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Everything posted by Chuey

  1. Master Replicas FX sabers have sound and light effects. Also a web business called Lightech Industries also offers sabers with sould modules.
  2. I would be the knuckle head in the biker scout outfit playing Battlefronts. I belong to a costume group called the 501st Legion, who has chapters all over the world. We dress up as the villians from the Star Wars films for media and service events. The Bay Area chapter and my group from the Sacramento dressed up for a Lucas Arts media promotions for video game press. The funny thing is that all of us were hesitant to play the game at first as we did not want to be unprofessional (ie we were there to work and not fool around). However, Lucas Arts staff and reporters thought it would be cool to have those in costumes play out the characters in the video game. Along with event for Lucas Arts, our group also did a little play acting for an Electric Playground piece. Check out the following links. Lucas Arts Star Wars Battlefront media preview Electric Playground and Lucasarts video shoot "Battlefront" segment on Electric Playground
  3. I would sadly have to concur with B-52 GUNNER that the X-wings, Y-wings and other large scale props were probably scrapped due to space and cost considerations.
  4. Funny that you mention that. Brock Peters, who played Avery Brooks's TV dad in DS9 along with Adm. Cartwright in Star Trek IV and IV, also did the voice of Darth Vader for the National Public Radio's versions of the Original Trilogy.
  5. I played it at a Lucas Arts media promotion. When I played it on a PC and PS2, there were in third person mode.
  6. Wow, that's some nice work. Thanks for sharing.
  7. The characters designs really don't gel with me and with Conroy still playing Batman on Justice League Limited, I'm going to stick with that.
  8. Actually, Hamill's comments relate to the plot ideas of George Lucas from about 20 years ago. Hints suggest that the two TV projects to possibly be released sometime in 2006 may relate to storylines between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
  9. In fact, a group of costumers also used that R2 in their masqerade sketch to win in some categories for Comic-con's 2004 masquerade. The X-wings in question are about 3/4 the size of the ones used in the films. Essentially, a child could sit in one comfortabley. The Rocky Mountain Fan Force and the 501st Legion - Mountain Garrison restored an x-wing used for Celebration 1 in time for Comic-con 2004. This item will also be used at Star Wars Celebration 3. X-Wing on display at Star Wars Pavillion at Comic-con 2004 X-wings used in Yavin IV set for A New Hope Now if you want large, check this Tantive IV and three different scales of AT-ATs. Tantive IV in scale with 3 3/3" figures AT-ATs in scale with 3 3/4" figures Full scale snowspeeder and large size AT-AT AT-AT on display at Florida's Disney World
  10. Thanks for sharing. Actually, what you have shown reminds me of Roughnecks: Starship Troopers, the animated series. While it borrows from the film, I thought it proved a better written adaptation.
  11. Thanks for the notice. It will be interesting to see how the Japanese treated Spider-man in this sentai version.
  12. There is always eBay. Believe me, I have tried.
  13. Wow, someone was bored and had some spare time. Still, it was funny to read and what a creative way to use the articulation of the figure.
  14. Wow, thanks for sharing. I really appreciate the way in which you display your case. Ug, I need to get the scratch to get display cases at Ikea for my props and toys.
  15. As mentioned, Pepsi has done this for other movies like the Star Wars films. Depending on advertising interest by a company, Gundam is simply one of a few lincensees.
  16. With the individual finger articulation, the middle finger posing was bound to happen.
  17. Since the White Queen was the head mistress over Generation X and she is a seasoned instructor now at the Xavier Institute, I would expect her to be played by an older actress like Famke Janssen played Jean Grey. In fact, Janssen played a therapist in Nip/Tuck and I think actress Joely Richardson who plays Julia McNamara, wife of one of the plastic surgens, would be a good choice. Finola Hughes played her in the ill-fated Fox 1996 TV movie, Generation X.
  18. I may not like some of the added or edited scenes, but I do appreciate the clean up of the picture quality along with the improvement in sound.
  19. Tired of your work. Never. Keep it coming. When I can afford it, I want to go to you on working on my 1/48 VF-1S Focker.
  20. You're thinking of McFarlane Toy's Colonial Marine Hicks figure. While not 12", it will be a very detailed figure.
  21. Interesting the Space Zero seems to be a hybrid of the Cosmo Zero and Cosmo Jaguar. Space Zero Cosmo Zero Cosmo Jaguar
  22. All true . In fact if they wanted to make a comedy, they should have still used puppets.
  23. Me thinks Uncle George loves CG set designs a little too much. Most footage I have seen of Ep3 has colored backgrounds so CG can be put in. In E!'s Behind the Scenes of AVP, the actors made a powerful observation of how actual physical items helped them act and react (ie a guy in a suit as opposed to CG alients). As an actor, I can only imagine what they must have to go through in trying to express emotions when there is literally nothing there.
  24. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  25. At the San Francisco Wondercon, I believe that a Lucas spokesperson said the teaser would not be out until the end of this year.
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