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Everything posted by crasis

  1. Probably "Series 2." But damn! NICE find! I LOVE character figures. Between this and the 1/100 announcement, this is the greatest morning/afternoon ever. Ha!
  2. Holy...!!! I will get ALL of these!!! I was just thinking the other day that I would love to have a shelf of exclusively 1/100 scale figures to go with my König Monster. The Toynami ones just aren't cutting it, and the fact that Bandai apparently has the license for ALL series just blows my mind! Call me crazy, but I would actually LOVE Macross 7 stuff. This is amazing news!
  3. I... I... I'm crushed. This is almost Grave of the Fireflies-level sadness for me.
  4. Yeah, they are pretty useless, as cute as they are. They can't even stand up, so I'm trying to figure out how I will display them. The sculpts have so much character, though.
  5. Damn it! I just got mine in the mail. If anyone is missing a Sheryl, I know why! I had *4* of them in my set. NO Ozma at all. 4 x Sheryl 1 x Alto 1 x Ranka 3 x Alto VF-25 1 x Alto VF-25 (gunmetal) 0 x Ozma vf-25 (colored) 0 x Ozma VF-25 (gunmetal) I really wanted at least 1 Ozma (colored) and an extra Ranka for my wife. Ah well.
  6. I'm assuming these are the items HLJ has up for preorder: http://www.cospa.com/event/id/482
  7. Holy AWESOME!!!
  8. I saw the toy today in Best Buy when I stopped in to pick up Gurren Lagann Vol 2 and the new Faint album. It looked like a brick to me, with a very basic paint job and little articulation. To be fair, though, I only gave it a 30-second glance. Since you had to buy the movies with it (it was a box set) for $39.99, I put it down.
  9. Yeah, I just transformed this guy back and forth twice now. No loose parts, no lack of tabs for parts to lock into place. This guy is super tight and performs perfectly. I guess we'll never know where that mystery piece came from, but I'm SO glad it was nothing. Scare over. I hope. I voted "Perfect" just now. And I'm seriously considering being a completist with this line, something I never wanted to do with the 1/48's. The size, proportions and feel of the 1/60 V2 is "just right." I can't even bring myself to stand this near the old V1 Roy 1/60, since they are in completely different leagues.
  10. Okay, I'm home now. It wasn't the leg bits, either. Everything seems to be fine. But what is this?? Roy is just as puzzled as I am:
  11. Phew! No, luckily, that doesn't appear to be it. I've circled in red what the piece most resembles (a bit of a finger). All the fingers are intact, so that can't be it. But that's the basic size and shape of the piece. I'm now noticing the little tabs on the insides of the legs (circled in blue) are somewhat similar in shape to the fingers. I wonder if THAT may be the piece.
  12. Oh man! Don't tell me that. I'll be so sad if this guy can never go back to fighter again. Oh crap... now I'll be counting down the hours until I get out of work...
  13. Great job! Now I'm tempted to hunt down one of those figures for my wife to custom...
  14. Not right now, but I'll take one tonight when I get home.
  15. I finally got to open this beauty last night and really enjoyed the transformation. In many ways, I prefer this little guy to his big 1/48 brothers. The adjusted nose cone in battroid is particularly nice, as are the loads of tampo printing and new joints. I think I actually may be putting a bunch of 1/48s up in the For Sale section soon. And my old V1 1/60s are history. Well, they will be soon. Here's the thing, though... I'm not sure if I should vote "broken" or not in this poll. After playing around with the VF-1S for awhile last night, I went to put him on my shelf when I noticed a tiny little piece of white plastic lying beside him. I panicked, of course, and quickly gave him a thorough look over. It looks like a little tab or something, about the size and general shape of the tip of the battroid's trigger finger. This little piece is stressed at one end, and it doesn't look like a clean break. But here's the thing: I can't figure out where it goes! I haven't tried transforming him back to fighter yet, but everything looks fine from what I can see. Could this possibly just be a loose piece of plastic from the factory that took a ride to my house, or am I going to be really upset when some important tab is missing for transformation later? I'm almost to afraid to find out...
  16. Question for the GG guys on this board: What RAWs are you timing your subtitle scripts to? I tried downloading the .ass for episode 17 (and the last 5 episodes or so), but I can't find a RAW out there that removes the "sponsored by..." screen, as yours apparently do. The result is a complete timing mess after the opening credits. And, sadly, these .ass files are my only option to watch your groups' subs, since my mac utterly refuses to play h.264 stuff. I really want to enjoy your subs, but it seems like I'm destined not to.
  17. Okay, I love Minmay. I have every previous CM's figure of her. That said, it's time to move on, guys!!! There are SO many other characters they have neglected. Where's Global? Claudia? Breetai? Exedol? Kamjin? Guld? Myung? Gamlin? Ray? Shin? I could go on and on.
