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Everything posted by crasis

  1. I preordered the MP Starscream crown and cape set as soon as it became available... but, for the life of me, I just can't understand why anyone would want a set for Skywarp? Edit: Whoa, the price jumped since yesterday! They were $14.99 then. Glad I got my order placed in time!
  2. Not anymore.
  3. Awesome pics! Thanks for that!
  4. Wow, the 1/48 Weathered Roy looks great.
  5. Here: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...n-pre-announced
  6. If only the CMs were scaled up (which could help some of the fiddly transformation and parts-pop problems), had screw covers, and painted in a finish closer to the MHs--there would be no contest for me. The proportions on the MH are just plain weird on both the rider (freaky neck) and the bike (small tires). I also don't like how dull the toy looks without any markings (I don't need to bring up the decal bs again). And, of course, the purple visor thing still gets me, but I've said that ad nauseam in this thread already. However, the anime-accurate face sculpts are very cool, and it's nice to have the option to display the riders without helmets. I'll probably end up collecting all the MH, simply because I'm a sucker for seeing my heroes faces, and they look to be improving with the Yellow... and because I basically hope to never have to attempt to transform a CMs model again, due to the frustration inherent in the small size.
  7. Don't forget Jim and the jeep!!!
  8. Thanks for the review, Alex. I'm still bummed about the purple visor , but based on the review I do look forward to having these in the collection. If anything, it should be fun noting the differences between these and the CMs. I'll try to do a gallery when they arrive.
  9. I dunno man, I've had nothing but love for the MH this whole time. But photos from ToyFair, WF and now the new shots from this morning ALL indicate that the visors are WAY off in color. I feel justified in being a bit angry/disappointed. I didn't expect the revised wheels, but the visor color should be a no-brainer.
  10. NO! Not when my crappy little CMs figures managed to be accurate with the blue color. I'm really disappointed in MH.
  11. Wait, so the MH ones actually DO have purple visors?! WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?! :angry:
  12. BEST. REVOLTECH. EVER. Man, I want one of those!
  13. And does anyone know if the final MH product will have those ugly PURPLE visors? WTH is up with that??
  14. LOL! My wife actually said sorta the same when I told her I hope they make the Jeep with Jim, Mint and Aisha. She was all "yeah, yeah, but to make you fanboys really content, Aisha would have to be naked...and glistening."
  15. QFT! FRAÜLEIN Macross would be amazing!
  16. I had REALLY high hopes for this piece, especially since I've been getting gradually more interested in the 1/4 scale due to Sideshow Collectibles Premium Format Star Wars line (the Anakin Skywalker one recently blew me away enough to ignore the hefty price and preorder). Even my wife was excited when I told her about this Minmay figure coming out months ago. I was looking forward to this piece far more than the 25th Anniversary valks back when they were all announced. But these pictures don't make me a happy camper. The size of Minmay doesn't freak me out at all – it's the creepiness of the presentation. Unlike the tons of "man doll" figs I own/have seen, there's something very eerie about this figure. I don't know if it's the "real" hair, off sculpt or somewhat blank stare, but I'm getting more of a creepy Child's Play-esque vibe rather than "hey, that's Minmay!". I'm surprised, since Yamato has a great track record of producing amazing female anime character likenesses in their other lines. This doesn't look like Minmay to me. More like some freaky porcelain doll that will come alive at night and kill me in my sleep. I'm still hoping that PopBox will continue their excellent line of Macross 1/6 figures and do Minmay, Misa and Milia some day. A guy can dream, no?
  17. You know, I was (foolishly) thinking last night that I may not want this after all. I got out my old Matchbox Destroids (which appear to be roughly 1/60 scale), and was shocked at how decent they still look (though plasticky). I was about to free myself up some funds...and then I just saw these pics. Well, those old Robotech toys are going back in the basement. Make mine Yamato!
  18. Can't. Afford. All. These. Things. At. Once. ::head explodes::
  19. Yeah, tell me about it. I don't think I've had this much stuff on preorder...well, EVER. I've heard people mention the pain in their wallets before, but this is serious. Damn. For me it's looking like: YAMATO 1/60 YF-21 1/60 VF-1S Roy Strike (v2) 1/60 Destroid Tomahawk GN-U "Do" YF-19 Battroid GN-U "Do" YF-21 Battroid GN-U "Do" VF-11 Battroid 1/15 BGC Priss Motoslave MEGAHOUSE 1/15 Ride Armor Stick 1/15 Ride Armor Rey 1/15 Ride Armor Yellow KAIYODO Revoltech Regult (x3...or maybe even x5 ) Revoltech YF-19 Revoltech YF-21 Revoltech VF-1J Max Revoltech VF-1J Milia Revoltech Gurren Lagann (WonderFest version, if a friend comes through) Revoltech Gurren Lagann (reg version) Revoltech Razengan Revoltech Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (ultimate form) Revoltech Black Ox Revoltech Rodimus Revoltech Starscream KONAMI Impact Model: Gurren Lagann (Wing version) Trading Figures: Gurren Lagann (complete box of 10) BANDAI Macross Frontier 1/60 DX Chogokin line TAKARATOMY/HASBRO Encore Meister/Jazz Encore Omega Supreme Encore Minibots Japanese Classics/Henkei cartoon colors Megatron & Astrotrain Transformers Universe Classics 2.0 (Sideswipe, Prowl, Octane, Powerglide, Galvatron, Onslaught) Transformers Animated (the entire damned line, so far...$$$) SIDESHOW COLLECTIBLES 1/6 Star Wars - Illum Padme Exclusive 1/6 Star Wars - Smuggler Han ANH Exclusive 1/6 Star Wars - Farm Boy Luke ANH Exclusive 1/6 Star Wars - Obi-Wan in Clone Armor Exclusive 1/6 Indiana Jones Exclusive 1/4 Premium Format Anakin Skywalker Exclusive 1/1 Salacious Crumb lifesize figure POPBOX COLLECTIBLES 1/6 Macross - Flight Suit Hikaru 1/6 Macross - Flight Suit Max BEAGLE/TOYNAMI Ride Armors I don't know even where to begin on prioritizing. Why is it that all my more obscure obsessions have suddenly gone all-out this year in terms of collectibles?? I thought picking up the occasional Yamato valk or Sideshow SW figure was rough, but this year is a massacre on my bank account. I better make sure I'm freelancing quite a bit this year.
  20. YES!!! I'm so happy they kept it in 1/60 scale. I was convinced that if Bandai did anything at all, they'd do it in some odd scale, just to differentiate themselves from Yamato. This is great news. I love my Yamatos, but I'd love to see a chogokin modern valk. My god, I can't take all the good news today. Heh.
  21. I'm still a bit perplexed by the PURPLE face shields on the helmets, though... What gives?
  22. I just did some quick math to see how much I'm likely to spend in Revoltechs this year with all the WF news – over $450. My god! And I innocently started with Dangaioh awhile back as a "hey, why not" sort of thing... These things are SERIOUSLY like crack.
  23. OH DAMN! YELLOW! This shall be mine! C'mon Megahouse, you're doing great. All we need now is Houquet and an add-on set with the jeep, Jim, Mint and Aisha! Please!
  24. Manly tears of joy are being shed! This is amazing.
  25. I still hope the final product will have a nicer finish. Priss looks smokin, so why can't the rest of the mech? This is a prototype.
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