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Everything posted by Sevket_Erhat

  1. Thanks for the compliments. Please do not forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel. We are planning a YF-21 Stop Motion video as well
  2. Yes that's lots of work
  3. Here is the stop motion video done by my 10 year old son. I hope he becomes a successfull film director one day. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel http://youtu.be/82yssDtmrUk
  4. Bought my YF-29 Durandal and Super parts 30th Anniversary colorscheme. My first after all those years
  5. Not recent at all but I am watching Macross Plus OVA and Cowboy Bebop
  6. As long as there are lots of mecha fighting I am in. I like some of the songs but those love triangles are not needed anymore
  7. I got my five Master Grade Kits today F91 Wing Zero Custom Strike Freedom Strike with I.W.S.P FAZZ they'll be smaller than I expected when finished. Someone told me they'd be about the size of 1/72 VF-11B but it does not look like so...
  8. Looks promising even though I'm not into the character designs too
  9. Any chances of English release of Alliance vs Zaft II Plus ?
  10. I want to ask one thing. I'm currently watching Gundam SEED series and about to come to the end. Shall I be watching Movie version before moving on to Destiny or should I not bother with the movies as I'm very familiar with the series considering I'm watching all the episodes and save it for later And from where can I get this Gundam SEED After Phase ? (No torrent is working now)
  11. Where did you ordered yours from ? And I must say that crossbone looks really good
  12. I hope it becomes reality one day
  13. I have ordered: Master Grade Gundam Wing Zero Custom Master Grade FAZZ (Sentinel) Master Gride Strike Gundam with IWSP Master Grade Strike Freedom Gundam (No review yet) I'm so happy
  14. I got my 1/72 VF-11B FastPack the day before and it is simply beautiful. I got 1/72 YF-21 Fastpack and I don't like it cause it gives me lots of headaches when transforming. I can never get it right in one go. I don't have YF-17 or YF-19A (Yet) but VF-11B is clearly my favourite
  15. Thanks a lot for the link I found the book for $ 35 on Ebay but I'll go for this one since it is much much cheaper
  16. Bump for the MS Encylopedia
  17. Please give me more information on this. Where can I get myself one ?
  18. Thanks for the link
  19. Any links for these Newtype 100% books ?
  20. Just to resurrect this really old topic I want to buy a Gundam Encylopedia or Gundam Artwork book I came accross Gundam Illustrated 2006 ( You can find 2003 one scanned here Any other books you can think of on Gundam. All reccomendations welcomed
  21. From where can I get this chrome version ? Please recommend me some sites to buy Gundam FIX & MSIA that would ship internationally
  22. Looks fantastic. Thanks
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