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Everything posted by crasis

  1. PLEASE tell me this is not a typo!!!!! I've wanted a Max VF-1S for YEARS.
  2. Why would you need subtitles for FB2012? The whole thing is one big music video.
  3. So I've been staring at my VF-1J Hikaru 1/60.v2 box for the past week, terrified to open it. Has anyone reported any shoulder problems on this one? Or were you all too angry from the Roy VF-1S fiasco to even purchase one of these? To be fair, I've had no problems with my Roy (knock on wood), but I'm now so nervous to open this thing. I couldn't cancel the preorder in time, so now this pretty MISB toy just sits in my room, taunting me.
  4. I dunno.... I don't think Grimlock is pointless. I'm actually more excited for him than any other of the MPs so far (I've got them all, save for Ultra Magnus). Call it a fondness for the character or whatever. My Masterpiece want list is pretty short, at this point: Rodimus Prime (though the Titanium figure is actually a pretty decent representation, for now) Galvatron (HATE the new Deluxe figure - flimsy and awkward POS) Cyclonus (LOVE the new Deluxe figure - he is probably my favorite $8-$10 toy of 2008) Ultra Magnus Armored (a fan company is putting out a set of MP armor next year, though, and I'm loving my City Commander) Soundwave (though my Music Label one is really excellent) I would buy others, like Ironhide and such, but they are not priorities. Triple changers would be cool, but I'm content with my Henkei ones.
  5. It is for me! I'm not ashamed to admit the near-perfect G1 representation is what got me to preorder this in seconds. I've always loved the G1 Grimlock cartoon character (screw all this "he's really super intelligent but has a 'speech impediment'" comic bs), and this looks just like him. As a child I was a fan of the show before I ever held a Transformers toy. As an adult, my nostalgia/fondness for the cartoon characters (the G1 movie especially) is why I continue to collect Transformers to this day. I love the Masterpiece line for its nods to G1. I originally collected BTs and Alternators for that same reason, but have come to realize that Classics/Universe/Henkei is doing a far better job at bringing the G1 goodness. From what I've gathered, the entire point of the Masterpiece line is to update the G1 toys and melding them as close as their cartoon models as possible. Works for me! LOVE this Grimlock.
  6. Heh. I was just thinking the exact opposite. I hate the yellow one and hope the one I preordered from HLJ was one of the other two. I much prefer the more military "drab" schemes of the two.
  7. Michael had better not be a rare chase figure like the Max in flightsuit from CMs years back. That would be too cruel.
  8. But isn't a 1/60 VF-11 similar in size to a VF-1? I thought the VF-11s were tiny in the Macross universe, much smaller than a YF-19 or YF-21...? If so, why is this sucker as expensive as a YF-19?
  9. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1032
  10. Oh hell yeah! For some reason, a lot of InSoc fans detest Don't Be Afraid, but I think it was their best album. I guess it depends on what part of the musical spectrum you're coming from. I've been listening to/DJing/breathing industrial music for most of my life, so the harder edge of that album appeals to me far more than the "fluffier" stuff. The new CD, for instance, has zero appeal to me. But then again, I'm not ashamed to admit I absolutely LOVE lighter bands like Erasure, And One, OMD, Thermostatic and the like. I've been listening to a lot of synth/rock stuff lately ("industrial light" perhaps? ) : Shiny Toy Guns, The Delta Fiasco, The Birthday Massacre, etc. I also recently discovered a new synthpop band called Midnight Resistance, who remind me of DE/Vision meets New Order. And Ashbury Heights (once you get used to the male singer's...different...voice) is too catchy for its own good.
  11. Crap. I really thought this would be priced similarly to the new 1/60 v2 line for some reason. Ah well. I'll get 1 only, then. For some reason, I've always loved the VF-11. I still display the original "1/72" one.
  12. Just got my payment request from HLJ for the VFX-2 Vf-11 Thunderbolt today. I actually forgot I ordered this guy. Oops. Ah well, too late now. My Macross Plus VF-11 will have a new pal now, I suppose. A $38 (shipped) pal. I really dig these GN-Us, but they are about $10 or so too much for what you get. But when has Macross collecting ever been affordable?
  13. I was SO angry yesterday when I realized I had missed out on the Sheryl, Ranka and (especially) Klan Klan figs. I then proceeded to try to convince myself that it was a GOOD thing, since I didn't drop the nearly $300 (with shipping) on these (plus OverDrive makes you pay upfront, which is never easy this time of year). After fuming for awhile, I relaxed into a state of "it wasn't meant to be"...until I checked OverDrive on a whim this morning. Okay, so I still didn't spend the $300...but I did end up getting Macro Klan (bless you guys for taking more preorders!). I figured she'll look TOO good next to the DX VF-25G to pass up. So I dropped my $88, but am still holding strong in regards to the other two. I figure they'll get TONS of figures in the next couple of years, especially with the movie coming out (and their main part of the triangle status). Besides, it would almost be weird to have both girls without Alto to stand in the middle. Right? Right? ...I really want those figs...
  14. Happy Birthday, MW!!! Thanks to Shawn, Graham and the rest of our enormous crew for making this place what it is. Has it really been nine years? That makes me feel old now. Ha! I lurked around here for awhile in 2000, and finally bit the bullet and joined in January of 2001. So I guess I'm pseudo "old school." And my poor wallet hasn't been the same since. This place is both a blessing and a curse...but I wouldn't have it any other way.
  15. Are the Bandai Fashion items exclusive to their website? I SERIOUSLY want that SMS uniform jacket!! How would I go about ordering one?
  16. More announcements/pics from Yamato here, courtesy of OverDrive's excellent coverage of the Japan Mokei Hobby Show: http://www.over-drive-inc.com/overdrive-blog/info/1671.html REISSUE Q-RAUS for those who missed them the first time! And, uhhh... Macross Bike!
  17. Wait a minute... did I just read that right? We're getting a MACROSS F'N QUARTER toy?!?!! That is BEYOND awesome!!!!! Bandai is officially okay in my book. BTW, OverDrive has posted some great coverage of the Bandai stuff on display at the Japan Mokei Hobby Show: http://www.over-drive-inc.com/overdrive-blog/info/1569.html
  18. Seconded! I've wanted a big and accurate Grimlock toy since I was 6!!! This is a MUST BUY for me!
  19. Man, no Early Bird discount, huh? What gives?
  20. That thing is beautiful...but far out of my range. I will stick with my $20 Revoltech figure.
  21. Save, you are my hero! Thanks for offering this!!!
  22. Wow! That looks beautiful. And that absolutely makes me furious for buying the first rounds of these that now look like cheap knockoffs. I hate this hobby sometimes.
  23. I've got my preorders in for both. They look fine to me.
  24. Here's a few examples of Soundrops: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrJ0xudT3iQ...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wltx1jM04_o Looks like the preorder is already closed. Damn, that was fast.
  25. I was so bitter going into this after the "movie," but my sneer turned into a grin as I realized the entire first episode would be a Yoda showcase. When he started giggling like in ESB, I was sold. The scene in the cave with his theme playing - damn it, that was unquestionably Star Wars. I was grinning ear to ear. And by the time the credits rolled on the second episode, I honestly was hoping CN would sneak another one in. Wow. This show is awesome. And yet... why was the film so BAD???
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