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Everything posted by crasis

  1. I said it before, and I'll say it again: This is THE Macross show I've been wanting to see since the 80's!!!! Brilliant!
  2. I dunno how much shipping would be to you, but Alter Ego Comics in the US has both of them up for order, courtesy of Sideshow Collectibles distributing them here. Best prices I've seen for them, too: Regular: http://alteregocomics.com/store/catalog/Dr...ure-p-4927.html SS: http://alteregocomics.com/store/catalog/Dr...ure-p-4926.html
  3. Even if I had the set, I could absolutely see how this new repaint could be seen as an insult. Sorry. What's next? "Gee guys, we've decided NOT to repaint Classics Sunstreaker into Sideswipe afterall. Well, not for mass market anyway. Instead, here's a nice homage to GoBot Sideswipe! We'll call him, umm, BlueSunwipe! For those of you who want the red Sideswipe, sorry! We simply can't have that many Sunstreaker repaints clogging the pegs at one time. But look forward to next year's BotCon, where you can have him for the low, low price of $350!"
  4. Wait, what?! This is subbed already?? Where? I didn't notice it in any of the first page links...!
  5. That's why I'm hoping TakaraTomy will just put an end to all this garbage and release Thundercracker and the coneheads as part of their Henkei/Classics line. Change the blue somewhat, I don't care. Hasbro must be aware that they screwed up back then, but at the time they weren't considering the demand for Classics to be as high as it turned out to be. I get that, and understand it. However, to go and NOW release some bs repaint at all is just insulting, considering their "it won't be profitable to repaint Starscream into known characters for mass retail" previous stance.
  6. Wow. While I'm sure a lot of people may disagree with me on this one, I actually think this is a bit of a slap to the face from Hasbro. I don't mean to bring up the drama of last year's BotCon set, but Hasbro specifically stated that they gave the Con organizers Thundercracker and the other seekers SPECIFICALLY because they didn't think any further repaints of the Starscream mold would sell at retail. So a MADE UP green camo character/"never released G2 repaint deco of SS" is considered more profitable than F'ing THUNDERCRACKER?! I know they dug themselves into a hole by making TC an exclusive, but to release this nobody as a repaint just further rubs salt in the wound.
  7. I dunno man, those still look like poorly drawn Omegas to me. I'm sure I could dig up loads of screenshots where characters have bizarre proportions and/or are drawn off-model. Fat or no, the Guardians and Dark Guardians were intended to look like Omega Supreme, which is why I'm loving the eHobby repaint. Hell the OS toy doesn't exactly look like the cartoon model, either.
  8. For once! Heh. The wait for this stuff has been YEARS! But we're finally getting rewarded...and broke.
  9. Well, Omega is a pretty fat bastard to begin with. I blame that one on poor animation. They were obviously based on his design, though. Regardless, as a nostalgia nod (I hated the comics and preferred the cartoon growing up), I'm really loving this deco.
  10. Another fantastic episode!! Excellent blend of humor, action and little nods to the old school fans. Though I'm still trying to figure out how
  11. Damn! I want an MP3 of that! Love it!
  12. I'm surprised how slow this is downloading for me. Usually these files are flying by the time I start downloading them. It keeps fluctuating from "11 hours remaining" to "5 hours."
  13. Okay, he may be a big brick, but this is cool as hell: Omega Supreme repainted as a Guardian Robot (eHobby Exclusive)
  14. Thanks for the pics, Shun and Save! I'm definitely looking forward to MH Yellow!! And NEW CMs/Beagle pics! Gah!! Now the question is, do I continue to collect BOTH MH and CMs...?
