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Everything posted by darksoul

  1. What is a Unbuilt 1/72 REGULT SOLDIER TACTICAL POD Worth? In other words if i find one.. how much will it cost me?
  2. Here is the images provided by Mark. here are direct link downloads http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y159/dark...ase_VWS0002.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y159/dark...ase_VWS0001.jpg
  3. you could post it on photobucket and put a link it.. if you don't have a account.. feel free to email it to me and ill put it on my photobucket account and link it. jt_sexton@fuse.net
  4. Yea i looked locally first.. the nearest place that I could find was a 4 hr round trip (not counting traffic) and a 40"x72" sheet of .04 was 12.00 and a additional 15.00 to have it cut into manageable peaces. by the time i take into account gas and time its just not worth the trip.. I found a place... estreetplastics.com who will sell me 12 24x12" sheets for 36.84 for a 4x6 sheet, shipped... he also had maybe still has some surplus .06 off-white that i bought 20 sheets 11" x 18 1/2" for about 29.00 shipped. If anyone is looking for smaller sheets in bulk i highly recommend estreetplastics.com they don't have the minimum order fees and such that other company's have.
  5. wow no kidding 1.00 each sheet for 12x24... .04 anyone want to split a shipment if i buy 50.00 worth?
  6. Does anyone have a good source for .04 styrene?
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