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Everything posted by crasis

  1. Damn it! Why did it have to be freaking x264?! Guess it's going to be a long night for me.
  2. I posted this in the Frontier News thread, but perhaps it is better off here. OverDrive is taking orders right now for subscriptions to Macross Chronicle. The pricing options are as follows (as they were e-mailed to me): 6 Month Subscription 12issues x $12= $144 Shipping Cost 6 x $5 =$30 Total Amount $177 1 Year Subscription 24 issues x $10 =$240 Shipping Costs 12 x $5 =$60 Total Amount $300 Please note all prices and shipping costs are estimates at this point and are not final. We don't have all the information yet but this is what we would like to do. We're open to suggestions if you have any. Feel free to e-mail them to sign up/express your interest. They have mentioned that at LEAST 20 people need to sign up for a subscription in order for this to work. So, if you're serious, e-mail them soon! NOTE: As I indicated in the earlier thread, I have no ties to this company, though they are good friends of fellow MW member Save (and have provided excellent service to a great deal of members here tracking down CMs Legioss/Tread). I noticed a bunch of us are looking to track down this magazine, and this was the one place that actually e-mailed me inquiring about fan interest.
  3. :DROOLS: Those are freaking beautiful. MUST HAVE!!!!
  4. I agree with you guys that $500 is a crazy huge chunk to throw out at once for Macross Chronicle. OverDrive has taken your comments into consideration and are offering 2 other options: 6 Month Subscription 12issues x $12= $144 Shipping Cost 6 x $5 =$30 Total Amount $177 1 Year Subscription 24 issues x $10 =$240 Shipping Costs 12 x $5 =$60 Total Amount $300 Please note all prices and shipping costs are estimates at this point and are not final. We don't have all the information yet but this is what we would like to do. We're open to suggestions if you have any. That seems a bit better, no? But, like they said, they are open to suggestions. Feel free to e-mail them, or we can brainstorm here. Note, I have no ties to this company, though they are good friends of fellow MW member Save (and have provided excellent service to a great deal of members here tracking down CMs Legioss/Tread). I noticed a bunch of us are looking to track down this magazine, and this was the one place that actually e-mailed me inquiring about fan interest.
  5. I'm fairly sure OverDrive ships worldwide. E-mail them to express your interest in Macross Chronicle! Like I said, 20 of us need to sign up for a subscription before this can truly happen.
  6. I dunno...I'm really excited to get a line of toys in scale with my Yamato König Monster. Those weak Toynami ones don't count.
  7. I said that back when he was going for $150 last year. In comparison, $70 isn't so bad. Especially once you figure that in Japan, at cost with shipping is easily $50+. I gave over-drive my business, as I refuse to wait for these to climb even higher again.
  8. Over Drive Inc. sent me an e-mail checking for fan interest in subscriptions to the magazine. Here's the info!! We would like to do a quick introduction on how we would like to sell the Macross Chronicle magazine series to our customers. 1)As this is a business and we have to get a profit out of this we would like to charge $10 per issue.(Series probably will be over 50 issues) 2)Ideally we will accept only subscriptions. All payments including shipping must be made before the series starts. (This is only ideally we will probably keep taking orders for a limited period after the series starts) 3)As the series is by-weekly we will send the issue by airmail 2 issues at a time basically meaning once a month.(Could be sent one issue at a time but shipping fees will be higher) 4)Last but not least we would like to get over 20 people to buy subscriptions from us for us to do this. As there are not 20 people contacting us about this item at the present we would like to kindly ask if there are anyone you know who would be interested in buying this from us. If there are please have them contact us. As there are not too much information on the series as of yet we can't go into details but this is how we would like to do it. We welcome any feed back on this topic. If there are any ideas or recommendations feel free to send them to us. So we need at least 20 of us to sign up. Anyone else down??
  9. Yeah, that's my biggest problem with this movie. It absolutely FEELS like an Indy film...until about the last third of the movie . That's when things went from fun Indy adventure to pretty quickly. I do think I need to see it again, now that the shock has worn off. Perhaps I'll like it more this time...?
  10. That seems to be reasonable, considering guys were taking preorders for these on TFW2005 for $120 for both Thundercracker and Skywarp together. He's going to be expensive, no matter how you figure it. But at least it's not the BotCon prices, no?
  11. I've waited over twenty years for this toy! GREAT pics! My package of 3 from HLJ has been in transit for far too long now. That's what I get for being cheap and going for SAL shipping. I shall be sharing your joy any day now, though...
  12. Hahaha... not bloody likely.
  13. :sigh: If only I had been more patient, I could have waited long enough for this one to be announced. I still love my original paint/shiny version, but this movie color one seems so much better. Ah well.
  14. crasis

