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Everything posted by xstoys

  1. He might beat you if your supsension pops out of its sockets because you didn't put back some crucial mounting bolts.
  2. Nick, you crack me up!
  3. xstoys

    Yamato 1/48 GBP Pic

    Hey as a Taka GBP owner I resent that haha. nothing will top the taka GBP NOTHING hahah. But this is close. Oh, stop bragging already about your "jacked" Taka GBP. Some day it's true owner will hunt you down & take revenge!
  4. Damn that's HOT!
  5. The wonders of Photoshop.
  6. Thats my kit! I'm famous! Geez ... looks really familiar. I wonder where else I've seen one before.
  7. Carl is not the only one who owns a Tread, but it's doubtful the the "other" Tread would be available for cloning either.
  8. So technically, the Super Ostrich just runs away faster. I always thought it was because it had the ability to evade its enemies by ducking its head into the body and pretending that no enemies were around. After all, if you can't see them, they can't see you right? Something like this...
  9. Just for kicks ... here's an older pic of some of my stuff. Believe it or not, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  10. Hi Carl, Too the best of my knowledge, I agree with you about the IHP statements. I too was under the impression that Mr. Sakuragawa was the man responsible behind IHP; & that he now works for Yamato. Unless he does some side projects away from Yamato, I doubt we'll see IHP put out anything else anytime soon.
  11. We don't know this for certain. Never assume ... it makes an "ass" out of "u" & "me."
  12. i hate you. hahha... just playing. from reading around these threads... u almost have it all... or do have it all. nice helmets btw. wanna sell me one of those conversion kits? Possibly ... PM with offer.
  13. Actually, I own 2. Chances of recast are slim to none... this is a very rare & complicated converison kit with many, many small pieces.
  14. R.I.P. ... "Superman"
  15. Thanks for the info ... although late. We've had another thread floating around here about this for a few months already.
  16. Uhhh ... no they're NOT! There are a few people here on MW that have seen these up close & can definitely verify they are indeed not Chris' or Rob's custom VF-1A heads.
  17. I second this request! Here's a third request, chunky-munkey lovers unite! xstoys, when you speak of reissues, are you reffering to the 200x reissues or the 1990 reissue(s)? I knew Bandai had new head molds planned for the 1990 series, but was unaware they that had new heads planned for the 200x line as well. Thanks! That would be the 200X re-issues.
  18. Are you serious? Where's the love? Didn't anyone take some pictures to share with those of us who couldn't make it to MWCon? Hey XSToys, show us the prototypes! Seeing is believing... guess you had to be there.
  19. Thanks for the props:D
  20. I don't know. Everyone who was supposed to go flaked on me; so I didn't go either. But here is a pic of the concert from Mari's site. Maybe next time.
  21. xstoys

    Macross Arcade

    Someone's gotta do it.
  22. xstoys

    Macross Arcade

    Here's a pic of my Macross Arcade machine.
  23. Here's a quick pic.
  24. Actually Bandai did make them ... for the re-issues, that is. Bandai made several "new" head sculpts in the 1/55 tradition for the re-ssiue Macross Valkyrie line several years ago, but unfortunatley the new sculpts only made it as far as the prototype stage. New 1/55 heads & paint schemes were made for: VF-1A Max (DYRL Blue) VF-1A Hikaru (DYRL Red) VF-1A Cannon Fodder (Brown) VF-1J Hikaru (TV Series Grey) VF-1S Roy (DYRL Yellow) VF-1S Hikaru (DYRL Red) VF-1D (TV Series) There are @ 3 prototypes of each style valkyrie known to exist. There were even new "new" prototype sculpts for the TV & DYRL pilots; as well as an incomplete sculpt for a 1/55 scale "Tomahawk;" roughly about 80% finished. Rumor also has it that there was even a 20" SDF-1 prototyped, but no images have ever been seen. The prototype is still believed to be at the Bandai studio. The re-issue line did not do as well as Bandai had hoped, due to fierce competition from Yamato & Toynami releasing thier toys, so it therefore lived a short life. Bandai did not think the retail price of new sculpts justified the mold costs. Perhaps in another few years Bandai may release the line again; but there are no current plans to re-release 1/55 toys such as the Strike, Elintseeker, or Super Ostrich from Bandai.
  25. It would probably fit your "massive brain."
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