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Everything posted by Whatever_Guy

  1. Thanks guys for the updates so far, it's good to hear about the ups and downs of how things went in a way ... just so jealous what I'm not there to attend LOL
  2. These are looking fantastic! Great work =)
  3. awesome colours, really like these ones =)
  4. Man o man, sooooo jealous! I really hope that they release this on DVD too!!! ^^
  5. wow, that's awezome, wish i could stroll through there
  6. hehe am surprised that ppl can have a debate over this all you guys must going thru hell with the indecision on the love triangle
  7. Awesome episode, so much action right from the start, can't wait for the sub versions I really thought that it couldn't be ended in a 30min ep but I guess it can ... I still think it was a little rushed though ... but am still hyped about watching it
  8. OMG what an episode! I love this series so much!
  9. I agree with most of the lists that were posted that Max and Millia are the top pilots, all things being equal etc (all pilots being judged when they are during their prime ) haha and yes Hayao Kakizaki down the bottom LOL
  10. Whatever_Guy

    Thunder Hammer

    Wow those pics are awesome, especially the Minmei custom with The Thunder Hammer armor set Wish I could get one for me Minmei custom LOL Thanks for sharing and making the rest of us so so jealous!
  11. Can someone suggest where's a good place to get the Animeigo DVDs?
  12. hey man, Welcome back!
  13. There's a new Robotech game called Robotech:Invasion Is this the one you are referring to? I think it's on PS2 and XBOX Other then that I don't know of any macross game
  14. I'm patient too I didn't even know you were back from your annual trip heh can't wait for your next custom mate!
  15. Woot! Congrats to ya Graham!
  16. SHOW ME THE MONE .... erm LINK
  17. OMG! some people are so lucky they have all the skills ... too bad I'm not one of them hehe Excellent job man! Can't wait for the rest of the pics
  18. I'm spinning out ... that custom looks fantastic ... so many ppl are more talented then me heh
  19. I'll be playing it on my Messiah powered PS2 .... now just need to get a copy of the game
  20. WOWIE!! Thanks for the info!!! Man and I was worried about spending over budget by pre-ordering the 1/48 1J
  21. Voted for the yammies, kinda biased vote though as I never had the money to afford the Bandai Ostrich and Elint on eBay heh ... the posability factor wins it for me really ... when talking Bandai vs Yamato
  22. Definately the GBP armor, but of course I want the hikaru VF-1J first to go with it
  23. hi BlueMax, haha, yeah that's the one .. my bad
  24. Hiyas, can't recall who made them but I wanted to get a copy of a set of wallpapers made from various Hasegawa kits in various stances and had matching backgorund colours and the Macross logo I believe. Hope this is enough info ... I lost the ones I d/l after my harddisk crashed Could you post them again or PM me so I can get a copy somehow please Found the old post Hasegawa Super Battroid, a wallpaper to share Thanks Toonz and BlueMax
  25. Thanks for the update Graham Looks like Yamato will have a hold on my wallet for quite some time to come .... wonder who will win, Yamato or my fiancee haha
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