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Everything posted by Chuey

  1. The Gallo charity premiere on May 13 will be one of a few events at the Brenden Modesto Theater. My Modesto group will do some additional events the folllowing week as will my Sacramento group. For a list of activities, check out the following calendar list. 501st Legion - Central California Garrison Event Calendar
  2. Chuey


    Thank you. Talking about making a particular valkyrie that's a no brainer. I will be ordering one of these for sure. While I will always favor Focker's VF-1S, I have always had a soft spot for the brown VF-1As.
  3. Expect multiple editions. The 30th anniversary of Star Wars will be in 2007. I'm sure LFL will milk it for all its worth. Lucas also announced at Las Vegas's Showest his plans to convert all six films to a 3D format.
  4. Thanks for the invite. Regrettably, I actually live in Sacramento. However half of the chapter of the Star Wars costume club that I lead resides in Modesto. We will support the Gallo Art Center charity with our presence (photo ops), some activities and even a set inside the theater that will be up for two months. In fact, here are some pictures of that imperial/star destroyer set at the Brenden Modesto Theater that my chapter vice president and club members have been making.
  5. Chuey

    Latest 1/48 custom...

    Fantastic. Curse you Yamato, why didn't you make a cannon fodder VF-1A?
  6. I know... damn those charity events for charging so much for a good cause!!! Thank you. The money earned from that charity goes towards the building of the Gallo Art Center. Gallo Art Center RotS Screening
  7. yeah those are the FX sabers. you can swing away(not like a madman) and they make sounds. as BSU said, the new epi 3 FX sabers are a lot better than the older ones. the only thing that bothers me about them is that the blade doesn't come off. Down the road, that will change.
  8. I'm curious to see the official Bandai American spin will be on this. If they are at comventions like the SD Comic-con, I hope someone asks them that question at a panel or their booth.
  9. Thanks for sharing. Those short strips were a great break from my work.
  10. Great, I can hear my bank account moaning already. As I kid, I owned and really enjoyed the orginal SOC Voltes V. I love Combattler, but I will have to get this puppy just for childhood memories.
  11. I own Three MR FX sabers (AotC Anakin, ESB Vader and ESB Luke) Hasbro Vader and Darth Maul Sabers Machined ESB Luke, ESB Vader, ANH Obi-wan, TPM Obi-wan, RotJ Luke and RotJ Vader
  12. I put this in perspective of the folks who do comissions for detailed or custom Valkyries on this board or even a photographer, like for weddings. You are not only paying for a product, but you are also paying someone else's skill or artistic ability.
  13. You know, if I had the money, I would just buy my Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus trailors from the person whose work we have drooled over before. Personally, I like his Prowl instead of the official Takara version. Marksproject Order page
  14. Actually, if you are referring to this image . . . . . . that was done by fan favorite cover artist Adam Hughes. Here is a sample of his work along with a link to images of his Wonder Woman covers. Just Say Ah! Wonder Woman Gallery
  15. For the most part, MR products are well done. Occasionally, one runs into issues with an item, but customer service has been reasonable about dealing with issues from testimonies that I have heard. I own two of their FX lightsabers and they are great products. If you are planning to get the E-11 (stormtrooper blaster), you might want to act soon as it is selling out.
  16. The Star Wars website has posted some additional TV ads for RotS. "Teaser" "Dark Side Unleashed" "Tragedy"
  17. More material for those who care.
  18. I would view the movie scenes as instances where someone painted themselves into a corner. One might say that Palpatine either simply got over confident in his abilities to not use it on Vader and Luke or even get himself out. The other explanation is that while he is very old, he may have simply used a lot of his dark force powers i nthrowing lighting bolts. May be he was simply to surprised and shocked to have acted. I view it this way. There are a ton of stuff that is never explained. Why do Qui-gon and Vader have to be burned while Yoda and Obi-wan just disappear? We will have to see if the final film ties up loose ends. Personally, I think a lot of stuff will still confuse audiences.
  19. That's actor Daniel Logan who plays a young Boba Fett in AotC. The picture of him in the Boba Fett is for conceptual and propotional purposes as he's wearing costume parts 501st Legion members. This is not for RotS. Based on imdb cast credits for RotS, he is not listed. There are rumors that he may make an appearance in the Star Wars TV produced to be released later in the next year or so and the pictures may partially relate to that.
  20. Try these: http://www.arguewithatree.com/Assets/Episode3Trailer.mov http://www.wookeh.com/starwarstrailer.wmv Download the Trailer in mpg format, 30 megs http://rapidshare.de/files/830600/trailer.mpeg.html Also Bit Torrent link http://bt.hfzclan.de/download.php?id=87f38...torrent.torrent
  21. The imperials (Vader, stormtrooper, biker scout, etc) are part of costume club called the 501st Legion. As long as the film makers do not sell or charge for ther piece being viewed, I would imagine they would have no problems. In fact, LFL has generally embraced the fan film community by having awards shows for the last few years.
  22. The African American woman in question would be Amanda Waller. She has been a major behind-the-scenes player in the DC universe for about 20 years in relation to the intelligence field. Bio of the TAS Amander Waller Bio of the comic version of Amanda Waller
  23. Gundamm! I'll never look at that figure the same way again.
  24. The new show is a retelling of the original series. The Sci-Fi channel uses elements of the original series, but made alterations. Check http://www.battlestargalactica.com for an an overview of the original and current series. The vipers used in the original series were considered the current production models for their time.
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