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Everything posted by crasis

  1. Beautiful scans, Graham. Thanks! Is it April yet?
  2. Yeah, if Mint was an exclusive, THEN you'd see me bitching. I REALLY hope they do decide to release her... and Jim. And Aisha. And the Jeep....
  3. My brain hurts: http://youtube.com/watch?v=rRR8lqlpU68 :blink:
  4. Fair enough. I just figured this was far less complex a mod than your example of a vf-1 to low viz. But yeah, there is something to be said about owning an original. But honestly, it's nearly impossible to be a completist with ANY line. Look at the 1/48 for example - you'll never own a Credit Card Valk, so that will always be a hole in the collection. Buy what you like and try not to go bankrupt due to OCD, I say. I still think the main characters look great, which is all I wanted from this line to begin with.
  5. I feel for you completists, but I can't say I'm upset about this news. I only want the main characters, the faces I grew to love while watching this series. I could care less about some CF dudes. What's to stop you guys from buying another character and painting his sleeves green?
  6. Since Bandai has the merchandise license, I'd say the chances are pretty darned low.
  7. True, true. I finally managed to snag that elusive Priss I had been hunting for awhile to complete the set. I still think $240 was a bit on the ridiculous side for those 4 figures, though. But I was looking forward to the motoslave moreso than just about any other mecha collectible in recent years (besides the YF-21).
  8. It would seem we BGC fans are perpetually out of luck.
  9. The Dinobot episode officially sealed this as a really good TF series for me. Count me among the masses who cried "boo" at the initial design leaks, but the quality of this show is outstanding. Best incarnation of the franchise since G1, hands down. I love how Grimlock gets his name.
  10. Yep, they even displayed these babies, which never saw release:
  11. NO, I certainly never saw that! WOW! Me want! Was there any word on a release date? Or more pics? Thanks for the link!
  12. Wow, that looks to be filled with 100% awesome. I'm sold.
  13. Yeah, Gaeta always struck me as shady... but then that almost seems too obvious, doesn't it? Hrm.
  14. Yeah, I was just wondering this today, as well! Freaky. I hope this didn't go the way of the BGC trading figures...
  15. But "Team Gurren" just sounds so..."Team Rocket." Ugh. I'm also betting there isn't half as many f-bombs in the show as the fansubs would lead me to believe. Ah well. I'm still going to get the DVDs, if only to support this incredible series. Hopefully we'll see some of the merch ported over here, too. I needs me some GL figures/shirts/etc. Any news on possible special editions/box versions of these DVDs? I loved what Bandai/Manga did with the GITS:SAC SE sets (as poor as they made me). Including cool things like soundtrack discs, trading figs, etc. is the way to go, IMHO. Then again, I guess TTGL isn't as well known here as the GITS franchise...but it damn well should be!
  16. Yeah, Galvatron and Rodimus Prime are at the top of my MP want list. I'd even fork over the cash for a Thundercracker at this point.
  17. Well, I just kicked reason to the curb and finished a marathon viewing of the entire Gurren Lagann series (I simply couldn't wait anymore for the dvds). Manly tears were shed, indeed, and my views of modern anime were shattered completely in an instant (well, 27 episodes worth of instances!). Simply put, THIS is the greatest series I have seen in years. It's not without some flaws (they almost lost me a bit from episodes 17-20), but the payoff was outstanding. Just when you think they can't possibly top the insanity of what you've seen previous, the next episode comes along and truly blows your mind with pure hot-bloodedness. I haven't been this engrossed in a tv series since the original SDF Macross, as plowing through an entire 27 episode show in practically one day is something I generally never do. My wife was concerned when she left the house in the morning and returned to find me still planted in front of the computer, glued to the screen. "Umm, are you STILL watching this show?!" she asked. "Of course! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!?" I replied. She backed away slowly and shook her head, laughing. I wholeheartedly understand now, fellow members of the Great Gurren Brigade! This just ranked up there in my top anime of all time! ROW ROW, FIGHT THE POWER!!!
  18. My wife surprised me with a preorder for the CMS Stick and Rey this x-mas , so I'm glad to see these pics. Looking great!
  19. My box set should be arriving sometime early this week. I completely forgot I ordered this until I received the shipping notice. Glad to see I shouldn't be disappointed.
  20. ...or you could spend 25 measly bucks and support the official region 1 release!
  21. I dunno, I don't completely see how this is a bad set. Yeah, it was a little grainy, but I noticed little details in the backgrounds that I never had seen before compared to previous releases. That alone made this worthwhile. And this is coming from someone who's watched this film well over 50 times.
  22. Wow, thanks to this thread, I just hunted down and experienced this beautiful anime. I can't wait to buy the upcoming R1 DVD this year. I love Shinkai's work, yet somehow this one fell off my radar. Thanks for the recommendation deadghost!
  23. Most of these clowns are the "actors" that butchered the SDF "Muh-Cross" dub, no? Yikes. I'll stick to the subs, thanks.
  24. Ha! That pretty much sums it up. She ranks Mospeada up there with her favorite anime of all time (alongside Kiki's Delivery Service and SDF Macross). Considering she's incredibly picky when it comes to anime, that's quite high praise. Funny thing is, she generally rolls her eyes at mecha shows (and tends to get bored during combat scenes), but the characters are what draws her in (same as Macross). I actually catch her humming Yellow's songs from time to time.
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