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Everything posted by Chuey

  1. Coverage is coming out for the US Toy Fair. Of interest, Action-figure.com has some close-up shots of Gundam Seed toys schedule to come out later this year. US TOYFAIR: Gundam Seed I am looking to forward to see the Battle-Scarred Action Figure line. The image of the damaged Duel Gundam looks nice. What is the deal with red shaded mobile suits? The Sazabi and Char's Zaku never looked quite right when they were released. For the Aegis, I hope this was just a lighting issue.
  2. Despite their problems, I wish they still used UPS.
  3. Obviously more faithful than Frake's Thundbirds movie.
  4. Fox does not necessarily treat their money making shows well. Look at the history and especially the final season for Married with Children, which helped establish Fox as a network. Information on the Production of Married with Children
  5. Toonz, I appreciate the variety that along with Macross and Gundam, you have stuff like DC characters and Masters of the Univers. Your collection looks nicely displayed in your cases.
  6. Thanks for sharing the link. Dang, I would have liked to have gotten Tracks for $15.00. I guess that I will have to make more trips to Walmart or Target to see if I can find him on the shelf.
  7. Well, Dragon Model inc is getting free press from this.
  8. This sounds like it has possibilities. I am curious to see a side-by-side comparison.
  9. I have to concur. Probably, the first time for me that the Decepticon version looked better than the Autobot one.
  10. For me, they look the same with the BARC scout being a practical repaint. However, I would need to say more upclose pictures to be sure. PotF Biker Scout and speeder bike RotS BARC speeder and scout image
  11. Mock-up display for the new RotS toys. Walmart display of RotS toys
  12. I thank you for sharing some good news. While the GFFs you mentioned have come out, it is good to hear that they will be availabe through wider distribution. With the complexity and price, I do not imagine seeing FIX toys at places like a Target, Walmart or Toys R Us. However, Diamond customers represent a section of clients who will be more likely to buy such a product.
  13. I kind of notice that too. It may have to do with the idea that some may feel gals play more of an active and/or interactive role in Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny than in Macross. One gal at my workplace has a bunch of pictures and figures of Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne at her desk.
  14. Nope. The BPX-01 is in its box. The small Yamato and Andromeda is from Museum of Leiji Matsumoto DX series. BTW I am still looking for a EDF battleship. Godzilla, you have an impression. Dang, for the time and money you have invested, I hope you have insurance as a precaution. The BPX-01 is a bit large than the MoLM DX Andromeda and Yamato. And by EDF battleships, I assume you mean the MoLM version? Harking the words of my fellow MW board members, socializing does take work, but it is worth it. I work a night shift, but I try to work at getting together with friends and other people through social organizations.
  15. Holy crap, how about a spoiler warning next time?! Actually, I posed a thread on this back in November. Darth Vader and Heidi Klum in a Target Ad
  16. Dare I ask, where did this come from?
  17. Ian McDiarmid was born August 11, 1944. He was around 40 years old when he played Emperor Palpatine in RotJ. He is around 60 years old now for RotS.
  18. What's kind of even more annoying is that Takara did not even bother to change his rifle. For me, it's kind of silly to call Ultra Magnus a second Masterpiece when all he is a repaint.
  19. As much as I do not like the dubbing for Gundam, I wish CN gave it better time slots so it got better exposure. Last time I caught episodes of Seed on CN, it was sometime after midnight. I have an annoying suspicion it may have to do with how it is being received so far and its content may be cause for alarm for censorship. Around the holiday season, I saw only a few pieces of Gundam Seed toys at places like Targets. For January, I have only seen Gundam Wing Battle Scar stuff in stores where I live.
  20. Curious, has anyone seen pictures of these scatch-built trailors of Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus? The gentleman who made these also does his own Transformer costuming. Mark Projects' fan-made MP trailors Pictures removed
  21. Thanks for sharing. If that star destroyer is the really deal, it's nice to see a preview of it.
  22. Thanks for poiniting to those sources.
  23. Someone posted this image on another message board. This is supposedly part of a photo shoot to appear in a future issue of Vanity Fair. Supposedly there was footage of the shoot on a recent episode of Access Hollywood. OT and NT cast and characters with George Lucas
  24. C&C, Gundam and Macross all together! Three favorite things of mine in one game. I am psyched. Thanks for sharing.
  25. He's a literal re-paint. MP-02 Masterpiece Ultra Magnus Takara Announces MP-2 Ultra Magnus
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