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Everything posted by crasis

  1. W-w-what?! 1/60 Destroids? My god, I can't take all the good news today! First the Revoltechs, now this!!! It is a DAMNED good time to be a Macross fan!
  2. That's the same debate I'm having right now... How much cheaper would these be if released here, I wonder?
  3. ??? You have seen Bubblegum Crisis OVA 1, correct?
  4. crasis

    Macross Revoltech

    QFT! I was just thinking the same thing. I will buy loads of the regults in hopes that other companies to take note and produce larger, 1/60 scale versions.
  5. crasis

    Macross Revoltech

    HO-LY CRAP!!!!!!! RAZENGAN!!!! REGULT!!!!! YF-19!!!!!! YF-21!!!!!!!!! And to think, I JUST put in a preorder for the GN-Us... hrmm. Revoltech is like CRACK!! These shall be mine!
  6. Took you long enough. Well, now hopefully more MW members can share in the excitement. I cannot wait for these to come out!
  7. Those aren't Hasbro Transformers items, technically. They are PopBox Collectibles pieces, licensed by Hasbro. PopBox items are distributed by Toynami outside of Japan (which is why the Macross 1/6 scale figures have PopBox and Toynami logos on them). So, yes, it seems that the MH ride armors are being considered by Toynami for a US release. Hopefully they will be cheaper than importing, but I doubt it. I wonder what this means for the MasterPiece line?
  8. That's exactly my experience with my Stick figure. I'm afraid to take Rey out of the box.
  9. My x-mas gift of the two CMs ride armors finally arrived on Valentine's Day, and I finally got a chance this weekend to open my Stick. My first impression was pure nostalgic love for the sculpt and detailing. I fiddled around with the Bernard figure, posing him on my desk with some similarly scaled Star Wars figures. I had been waiting for Mospeada action figures for years. All was well. That is, until I decided to take the bike out the packaging for a look. Silly me, I actually wanted to follow the directions and place the armor bits and pieces on the bike! The front end bits (that later become the arm armor) would not stay attached at all, simply popping off in my hands. I finally gave up, since those parts were supposed to be removed anyway for the soldier mode, and began the near 1.5 hour process of attempting to transform this guy. Now, I've been collecting transformable robot toys for over 25 years, own a massive collection of Yamato Valks, Transformers, etc., and can only recall one other toy that ever gave me this much trouble (I'm looking at you, Masterpiece Megatron). Maybe it's because I never owned a Gakken; or maybe the fact that I can't read the many lines of Japanese text below the craptastic photos in the instructions; or perhaps it had something to do with my lack of sleep the night before, but this was incredibly difficult and frustrating for me. There was never one moment where I didn't feel like I was going to stress the hell out of the plastic or tear some floppy piece off with every delicate shift. Somehow, through sheer will (because it sure as hell wasn't the instructions), I managed to finish the transformation. And that's when the love poured back into my heart. I love the proportions on this guy. I don't think I'll EVER attempt to convert him back to bike and rider mode (and Rey will definitely stay as a rider), but the payoff for all the swearing and nervousness was worthwhile. Since these were gifts, I don't mind owning them. But had I spent my own cash on these, I'd be torn due to the pieces falling off (he simply will not hold his gun, which fell out of the hand peg when I was trying to place it on the arm, and is attached worse than the old 1/60 Yamato Valk gunpod in fighter mode) and the overall feel - he appears more fragile than some model kits I own. For the price, this is a dud. I really thought some of you guys were being far too harsh on these, until I had them in my hands. Now I'm actually shocked by the more positive reviews I'm reading here. Here's hoping the MH ones are better...
  10. Hey guys, forgive me if this has been discussed previously in this thread, but do we have an estimated size of these figures? In vehicle and soldier modes? I'm still debating on these, but size may be the dealbreaker. Thanks!
  11. Oh MAN! I want one of those!!!
  12. Patience, my friend. They are only just getting them in stock now, from what I heard. It'll take a bit. Not too long, though.
  13. Man, I'm starting to debate whether I should buy USA Classics from now on or just wait for the better repaints. The eventual Japanese ones are always far more cartoon accurate. Case in point: CLASSICS ASTROTRAIN in G1 COLORS! Now what do I do with my old white one?
  14. You, sir, absolutely need to see the original OVA series that started it all, and forget about that sub-par Tokyo 2040 stuff. Buy this: http://www.deepdiscount.com/viewproduct.ht...oductId=5737882 Or Netflix it, or something. BGC is one of the best 80's anime series...period.
  15. DO WANT!!! One of my most desired collectibles EVER is seeing the light of day. $70 works for me, considering what I've spent in the past on lesser Japanese toys. COUNT ME IN! (MODS: We really need to change the title of this thread to "BUBBLEGUM CRISIS Motoslave from Yamato" or something of the sort.)
  16. And now the wait begins for the inevitable cartoon-accurate colors Powerglide, courtesy of Takaratomy...
  17. I love the pricepoint and all Macross Plus mecha, so these 3 shall be mine! Yeah, they won't be able to do crazy ninja stunts like my Revoltechs, but Valks aren't super robots to begin with.
  18. Gurren...Loggin? As in Kenny Loggins? SERIOUSLY? I know I shouldn't expect much from the crew that brought us "Muh-cross," but...wow. I swear, they don't even try. It actually saddened me to attempt to watch the English dub of Macross when Mari Iijima reprised her role as Minmay - correctly pronouncing all the names, despite the other voice "talent" mangling everything. Man, if this show ever makes it to Cartoon Network, we'll have an entire country of kids mis-pronouncing the name of the show. That sucks.
  19. Uh, where did you see color pics of him?
  20. No can do for me. I just can't justify the hefty price tag for what you get. My money goes to the various ride armors, YF-21 and Omega Supreme this year.
  21. Man, am I glad I didn't have to choose between MH and CMS (I preordered the MH ones from HLJ awhile back, while my wife surprised me on x-mas day with CMS preorders for both Stick and Rey)! There's so much to love about both company's offerings, especially since: Mospeada is one of my favorite anime of all time and I've been waiting for these toys for oh, 18 years or so. Heh. A modern ride armor figure of any kind has been my holy grail for ages, and now we get to choose between 4 different companies having a go at it. I may just end up getting them all...
  22. I was browsing Michael Crawford's highly informative toy review site, mwctoys.com, when I stumbled across this guy. Now, I have never cared for (American) football, but there's just something about this robot design that appeals to me. I could almost see him posed with my Revoltech Patlabors. Well, maybe that's a stretch... Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but since I'm not a sports fan, I rarely keep up with such threads. Does anyone have more info on this mascot? Apparently, the character is much hated by football fans... which could possibly explain why it appeals to me so much. Heh. You can buy two versions of the toy, 10" and 3". I almost feel ashamed for liking this, but it may be hard to resist next time I'm in a TRU.
  23. My god... this looks so good that I'm actually debating selling my 1/48s. Well, almost. I am glad I wasn't a completist with that line, because these babies are the way to go, hands down. Wow...
  24. You're not the only one! How the heck do I score one of those????
  25. Man, and I paid $250 for my copy of the Animeigo set. Before I even owned a DVD player - that's just how badly I wanted this. Heh. But I don't regret it one bit! It was a holy grail of mine for years.
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