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Everything posted by crasis

  1. Absolutely! If Max or Milia piloted it, then it goes on their shelf: I tend to buy at least 1 of every M&M item for my little shrine. I can't wait for the Virgin Road and the (just revealed!!!) VF-22s!!! Anyone foolish enough to mess with Mylene, beware: macronized Max will put the hurt on you!
  2. My two "holy grail" valks are on the way!!!!! This has been the best year for Macross products in the history of the franchise, IMO. I can barely keep up! My collection has a particular focus on M&M, so this is a MUST buy. My favorite valk ever in the color schemes of my two favorite characters!!! Tell me you DIDN'T get chills down your spine when Max de-folded on the enemy planet in his VF-22 in episode 44 of M7!! That's one of the most intense and badass moments in ALL of Macross.
  3. VF-17 in a heartbeat. I'd buy ALL the variants.
  4. I just saw this on another board. MUST buy for me, and I don't even collect Joes!! These will look awesome next to my Bubblegum Crisis Motoslaves and Mospeada Ride Armors.
  5. Nice! But do we know what's actually on this cd? The price is surprisingly low, which leads me to believe it's a single or EP...
  6. Dear friends, let us pause and take a look back at one of Cybertron's most tragic, unsung heroes: (Bear with me, the magic REALLY starts around the 5:20 mark).
  7. Awesome! Now how do I go about actually downloading MP3s from the site?
  8. Oops! I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification.
  9. I don't recall seeing any pics of these, but HLJ has preorders up for two new VF-100s: "1/100 VF-1S SP Battroid" http://hlj.com/product/BAN960399 "1/100 VF-1D Transformable SP" http://hlj.com/product/BAN960400 Looks like Bandai's finally producing something other than VF-25s.
  10. I don't know if that's an official confirmation, though. They could have put those names on the sticker sheet just for those fans in the community who enjoy customizing. Yamato has always been somewhat of a custom-friendly toy producer. I won't get too excited yet, but I would DEFINITELY buy those two in a heartbeat! They are "grail" items for me. Graham, please let Yamato know that these 2 are highly desired!
  11. Wait, am I missing something here? When did we get official confirmation of Max and Milia?? Those two VF-22s are my most wanted valkyries of ALL Macross! I passed on Gamlin in hopes that I'd make up for it by having those two beauties on my shelf. PLEASE tell me these are actually coming out!!! My Max and Milia shrine is incomplete without them. Max's VF-22 is easily my favorite valk.
  12. The inclusion of a Klan pilot figure sent this one into MUST BUY territory. And since these things are super affordable, I also preordered Alto. I hope these turn out well, as I'm really not digging the two VF-100s I have (Alto and Michael).
  13. Awesome pics of Voyager Megs. Thanks for posting those! I still can't get over the blueish green they went with, though. I 'm waiting for the inevitable grey/silver repaint. It'll probably be a store exclusive like last time.
  14. Okay, I've had a few days to process this. I liked it. Sort of. The 6-year-old kid in me was floored by the amazing fight scenes and robot p0rn (NOT, mind you, the ACTUAL leg-humping robot). The entire movie plays out like a series of money shots with little-to-no foreplay. The special effects are simply the best in the business. This is pure ADD filmmaking for the YouTube age. The "plot" is a convenient, disjointed and nearly nonexistent mess. Optimus Prime makes the movie, while the other heroes are given BRIEF glory moments (enough to encourage this 31-year-old to run out and buy toys). That's an essential problem with the film - characters are "introduced" and then simply disappear or merely flash on screen in the background later on. Yeah, we definitely get more robot dialog this time (though it's wasted on many nonessential characters), but most Transformers still feel like wallpaper. The Twins are utterly pointless, but I think people jumping on the "racist" bandwagon have never hung out at a mall food court. These guys are misguided fools trying to emulate Earth youth culture, so having them mimic suburban wannabes doesn't seem offensive to me. In fact, it was oddly poetic when considering the audience around me at the midnight screening. Awful toilet and sexual humor abound, though the theater was certainly in stitches. Alright, alright. I laughed quite a bit. Devastator is horribly misused, though, and the inclusion of robot testicles just shows how pathetically juvenile Bay's sense of humor is. Yeah, yeah, it's a movie based on a toy line from the 80's. But I will adamantly defend the original 1986 film, which I would argue still holds up to this day with its entertaining story and lovable characters. Why did I collect the toys in the first place back in the 80s? Because I connected to their personalities. They are more than just "stuff that turns into stuff." Why do Bayformers cease to have identities when in vehicle mode? Why does John Turturro get more screen time than Bumblebee? Hell, why do the Twins get more moments than Bumblebee? :sigh: I would have traded in 90% of Megan Fox's breast jiggle shots for more (quality) Autobot or Decepticon emoting. But, for me anyways, every facepalm was met with another amazing action shot. I could go on for hours about how incredible the robo eye candy is. Starscream and Megatron have some wonderful scenes together, illustrating their rivalry in a great nod to G1. Soundwave and Ravage are awesome (though they wasted Frank Welker's performance by neglecting to actually VOCODE Soundwave's voice! WTF?). Sideswipe is criminally underused after his breathtaking moment in the opening fight. Jetfire is crotchety and amusing. Hell, even Shia's Sam remains a fun, quirky character. Like that matters. Did I mention how utterly balls-out awesome Optimus Prime is in this?! The movie suffers when he's not on screen. And, in true fanboy fashion, I will be lining up to see the film again this weekend, despite my issues with it. The IMAX version apparently has 2 MORE MINUTES of PRIME! Killing ^^^^! With blades! The 6-year-old wins.
