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Everything posted by Chuey

  1. My sentiments exactly.
  2. Sigh, that guys belongs to my 501st chapter. A bunch of us got together for various group pictures ranging from Star Wars to other forms of cosplay. I'm wearing the Kato outfit.
  3. Wish that I saw that at Comic-con, but probably a good thing since I might have bought it .
  4. i have to agree. All these changes seem ridiculous. As I mentioned earlier, Lucas seems totally bent on modifying things probably others wanted in the film (ie these people did not necessarily agree with him).
  5. Hollywood seems infatuated with a either serious hi-tech Batman (the Burton films and beyond). The only cloth Batmans have been Adam West and Lewis Wilson. Personally, I think Clark Bartram and Sandy Collora nailed the right kind of Batman, an Alex Ross version. Batman: Dead End
  6. There is a reason why the Icons only goes for a few hundred dollars. Well-made fan made pulse rifles that are mostly metal or a blend of plastic and metal can cost any where between $1000 to $2500. At a Bay Area prop party in October 2003, I handled a full metal pulse rifle that essentially had working parts like a real rifle. such as a working digital display, one could load a fake grenade (and it would eject when cocked), cock the SPAS 12 cage and extend the stock. A prop builder who basically built his own pulse rifle Images of an Icons pulse rifle Images of a supposedly screen used pulse rifle SD Studios Pulse Rifle Replica eBay auction Icons Aliens Pulse Rifle Just as people on this board can distinguish between the quality of various Valkyrie makers, the same applies with pulse rifle makers. The only thing that I can speak on would the Star Wars props from MR. A lot of the people that I know who are prop collectors proved very pessemestic at first. While MR has had their mistakes, they feel they have delivered solid products. Also one has to remember that all these movie MR items fall under licensing issues under their respective studios.
  7. Since this assortment will have Erin (Jessica Beil), I think Isamu Atreides 86 might be interested. Personally wolfx, I am with you in looking forward to a good looking Hicks figure and not those awful ones that came out 10 years ago.
  8. When I originally saw the first two episodes of Yamato 2520, it did not really grow on me. Now seeing the Great Yamato, I much prefer Syd Mead's interpretation of the evolution for the Space Battleship Yamato. You have to remember that Yamato 2520 take place a few hundred years into the future and the anime mechanical design itself is 20 years ahead of its predecesor. Yamato 2520
  9. UN Spacy, I have to agree that it is nice to see Yamato stuff, even if it is not the stuff some of us grew up with. Personally for me, the Yamato will always be fondly remembered as a space batteship. Just as the original valkyries have history with the F-14, the Yamato reminded me of a time when the battleship served a centerpiece for navies. Change can be good, but the Great Yamato looks like it was mashed together from three different ships. This ship design has a dish that reminds me of Star Trek federation starships, a body reminiscent of the original space battleship Yamato and wings like the Aradia. With the dish, it looks like a plate was thrown into the midsection of the original Yamato. Great Yamato Arcadia Constitution (refit) Yamato Mechanics Starship Schematics page
  10. True and I don't think Stan Lee was in the Punisher either. Personally, I think with Dr. Connors in two scenes of Spider-man 2, the Lizard might be the next movie villian.
  11. To get a better idea of the the Chogokin Bandai BPX-01 YAMATO, check out the Popy DX Yamato and the Chogokin Bandai BPX-01 YAMATO comparison from Toyboxdx.com. Personally, what the toys lacks in metal, it makes up with intimate detail.
  12. I believe Stan Lee appears in Spider-man and Daredevil. For Spider-man, I believe Stan Lee is in the crowd of onlookers as the Green Goblin tries to kill Oscorp employees at some reception. With Daredevil, Stan Lee plays a pedestrian that Matt Murdock saves. X2, I have no idea, but I am sure he is in it. I wonder if he is in any of the Blade films? And I concur with many on the quality of the Spider-man 2 . I saw it yesterday and I really enjoyed it. Raimi truly captured the struggle of the average guy struggling with the challenge of trying to fight the good fight.
  13. I wonder if they will do a box set (season 1, 2, etc)?
  14. I'm sure she will be highlighted when film makers do the the Nighstalker spin-off films.
  15. Bruce Timm and Paul Dini will continue to be involved with the Justice League animated series. The various changes to the show involves stipulations that Warner Bros. asked for with a two season renewal for the popular animated series Personally, I appreciate that Timm Dini will continue their involvement and that he will help "evolve" the League. Just at the comic book, the JL started out with core characters. However in older Superman and Batman episodes, viewers see a glimpse of the other DC heroes. The Justice Unlimited will show show how these various characters interact in the animated versison of the DC universe. For a greater explanation of this project, check out the following coverage from Comicscontinuum.com. WONDERCON: JUSTICE LEAGUE JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED UPDATE
  16. If you look at one of the websites that I posted, one page kind of encapsulates the pre-crisis relationship of Clark Kent/Superman, Lois and Lana. Something's Gotta Give While Lana will always be his childhood sweetheart, Lois Lane has proven always to be the love of his life. One needs to remember that Smallville shows the growth and development of the boy character who will grow up to be Superman.
  17. Wow, thanks for sharing. Aside from the obvious Macross reference, I always apprecite the history associated with the Jolly Rogers and carrier aircraft. Wasn't VF-103 used in science fiction picture Final Countdown? Final Countdown Photo Gallery
  18. Smallville executive producer Alfred Gough pretty much said it would prove impossible to introduce Bruce Wayne due to the making of Batman Begins. However, he would like to see the character used in the show. Details can be found at ComicsContinuum.com coverage of the San Diego Comic-con Smallville 2003 panel. From the very start (as when Superman debuted in 1938), I would perceive that Lois may not necessarily be older, but she has a little more journalistic experiece and has always proved more aggressive at investigating than Clark Kent/Superman. The following links explain Lois's background and may shed some light on how the Smallville writers might interpret the character. Lois Lane (pre-crisis or the version from 1938 to 1986) Lois Lane (post-crisis or current version in the comics) Relationship History of Lois and Clark Kent/Superman It will prove interesting to see if the Smallville writers will create the romantic rivalry between Lois and Lana for Clark that has been evident in the comic books.
  19. I just want to know how many trees it took to make this Space Battleship Yamato. Space Battleship Yamato paper site
  20. Sorry, it's late, but congratulations on becoming a proud father .
  21. Remember, Bruce Wayne is just starting out as Batman. According the information plate used at the NY display, the vehicle is a Wayne Enterprises military prototype know as the "Tumbler". Check out the following links for additional images. Larger image of the new Batmobile Information plate on the new vehicle Daily News piece on the new vehicle I'm just glad that it looks nothing like the Batmobile used in Batman and Robin.
  22. Well if someone here is attending AX and is willing to buy some for boardmembers, please add me to that list. I'm wondering if this vendor may also be at Comic-con?
  23. If you guys want serious cosplayers (professional and amateur), you should head out to the San Diego Comic-con and the Atlanta Dragon-con. San Diego Comic-con Dragon-con Edit: Pics too big.
  24. You're not talking about Neo Happyland Company on North Hill Street are you? I just went there this past Memorial weekend and I did not see anything related to Legioss or Mospedea on either floor. For $50, I would definitely bite. I sold my old broken one for over $100 on eBay. Chuey's Macross Alpha Mospeada Legioss Robotech GAKKEN eBay auction
  25. While I'm sure very costly, that looks very cool.
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