it' beating a dead horse to proverbial mush but that's how it is. Hell, when I was a kid, my cousin owned a jetfire and that's where it began. They stayed on shelves for a while where I was from and I BEGGED my folks to get me one for xmas. instead what I got was a robotech alpha...at the time (early 80's) one cartoons popularity was easily eclipsed by the other so I'd BARELY heard of robotech. On top of that it was the 1/35 scale alpha, at a lil ove 25.00 each it escaped me as to why my floks opted to get two of one instead of one of what what asked...it woulda been so much cheaper. I was like "hey, who am I to argue?" and went on my merry way, questioning "What IS robotech"? I had a real hard time sitting through it though because, as a kid I was hyper and there wasn't enough explosions in it for me, I DID, however notice that, in the opening, there was a fighter that looked JUST LIKE jetfire with a yellow and black color variant. Later I'd find this to be Roys' fighter but I'd be perplexed about why there was a major switchup between both macross (robotech) and the toy which came to be named skyfire (speakin of which, I can understand why the fighter had to be redesigned for the cartoon but not what was up with the name change) until years later when I'd start collecting. At that time I pondered Jetfire's dark history and discussed it with a friend of mine and fellow MW'er Darkwind. After some deliberation I delved into the world of macross starting with a Mat Jetfire and collecting all the chunkies, it pretty much grew from there, Hell, I even got a joons! The question remains though, I know that the earlier Jetfires (which are directly related to the original chunkies of takatoku ect...) came with the fighting kite symbol, whatever came of the missile tree and heat shield?