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  1. xstoys

    1/55's revisited

    Shawn, there is one box variant missing in your group photo.
  2. This is an unlicensed 8" figure distributed by Twin Moons Anime. It came out in the early 2000's. Sold in a white box & styrofoam, no art work.
  3. I would ask you to sell me yours, but no way would I ever pay that kind of price. PM me if you really do want to sell, but don't expect anything ridiculous.
  4. Destroid Defender cel also belongs to me... hehe!
  5. Here are some pics of my setup of vinatge Macross & other mecha related toys at this years MWCon 2014 that I don't think have been posted yet.
  6. Haha, you crack me up!
  7. A whole lot longer than that...
  8. Yes Shawn, after 10 years of begging, I finally convinced the owner to part with it!
  9. Yes, I own the SDF-1 Cruiser cel as well.
  10. That's a great SDF-1 poster! I actually own the original cel that poster came from. This giant cel is poster size!
  11. Let's resurrect this thread from the dead... I guess I never did include a pic of this legendary Bandai VF-1S Strike Valkyrie red heatshield display did I? Well, here you are... it does exist!
  12. New York Toy Fair 2014 - Toynami Robotech plush still being released for Robotech's 30th Anniversary!
  13. That looks great!
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