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About op4_delta

  • Birthday 09/06/1982

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  • Location
    Cartagena, Colombia

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Creating a mayan island scenery would be hard without a heightmap for the terreain or at least some type of map, but not impossible I hope. Your female model is looking great so far, I must confess I am very bad at creating such organic shapes. Keep up the good work
  2. I would suggest we create an easter egg topic or post them here instead, what do you say?
  3. Indeed, just hang on a bit more, I want to play this mod too as much as anyone else... mmm maybe a bit more
  4. Yeah, this is so far the best response to the topic, as well as "the pilot formerly known as prince. This is getting really fun to read.
  5. Good suggestion, I will tell the others.
  6. Si, definitivamente son los animadores divirtiendose. Yeah, it´s the animators having fun. I just dont know how could I miss that the hundreds of times I have seen the series before, and yes, it is a poster. Is "sex" supposed to be the pilot´s nickname, and what is that symbol?
  7. What the other team mates tell me is that we need coders, we are just a bunch of 3D artists with not much knowledge on how to actually "mod" the game, so any help is welcome.
  8. Can anyone tell me what is that supposed to mean? Shot at 2007-06-23
  9. To answer you briscojr84: Four OCTOS are seen underwater attacking the mayan village, then a total of six are seen in amphibious mode on the mayan beach, being this the maximum number of OCTOS on a single scene. I hope this helps you mate.
  10. I do, but I am only in the 3D modelling department. Sorry
  11. I will check episodes 3 and 4 of macross zero to see if I can get a number of octos.
  12. If you mean a scale model kit I would suggest to use a nimitz hull, but the diferences in placement of the elevators would require to build a whole new flightdeck. It would also be interesing to see the Asuka model being built by the chinese modeler newca mentioned some time ago, too bad I dont know chinese. Is almost surreal how the OT generators debate almost completely replaced the whole Asuka CVBG theme, is not that I am complaining, since it gave life to this thread, but I would like some help on the carrier´s exterior, specially since the official macross zero site seems to be without a webmaster to repair the link on the Asuka´s description. Please keep the comments coming.
  13. Just e-mail me the changes you want I will be happy to add them to the model.
  14. That picture of south ataria is great for reference and maybe with a good terrain editor something nice could be done, the only problem I see are the buildings, since there are no specifics for them except for the docks and the airbase. I have experimented with terrains before and I may be able to produce something if I get a hold on a top view or maybe a heightmap. Tell me more about your current plans, I may be able to collaborate somehow.
  15. You are welcome Stratagos. I am currently doing models for the DYRL mod for Homeworld 2, but as a personal project I have started some macross zero models, hopefully to be used in flight sims or something. Your Macross city model is really nice, I think no one has done something like that before, I once though about doing a south ataria scenery for operation flashpoint, but lacked the sources.
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