  18. HAR HAR on all the hairy jokes, guys. I get that from my Scottish dad. And, because my parents never did get along, my mother's genes are responsible for the hair on my head now thinning and beginning to fall out. I'm cursed, what can I say? Though those pics certainly aren't flattering, now that I'm looking back. Hey! That's my job! iMac G5, before they started adding the Intel processors. It's not the most powerful machine in the world, but it gets the job done for basic design needs.
  19. I know this has come up a few times in the Movies and TV series section, and it is kind of a wacky term (and also my gamer tag on Xbox Live, so I tend to have to explain it a lot) but here's a definition I compiled using some quotations from fellow MW forum members (forgive me for not giving credit where credit is due!) and watching the various Macross anime: deculture [day-kuhl-cher or day-kuhl-cha] Uses: "Zentran & Meltran?? DECULTURE!" "Gorgeous, Delicious, Deculture!" "Deculcha" (デ:カルチャ) is translated as "stupid thing" (バカな事) or "terrifying thing" (恐ろしい事). By themselves, "de" (デ) means "no" or acts as a negative prefix, and "culcha" (カルチャ) means "wonderful thing" (素晴らしい事)." Prior to discovering culture, the phrase was generally uttered by Zentradi in an "oh my god!", "unbelievable," "impossible!" connotation, usually negative. Since Zentradi and their language have long been absorbed into the population for decades now by 2059 (time of Macross Frontier), it would seem that the phrase has become a form of slang, much like the word "bad" has come to mean "good" in Earth culture. The general meaning seems to be "incredible" or "unbelievable." Or "cool."
  20. Ha! No, it doesn't make noise...but that is a great idea! She says she debated gutting a pet toy to get the squeak mechanism, but she couldn't find one that sounded quite right. Yeah, I completely lucked out with the Soul Calibur IV. The guy at Wal-Mart was too busy to call a manager over to figure out why the screen was warning him about a "street date," so he did something to cancel it and rung it up anyway. I've been playing since Saturday, and it was the hit of my party. I already managed to create a custom Kamina character from Gurren Lagann (all I need is a pair of red triangle glasses) to punish my foes with burning spirit!
  21. Thanks for all the kind birthday wishes, guys!!! I'll start to worry when I see her walking around with a goatee... Thanks! I've been meaning to take photos of the Macross shelves for awhile now. I think I'll get around to that soon. I've been trying to tell her for awhile now that she could take commissions. I also have a series of UN Spacy symbol pillows (in red/white and low-viz grey - she's pays so much attention to detail) that she made awhile back. Would any of you guys be interested in something like this? She's debating creating a plush of Ranka's little green pet, Ai-chan, next. Or possibly a bushel of rainbow carrots, since we all know how important those are to growing Zentran bodies. Absolutely!! And congrats!! Trust me, I treat this woman like the angel she is! We've been together for over 8 years, married for nearly 2. It was the best decision I ever made. She's more than my wife - she's also my best friend. And she's highly supportive of my hobbies...within reason. She will remind me from time to time when I'm going a wee bit overboard on spending. And I appreciate her for it.
  22. My favorite – chocolate cake with vanilla frosting (and a whole lotta food coloring ). It is full of transfatty goodness, I'm sure, but yumlicious! Here's all that's left: Someone's going to have to cut Sheryl's face...because I just can't bring myself to.
  23. 1) Thanks!! 2) Absolutely! She was blushing like crazy a minute ago when I told her about this thread. I don't think she realizes how awesome she is. 3) The cake is made with edible "ink" icing. The local grocery store simply requires a quality printout or hi-res JPG, and they can scan in the image and print it out using a special machine that uses food coloring rather than inks. I'm still not 100% sure how it works, but I must say that Ranka's head was incredibly delicious. I love the image she used! 4) Oh yeah! I forgot that was in the photos. That ceramic pencil holder was another thing my wife made for me back when we first started dating. She drew/painted the entire thing and had it fired at a local paint-your-own-pottery studio. Each side represents character pairings in DYRL: Roy & Claudia, Max & Milia, Hikaru/Misa/Minmay, and Roy/Hikaru (for good measure). I lucked out when I took a gamble and had her watch Macross with me one night. She really fell in love with the space opera aspect of it. And yeah, that's the "new" 2008 Battle Angel. From what I can tell, they simply slapped a 2008 copyright on the old product. But I missed out on that DVD years ago, and never wanted to pay the crazy mark-up for it, so you won't hear any complaints here. 5) Well, there's always 31...
  24. Thanks guys! She's definitely a keeper. Yep, that's a custom made from the 1/60 Milia DYRL (red) Q-Rau. I can't take the credit for it, though...I picked it up on eBay a few years ago (I only WISH I was that good at customizing). I figured back then that the chances of an official TV colors one would be pretty slim (I guess I was right), so I bit the bullet and bid on this. If I remember correctly, a Macross World member actually created this. It even has a red LED light built into the faceplate. Here's a (crappy) pic of the shelf where it currently resides, in my Max and Milia display:
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