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Everything posted by crasis

  1. Man, at least get Mospeada! For that price, even if it doesn't totally "wow" you, at least you didn't break the bank. I spent almost $70 for Mospeada when that set first came out. After re-watching it recently with my wife, I don't regret the purchase one bit. It may not be the most brilliant series ever, but there's a certain charm and magic to that show that rarely exists in anime today. Be warned, though--once you see it, you'll be amazed how quick you start firing off preorders for the upcoming Ride Armor toys. Actually, you've just inspired me to pick up a few extra copies for friends (for birthday/future x-mas gifts and whatnot), as that price can't be beat!
  2. Well, it's about frakkin' time! SEASON 3 DVD out March 25th! http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Battlesta...a-Season-3/8715
  3. I swear my eyes were getting misty when that song came on. Even my wife came into the room all excited to hear it. This series is everything I've been wanting in a Macross sequel for YEARS now!
  4. OH! MY! GOD! I...I don't even know what to say. That was EVERYTHING I love about Macross, only kicked up to the next level. The animation and soundtrack were movie quality. If the entire series is as consistent as that episode, I may have a new favorite anime of all time! That seriously just made my entire holiday. A million thanks for that link. Macross F = PURE MF'N WIN!!!!
  5. Well, I refuse to sell my 1/48s for sentimental reasons, but all the old 1/60 VF-1s are going to have to go. Luckily, I only have 6 of them. These look fantastic! Graham, any news on the price point? Please tell me we're finally getting a reasonably priced toy...
  6. Sweet, thanks for the info. Order placed!
  7. It's on backorder there, though... aren't the chances pretty slim of them getting any back in stock?
  8. Damn it, all that gallery does is reinforce my desire to own that Simon and Lagann figure set. Where the heck can I buy one of those???
  9. Just got my shipping notice from Amazon.jp for the limited version! The total with shipping included was around $82. I can't wait for this to arrive!
  10. My wife surprises me every year with some sort of Macross related gift. One year it was my first 1/48 (Roy), then the 1/48 Hikaru Super the following year. She absolutely blew me away last year when she created a 1:1 GUBABA!!! She felt bad that she didn't order me a valk, but I assured her that the amazing job she did on the little guy (and the fact that she even thought to do it AND took the time to create it) was far better than any mass produced collectible (not to mention one of the most heartfelt gifts I had ever received). I wonder what she has cooked up this year...
  11. Sweet! I didn't think these would be out yet. These Revoltech figures are like crack, I swear... I can't stop ordering them.
  12. Fun fact: I was just reading an interview recently with Shinji Aramaki (Mospeada, Megazone 23, Bubblegum Crisis, Appleseed, etc.), and he mentions how he'd take breaks from his work at Artmic to design toys/vehicles for American properties, particularly M.A.S.K.! He also proudly declared that the Transformer (Microman) Soundwave was his design.
  13. Okay, so that awesome figure of Simon and Lagann appears to be called a "High Impact Lagann Model," and is currently backordered on HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/KNM13489 Thing is, I can't find this thing anywhere else! Do any of you guys know where to track one down (for a reasonable price)? This toy is pure win, especially since it's in scale with the upcoming trading figs.
  14. While I agree there is merit to waiting a long time for a possible future deal (I recently got an amazing catch on a brand new Ivanov SV-51 for $149.99 shipped during a cyber Monday sale!), there is NO WAY I could let my most favorite valk slip by for months and months. When I started seeing US retailers putting this thing up for preorder for over $220 (NOT including shipping), a little voice in my head said "go with the $183 HLJ order." I highly doubt any other retailers could match that price (possibly not even in the future). Yeah, EMS to CT may be a bit hefty, but the total cost will still be cheaper than my usual channels.
  15. Man, I remember the days when I could get deals like this from my favorite US retailers. Ah well. Even with shipping, this will probably be the cheapest the YF-21 will ever be. HLJ gets my money. Done and done.
  16. Wow...those sure are a lot of...umm..screws? Big pass on that one. Here's hoping for a Revoltech Yoko in the future. That Simon and Lagann figure is pure awesomeness, however. Where can I get one of those??
  17. I did. Though Shawn's earlier post about them not shipping DVDs to other regions has me a bit worried... Total with shipping was around $84, which is somewhat fitting considering DYRL came out in 1984.
  18. Umm...yeah. Soooo, has a release date for this been confirmed? Apologies if this was discussed already. I'm just so excited to get my hands on this beauty.
  19. I lol'd at that one.
  20. I know I'm a latecomer, but I just started watching Gurren Lagann this week. Holy hell, this show is all kinds of awesome! I'm only three episodes in, and I already see why you guys have been so excited about the Revoltech figure coming out. And the upcoming ADV release is a six-disc set? This sounds too good to be true!
  21. Wow... I, umm... just wow.
  22. We SO need a Galvatron now! And Cyclonus! And Soundwave. And...
  23. Rodimus! Starscream! How long until we have Skywarp, Thundercracker, Dirge, Ramjet, Thrust, Sunstorm... Very smart move, Kaiyodo!
  24. Legal crap, I'm afraid. Blame HG.
  25. No kidding! Seriously, Hurin's subs for the FX release were so good that I almost debated not ordering this new HD version. It'll be difficult watching the new R2 without them. Hey Hurin, are you planning on timing subs for this release?
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