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Everything posted by xstoys

  1. So, was I... I was also one of the people that put in the $100 for this kit, along time ago in a galaxy far far away 342555[/snapback]
  2. I'm in for 2!
  3. Cobywan, Are you sure? I have seen Jeffrey with Newtype at AX; as well as received e-mails from him regarding "Hobbyfan" online orders? Hobbyfan is also located in the Bay Area. I remember this guy because I used to frequent his store in SF.
  4. Nope, that retail store is long gone... it used to be a small hole in the wall on 9th & Judah in San Francisco. The owner was a guy named Jeffrey. You may know that guy better online now as "Hobbyfan."
  5. I believe it's "Takani" who does the Macross art for the model boxes.
  6. No, he's back in Japan.
  7. Just FYI , incase you hadn't heard, Seiichi WILL NOT BE selling at SDCC. Apparently, the dealer tables were over booked & SDCC failed to notify Shawn about it until recently. Because of this drawback, Seiichi unfortunately will not be selling in San Deigo; but do keep an eye out for his web store coming soon.
  8. The other prize was a Toynami super-posable VF-1S SD Comic-Con exclusive from 2004 autographed by the sculptor. Credit for this custom goes to Devin (Anasazi), who was nice enough to complete this custom for me by MW Con5. He finished so late into the game , that it had to be overnighted to me the day before the con. Thanks devin!
  9. Seiichi is returning to Japan on Tuesday 6/21/05 & coming back to the US for San Diego Comic-Con in July. Most of his items are vintage items. It is unlikely he will ship too many 1/48's or larger sized Macross items. His inventory consists of mainly vintage books & models (plastic & resin).
  10. xstoys

    Macross Arcade

    Someone's gotta do it. you bought jerry's? i didn't know the macross game doesn't have sound. that's too bad. The macross plus board is cool cuz it's a double board. I don't have that one though. i ahve the macross one but I don't have a machine to play it on. Yup, thats' me. It lives as part of my collecion now! Who said the Macross game does not have sound??? That's ridiculous! Mine has sound & music. In fact it plays quite loudly.
  11. Or quantity!!!
  12. Ahhh, but do you have a "never released" Bandai 1/55 protoype hand sculpted Tomahawk?
  13. In relation to my own collection ... Does that mean massiveness [sheer numbers] ... YES Totalness [one of everything ever made] ... YES Cost [whoever has all three beta versions ] ... KIND OF; but not necessarily all three beta versions Or what? ... YES
  14. You talking bout Tony? Yep he is tha man I guess. dood!!! say something!!! anything? Anything...??? It's not nice to toot one's own horn, but if there is something you want to say .... go for it!
  15. You talking bout Tony? Yep he is tha man I guess.
  16. I'm in for 1.
  17. Please put me down for 1 conversion kit. xstoys
  18. I think we're having it on June 19, 2005, Sunday.
  19. Looks like 1/6 scale is finally getting some respect around here... Nice work Exo!
  20. Are there any sapmle pics of the HK company's previous custom outfits? Do they have a website?
  21. That would be "Rei Ayanami." She's showin' some skin with one hand & holding a Eva 01 helmet with the other.
  22. So, is this thing really headed to MW Con 5?
  23. Oops, sorry for the typo...
  24. First of all, can we please get the name right? It's "xstoys"! To answer your question, yes, I do plan on a few other Macross 1/6 scale figures; as for a Roy we'll have to wait & see. If you are looking to recast your custom head, there are a few options available here on at MW. You can contact a few of our local recasters; such as Rohby, Meyersjessee, Valkyrie, mslz22, etc, just to name a few. They may be able to help you recast your head. Another option is to check out this thread Fulcy put up about how to do your own casting. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41 Good luck & keep us updated on your progress.
  25. This is what you seek. There are some more detailed pics of 12" Isamu Dyson here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/mwat/t...o/_tony_yao.htm
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