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Everything posted by xstoys

  1. Anyone else get any updates or invoices for Over-Drive deliveries?
  2. No it does not.
  3. Finally, someone else now lug these things to the MW Cons so I don't have to!
  4. I don't know... it takes a lot to make me drool.
  5. Hi Save, Your PM box is full. Please check your PM's & clear out your box.
  6. Better connecting belt area to front of figure; instead of a loose plastic clip.
  7. Here are a few rare Macross posters I brought to the last MW Con. You will notice that there are 2 variant Macross DYRL double sized posters. Look for the the logo palcements on each one. The other is a rare double sized "Kawamori autographed" Macross Zero poster. I also have the matching "Kawamori skecth/autographed" 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru. In the background you can also see the large poster sized hanken cels of the VF-1J cutaway section, the SDF-1 Battle Fortress cutaway & SDF-1 Cruiser cutaway. These can be see better in the other thread about Macross cel collections. Enjoy!
  8. Very impressive to see all 6 vol. of Mac II posters, but wait... there is a 7th! There is also a Vol. 0... it's even more rare!
  9. Here's a little something from my cel collection. All of these are large poster sized. Enjoy!
  10. Hehe!!!
  11. Bad news...!!! http://www.kvue.com/news/top/stories/01060...e.466a87af.html
  12. Yes, like everyone else, please add me to the list...
  13. Funny thing is that the Hot Toys ED209 is actually now on clearance at HLJ for $83.85!
  14. Of course! DO IT! DO IT NOW!
  15. Hey Alex, Yes, you are correct about the red heat shield. When Bandai first issued the 1/55 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, it came with a screw-in "amber canopy" and a screw-in "black canopy" which could be interchanged; but not with out unscrewing it. As far as I know there was no painted skull on either colored heatshield; the skull sticker had to be added to achieve the full look. Perhaps it didn't dawn on Bandai during the Strike Valk's production run until later, that the Hikaru Strike should have a red heat shield; instead of black. This error was later corrected via an in-store promotion, where a Strike owner feeling the need to be complete with a red heat shield, could pluck an order form off a POP (point of purchase) display and get a clip-on heat shield directly from Bandai. Along with the order form, Bandai also gave you a free "Hi-Metal" sticker that was available from the POP display. The actual display included several order forms & Hi-Metal stickers; along with a few red clip-on heat shields for show only. This same clip-on red heat shield was later inlcuded in the 1/55 Bandai Hikaru VF-1A. Hope this helps...
  16. Here's the scan cleaned up a bit (minus the graniness).
  17. Actually, this version in the pics is even different from mine. They may bothe be made by the same company, but I think mine is for Italian release. Although similar, mine is made by an Italian company named "Cerrutti". My packaging is of a single VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru), but there is no strike armor included, and the pic on the front of my box shows the actual Bandai Strike Valk illustration (trimmed down to fit the box) with the red Cerrutti logo centered in an ugly yellow rounded box. The back pic on my box shows the actual Bandai photo of the Strike Valk toy in the hanger. The Macross logo on the box in the pic is also different from mine. The pictured Macross logo is big & gaudy. The printing on my box has the Italian words "Modello Reale Scala 1/55" and the words "Super Hardware" in the same really generic font like the one pictured, like it was an afterthought that someone decided to add later because it has nothing to do with the original Bandai artwork. My box does use the original Bandai art & photos wherever possible. Hope this helps...
  18. xstoys

    F Toys???

    These are the next wave of the 1/144 Chara-Works Valkyries.
  19. xstoys

    2 seater 1/48s

    Very clever...seems oddly familiar. Looks good so far!
  20. Now this is really interesting... Enjoy!
  21. Not only did you miss the con, I actually brought your favorite Transformers poster!
  22. No... as in it took opening more than one box to find one.
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