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Everything posted by crasis

  1. Here are some other fun shots: Salacious Crumb found something better than an iPhone: Hanging with the VB-6 König Monster, baby! My custom TV Q-Rau in the house! The birthday haul: ...I just HAD to: Yeah, I love this woman.
  2. So I was expecting to be pretty miserable today, what with turning 30 and all, but my wife simply wouldn't stand for it. She made sure my birthday was an incredible experience, and whipped up some Macross magic that made me feel like a kid again. I wanted to share the goodness with you all. First off, the birthday cake: There was a bit of an argument among my friends as to who would get Sheryl's...bits. I scored some incredible gifts, but there was one I'd NEVER expect: a custom, hand-sewn, plush, life-size replica of Ranka Lee's phone from Macross Frontier! This thing is ridiculously cute! My wife took a lot of time researching and making this thing. I don't know how she does it! And here are some shots of the little guy with another incredible custom she made me a few years back - GUBABA:
  3. WAIT A MINUTE! So I just paid $33 for JUST the binder from HMV???? I was under the impression that the binder included the magazine as a special edition of the first issue of the publication! This is total bull!! :angry: I can't believe I just paid a ridiculous amount of EMS shipping to ship an empty binder!
  4. Awesome pics, Swoosh! Guys, this truly is THE greatest year to be a Macross fan. I can't recall another time where we had it so good! Amazing new toys, an incredible new series, a rekindled interest in the franchise in Japan... damn. I'm going to be broke, but I've never been happier.
  5. Mind. Officially. Blown.
  6. OverDrive is cheaper, and they are still available.
  7. Well, considering the box is beat up, and those Matchbox toys rarely go for much in auctions these days to begin with, I'd say the worth depends on you. If you plan on selling it, don't get your hopes up thinking you're going to make much. But if you're happy to add it to your collection, then the worth is found in the joy it brings to you seeing it on display.
  8. And so they are. Heh. I'm glad I'm so observant sometimes. I ordered a set from Kevin, so I should be all set. Thanks for the replies, guys!
  9. Dude, you're seriously missing out, then. I just picked up the Wave 3 deluxes and Jazz is simply one of THE best of the entire Animated line. The clever nunchucks/pipes feature even impressed my wife, who normally could care less about my toys. This guy puts a lot of those "transforming car toys" to shame.
  10. Silly question guys, but would these packs fit on the original 1/100 VF-1S DYRL Hikaru (Comic Con exclusive figure) from way back? He was the first one they released (and the only one I ever bothered with), and I swear I remember reading somewhere that only the figures that came AFTER him were Super Pack-ready. I really want to order a Strike set to fill him out, but I just want to make sure he's compatible first.
  11. After watching episode 14, Bandai HAS to make a new VF-171 DX figure! I would eat that up like candy!!
  12. Canceled my preorder for both Alto and Ozma at HLJ...only to reorder them at OverDrive. Heh. They seem to have the best deal at the moment if you combine shipping. The only thing I didn't like was having to pay upfront now. I get nervous when I throw down $250+ MONTHS before the things come out. I much prefer being charged when the item ships. But, like I said, it is a good price (especially considering just ONE Yamato 1/60 valk will likely cost you the same these days). Now the LONG wait begins...
  13. Damn! First the preorders go up for the VF-25s and now THIS news! What a great day. And I haven't even downloaded today's Frontier episode yet...there's even more to look forward to. I may get two of the VF-1Ds, so I can properly display the new removable escape pod feature. Decisions, decisions...
  14. Thanks for the heads-up!!! PREORDERED without hesitation! I've wanted these babies since I saw the Deculture Edition of episode 1 back in December. I'm surprised they are coming out so soon, actually. November, huh? I expected them in 2009. ...wait, these are the DX ones, right? Not the model kits? There's no indication in the listing, but I pulled the trigger anyway. Hrrm.