    Macross Revoltech

    ATTENTION: Everyone who preordered a Revoltech Millia VF-1J (Hobby Japan Exclusive) from SAMURAI MONKEY, get your butts over to his site now to put your payment in! Don't miss out! I almost forgot, myself. The final cost ends up being around $58.75 for one, which seems a bit much at first...until you factor in shipping costs to him from HJ and then to you...plus the price of the magazine (required to order the figure). Rob's a great guy for providing this service to us, so don't delay!
  15. Man! I want those Inbit so BAD!!! Are those model kits??
  16. The latest newsletter from OverDrive mentioned this about Thundercracker (and a Macross jacket?!): "These will be three items we will be asking about this week. 1) Transformers Henki Thundercracker Ganbo Store Limited Edition Made by Takara Tomy Price: $50(Including the service charge and tax) More Details are available at http://www.ganbo-store.com/merchant/detail/95.jsp 2) Transformers Henki Skywarp Made by Takara Tomy Price: $50(Including the service charge and tax) More Details are available at http://www.toyhobby.jp/commodity_param/ctc.../4904810319870/ 3) Official Macross Flight Jacket Made by Military Shop Phantom Price: $344(Will add a service charge to this price) Sizes Available: M,L,XL A official Big West licensed flight jacket made for the 25th anniversary of Macross. More Details and piotures are available at http://www.phantom-web.com/cgi/cw_catalog....amp;log_no=4561 Also if there are any Japan Limited version item that you would like to buy from us please contact us with some details along with, if possible, a link to the the item and we will look into the item and see what we can do. No guarantes but we will at the least look into it." You can e-mail him at info@over-drive-inc.com to reserve a figure!
  17. Agreed. Now where do I order one???
  18. Does ToysLogic have a good reputation? I've never ordered from them before, and this is very tempting. I just wanted some feedback before I pull the trigger. Thanks!
  19. DECULTURE!!! Do want! Now how do I go about tracking down these little things?
  20. Kamina's missing his tats! What gives??
  21. Sounds like you got luckier than I did, but don't get me wrong, I'm still happy I picked one up. Starscream just looks so damned dignified with that getup. Of course, you have to use the smirking face or the effect doesn't work as well.
  22. Speaking of MP Starscream, my crown and cape set arrived yesterday from BBTS. I'm glad I paid only $14.99 (plus shipping) for it, as that's about what it is worth, imho. The gold paint on the shoulder bits was a bit flaky when I took it out of the packaging (gold "dust" was on my hands), but it hasn't been coming off since. The crown is decent, though it fits almost too snug and doesn't sit as low as I would have liked. The sculpting on both is great, however, and the plastic feels very quality to me. The only bit that's an absolute joke is the tattered, frayed, paper-thin piece of fabric they call a cape. I may be spoiled by high end 1/6 figure clothing these days, but even my wife took a look at it and laughed. "I'll sew you a much better one," she promised. I also have an Ultra Magnus armor set on preorder (made by the same company), so I'm only slightly worried. The plastic, as I said, should be fine. The paint may be iffy.
  23. I wrote to Over-Drive Inc, inquiring about the Beagle Ride Armor. Here was the response: "From what we hear it's reportably around $200. I hear their trying for under $200 but considering the quality I would doubt it will go under $200. If we get anything from Beagle on it it will go on the Newsletter as soon as possible. " $200 still hurts, but nowhere near as bad as $600+!
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