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Everything posted by crasis

  1. I just got my shipping notice from HLJ for the box (of 10) TTGL trading figures!! I'm so excited! I didn't even know these were out yet. My desk will now be full of burning spirit, epic GAR, and Yoko goodness. These are what I'm talking about: http://www.hlj.com/product/KNM13485
  2. Would anyone mind translating these? Is the wing/drills version of GL an exclusive or any such nonsense? An upgrade kit, maybe? Or just a whole new figure? Either way, all the TTGL stuff is so bought.
  3. <shrug> So? I'm still saving tons on gas, tax, etc. Am I just more patient than most?
  4. ALERT - HasbroToyShop.com has the entire 1st wave of ANIMATED figures up for preorder NOW! I just ordered the whole lot, if only for the FREE shipping and 10% off (use coupon code SPRCAT8)! NO store will have them at that good a deal for a long time, if ever. I just saved myself a ton of money on gas/shipping (for those harder to find ones)/retail price/tax/etc. I'm surprised that some of the guys at tfw2005 are actually complaining about this, a BARGAIN! If you're going to wait until the street date anyway, this is a no brainer. Go now before these sell out! And don't forget the coupon. http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/SearchResults...DT=1206370471Go
  5. Not a bad idea at all. Since I plan on buying all TTGL Revoltech-related stuff, that wouldn't bother me one bit. LOVE the new pics! Does anyone have these up for preorder yet??
  6. I second this!! All it will take is one nice hires scan, and our amazing MWorld decal artists can whip something up for us all to enjoy.
  7. But that background showing off the new Priss and Sylia figures has not. Could they be FINALLY releasing those trading figures of the AD Police and Boomers?? Those have been on hold (I thought cancelled) for years now.
  8. EDIT: Ack! I thought I posted this already! I just realized I had another open browser on my computer with a reply still half written. I'm all kinds of tired today. Sweet! I definitely appreciate the scans! You rock, sir!
  9. Sweet! Thanks for the info. I'll give them a call now. UPDATE: I just got off the phone with an incredibly helpful customer service woman at Best Buy. She laughed when I explained to her how the manager of my local store insisted that the book was inside the dvd case, and then took my info down. She assured me that these books will be mailed out shortly. Color me impressed.
  10. Eh, I counted the wheels. My VF-1 Revoltechs are also about perfect eye level with Stick. The MH, to me, seems a tad tall for a Revoltech. But then again, Revoltech is a non-scale line of toys anyway, so I guess it is a moot point.
  11. No, but the CMs are. I have my CMs Stick standing next to my Revoltech Patlabors right now. He's the same size as movie Alphonse.
  12. I got the SE, though I haven't watched it yet. There's a bonus disc with documentaries/interviews/etc and a really beautiful steelbook case. Honestly, my (silly) reason for buying it was for the steelbook packaging alone, since it matches the similar case for the other Appleseed CG flick I own. I haven't watched any bonus features yet, however. I also got screwed, since the SE was supposed to come with a bonus manga at Best Buy. The manager insisted that the book was already in the case, though there was no indication of any such thing. And, of course, when I opened the sucker up, I was SOL. Yay.
  13. I felt embarrassed for them at first, but it's all about BreeTigh: http://www.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/top_.../20080319.phtml The cast of BSG on Letterman. Look for the video link. It should be on the right.
  14. Drill bra. That's all that needs to be said, really. I'm sold.
  15. Thanks for the translation, misterryno! I wish I had that an hour ago, though. I wouldn't have spent all that time hating on Ray.
  16. D'oh! Thanks for that! I somehow missed that bit of the discussion yesterday! I just tried it, and it did work! Phew!
  17. Any chance you could scan that? I just got mine today (from HLJ - no Toynami branding) and I'm completely ready to throw Ray across the room. I can't at all figure out how to collapse the engine enough to get the human figure to slide into the transformed chest piece. I studied the video on the MH page, but they seem to have left that part/step out. Argh! So far, the CMs was FAR less frustrating to transform...and I hated that one.
  18. I would certainly kick reason to the curb and buy that up!!! Have we ever heard more about the add-on pack with all the drills and wings? I seem to recall pictures from WF, but no info. As is, I'm planning on getting a few Gurren Lagann Revoltechs just so I can have a nice display with various poses (gotta have at least one pointing a finger to the heavens!).
  19. Me too. I refuse to pay more than $80 for a Toynami toy. Period.
  20. Oh, I already have my preorder in. There's no way I'm skipping on a soild BGC toy. I've been waiting YEARS for this, crappy finish or no.
  21. I hope so, because now that a Beta is more certain, I'm interested in a blue Alpha again (without the eBay markup). Only now I know to barely touch the thing.
  22. Argh! I KNEW I should have selected EMS shipping from HLJ. The wait for my MH ride armors is getting to me
  23. Thanks for the scans, CAIN MKII, but now that I'm comparing the Motoslave 1 lineart to the shots from Yamato, I truly fail to see how "this is ugly, not even close to the original design", as you originally posted..?? It looks pretty darn close to me, albeit some proportions are slightly different to allow for poseability. Heck, even the lineart isn't all that consistent. The chest area and head (especially) seem to change size depending on the drawing. My only problem with this toy so far is the lack of finish on the bike (and maybe the size)...not the sculpt.
  24. Damn it all!! You guys just made me spend more money this year. I'm actually hoping the $150+ price tag is accurate, so I will truly feel like I'm getting a deal with BBTS at $80. Usually those guys are pretty expensive, so this is justice, somehow. Thing is, now I need an Alpha. D'oh.
  25. :lol: Sounds like the reviewer had just as much fun as I did transforming (even handling) the toy.
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