  15. "Jumped the shark"??? HARDLY! That was balls-out awesome. I was almost afraid to watch it after reading a few comments here, but I'm sure glad I did! I didn't understand a word of it, but I was blown away by the pretty pictures and implications. I'm actually quite excited by these sudden plot twists, and hope to see a subtitled version to truly take it all in soon. The ONLY thing that bugs me is that I have to wait another freaking week to see what happens! I'm not sure what made some of you dislike this episode..? ::shrug::
  16. Man, I would buy those enemy mechs in a heartbeat! Let this not be vaporware, please!
  17. At first, I started to scroll through the spoiler stuff until I saw Duke's "WTF" comment. I quickly logged out to avoid any clues and downloaded the ep. And now I can officially agree: WTF!!?! indeed. This was a rollercoaster of awesome.
  18. Duke mentioned this before briefly, but after watching the mid-season finale again, I can't help but think Ronald Moore sure has been taking a LOT of notes from SDF Macross and DYRL! Let's take a look: The main characters finally end up on Earth -- which ends up being a devastated wasteland, much to their shock and horror. You could also argue this was Planet of the Apes-ish, as well. The heroes form a desperate alliance with their bitter enemies (a small faction of rebels from a much larger enemy force) for a common goal. They even teamed up to destroy the enemy fleet's (re)production factory (straight out of SDF Macross) to prove loyalty. But beware, the larger enemy fleet is still out there. Dun dun DUN! An ancient song that "transcends time and space" was the catalyst to all of this. One of our trusty pilots (Helo/Max) weds and beds an enemy (Athena/Millia), and said enemy chick fights on the heroes' side...in their planes! With only some/little suspicion! They even have a kid together, proving that our genetics are compatible. The opera house visions/temples/scriptures/whatnot are similar to the Protoculture ruins left on Earth that Misa discovers. I won't be surprised if they stumble on some broadcast or writings from the previous residents of the planet that tie their (Earthlings/Colonials/Cylons) genetic origins together (Protoculture = final five?). And now what happens? Do our two races work together to rebuild the broken planet (SDF)? Do they revert to their old fightin' ways (Zentradi/Earth relations after Space War 1)? Since humanity's population is devastated, do we attempt to colonize the galaxy with our new Cylon/human clone population (Megaroad class colony fleets)? Will Starbuck discover the power of anima spiritia within her? ;P Will Bob Dylan's ancient lyrics be the key to unlocking the mystery? Tune in in 2009 - the year the SDF-1 Macross took its maiden voyage! Of course, BSG is known for its darkness, so I doubt things go so honky dory. I am fully prepared to have my mind blown, but so far "this has all happened before," indeed. ...and, of course, don't forget BreeTigh!!
  19. HO-LY FRAK!!! I MUST get that toaster! Haha! Where can I order it?
  20. Damn it, UN Spacy, why must you show me these things?? I NEED that. Details, please!
  21. No, that's bad news!! I just read about this today, and it's already sold out! WTF?!! Edit: Found them on Hobby Search for around the same price. Preordered. :sigh of relief:
  22. HLJ's Early Bird listings for the Kamina and Yoko 1/8 statues (the ones we were just discussing above) are up. That Kamina is SO preordered!
  23. My copy of the OST is on the way to CT from YesAsia, but I couldn't resist downloading it in the meantime. And HOLY CRAP! This beats out all previous Macross series soundtracks for me. I absolutely LOVE just about every track. Serious shivers down the spine on some of these tunes. I can't wait for my CD to arrive!!! And bless Yoko Kanno for including fun things like the NYAN NYAN commercial and Carrots love you, yeah! Ha! I am SO looking forward to Welcome To My FanClub's Night! being performed in the show!
  24. I was just about to post that! That Kamina statue WILL be mine!
  25. Okay guys, I expressed your (very valid) concerns about refunds and whatnot to OverDrive yesterday. Here's the response: Could you assure everyone that if the magazine is canceled before a full run, the money for each issue that is canceled will be refunded. We understand people having reservation about paying money up front but we don't want to process 20 to 30 orders every two weeks - it'll get confusing who paid for what and someone going to make a mistake. Meanwhile, if there are people who want information on the magazine as soon as possible, they should create a account on our site and subscribe to our newsletter. As soon as there is new info we'll send it out through the newsletter. So, yeah, we'll definitely get refunded if the publisher cancels the magazine. That's one less worry!
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