  15. The entire G1 boxset can be preordered now: http://www.transformerscollectorsset.com/ This includes everything from the individual releases PLUS even more bonus content.
  16. AMAZING! The headsculpt is spot-on to the anime, to boot! I will buy ALL of these! Here's hoping for Ozma, Michael, Luca... hell, even a Sheryl!
  17. This guy is actually my favorite ROTF movie toy yet (after Leader Prime, of course). Best $8 I've spent in awhile, and easily my favorite of all the Scout class figures. Highly recommended. His robot mode is an odd mix between a Terminator Endoskeleton and a coal miner, and the detailing on the joints and such is wonderful for the size. I'm hoping for the inevitable Red Baron repaint.
  18. Absolutely SOLD! Now off to cancel some VF100s so I can afford this.
  19. HLJ will only ship an item like the VF-22 via EMS due to its "value, size and/or weight." You can select SAL when you order, but that doesn't mean anything. They reserve the right to ship via EMS to protect themselves on big ticket items. That said, I'm REALLY pissed I missed the Early Bird with them for this one, as I actually waited because I thought I'd get a better deal at OverDrive this time. Man, was I wrong! Regular price at HLJ is still cheaper at this point.
  20. $1000 for the 4 hero DX valks? Seriously? Where are you buying these from? I have all 4 (plus an Armored Ozma on the way), all shipped via expensive EMS to CT, USA from OverDrive & HLJ for a total of $630 ($820 if you factor in my preorder for the the Armored Ozma). Even with 5 of these babies I'm still not at $1000.
  21. Thanks to TFW2005.com, I found these :
  22. B-b-but... I HATE the twins! Everything about them! I hate their awful head designs, their Jar Jar-esque roles in the film, the fact that Michael Bay created them just to have "dumb Transformers"... how can their combined mode be so...so... AWESOME?! The ice cream truck combiner is the most ridiculous and awesome thing I've ever seen. I NEED one!
  23. What a relief! Graham, you just made my week!!! Now I'm very happy that OverDrive is processing my order today! Max TV 1A, Max 1S and VF-11B...all in one box. My front porch may explode from the sheer awesome contained within.
  24. A WARNING- the poster is NOT 28" x 20", as stated in that thread! I made the unfortunate mistake of buying a frame that size only to discover the actual measurements are closer to 20.25 x 28.75. Either you'll have to trim it to fit a 20x28 frame (which I refused to do, due to its rare nature), or go one size up (with a border), assuming you're not looking to have this custom framed (which will be $$$$).
  25. I'm glad I inspired you guys! I preordered the figma Drossel figure the moment I laid eyes on it, as I had just finished watching Human Error - Part 2 and had robo Sari on the brain. I then spent a little time in Photoshop attempting to bring my vision to life. The funny thing is I'm extremely comfortable with Photoshop, as I'm an Art Director by trade, but I'm completely useless with an actual paint brush. I'm hoping to see some great "real life" customs come from my digibash (and hopefully I can commission someone to make me one!). If you study the original Drossel figure closely, there are even joints/holes at the exact areas where the new "Sari" parts could clip on. The ears could obviously go where the current ears go (you could, I'm assuming, pretty much trim the current ears to fit her shape). The "wings" could attach to the screw hole in her back. And the black nubs on the sides of her face could be connectors for the extra cheek bits. I don't think any glue would be needed if sculpted properly. Hell, someone should start up a garage/add-on kit.
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