  15. Hrrm. There appears to be a lot of things missing from the original list. I added at the bottom. TV 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru FP): 001 1/48 Vf-1J (Miria FP): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Max FP): 000 DYRL 1/48 Vf-1A (Hikaru): 000 1/48 Vf-1S (Hikaru): 000 1/48 Vf-1S (Roy): 001 Variations 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis I): 001 1/48 Vf-1A (Low Vis II): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth): 000 1/48 Vf-1J (Stealth FP): 001 Accessories 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Blue): 001 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Camo): 000 1/48 Vf-1 FP: 001 1/48 Vf-1 FP(Clear): 001 Others 1/60 Vf-0S Roy: 001 1/60 QR Mirira: 001 1/100 VB6 Koeing: 001 Not mentioned in the OP 1/48 Cannon Fodder 001 1/60 QR Max: 001 1/60 QR TV Green Colors (custom): 001 1/60 SV-51 Ivanov 001 1/60 YF-19 (w/ Fold Booster) 001 1/60 YF-21 (preorder) 001 1/60 VF-1S Roy (Strike, V.1) 001 1/60 VF-1S Roy (Strike, V.2 preorder) 001 1/60 VF-1J Max (Super, V.1) 001 1/60 VF-1J Milia (Super, V.1) 001 1/60 Cannon Fodder (V.1) 001 1/60 Max VF-1A DYRL (V.1) 001 1/60 GBP: 001 1/72 YF-21 001 1/72 VF-11 (w/ Fast Pack) 001 ...and that's just the Yamato stuff. That doesn't include Bandai, Wave, Kaiyodo, Toynami, etc.
  16. Wow, that's the best price yet. How much would shipping be to the US, I wonder?? And is he a reliable seller?
  17. EPIC MF'N WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/convention...i-entertainment "Aniplex and Bandai Entertainment will be bringing out the North American release of Gurren Lagann. To get this highly anticipated anime out to fans as soon as possible, there will be two separate releases. In July, August, and September, the entire series will be brought out in a bare-bones sub-only format, at nine episodes per DVD. This will be followed in the first months of 2009 by a more standard release, containing both the original Japanese audio and a completely new English dub. Scenarios for online distribution are also being considered." Sub for me, please!
  19. Never have I wanted to be fluent in Japanese more than this moment! What an incredible episode, even with my limited understanding of the dialog. I have to say, this show may just have the most impressive soundtrack of ANY Macross show. I was seriously moved by Ranka's song. Definitely a strong Plus vibe here.
  20. Yeah, that was the most recent version I tried when you linked it before. For some reason, I immediately get this message when I load the file: "Abnormal playback termination." Or it just crashes. ::shrug:: Ah well. At least the Gattai team was kind enough to offer up their subtitles as an .ass file separately. I downloaded that, renamed the file to that of my original raw and opened the raw in Quicktime w/ Perian...and it worked! Subtitles! YES! I'm still looking forward to AiA's version, since they seem to encode files in a way my machine can handle, but this will do for now.
  21. Wow, way to be a jerk. If you read my post again, I wasn't going off on a Mac vs. PC debate or whatever it is that you're insinuating. I was merely pointing out that I have had no problems with playing other files/ requiring more processing power in the past. I only mentioned I was using a Mac at all in hopes that someone would offer an alternative that wasn't PC-only to fix my troubles. But thanks for the rudeness. I'm using a 1.8 GHz G5 with 2GB of RAM, and it HATES these h.264 files, whether I use VLC, Quicktime w/ Perian or MPlayer (hell, MPlayer immediately crashes when I try to load any of the Gattai files - and I tried 3 different versions of MPlayer last night). So, yeah, I think I have a problem with h.264. Any other types of video files play perfect on this machine. I spent hours researching this last night, and it certainly looks like I'm not alone in this frustration.
  22. It suddenly got slow for me, too. Anyway, I'm also having major issues attempting to play Gattai's Episode 1 on my computer, so I'm not sure why I'm even bothering at this point. As far as I'm concerned, this h.264 crap is total garbage. My mac handles massive files when working on high resolution graphics (my day job) with ease, yet I can't play back a simple movie file? One shouldn't need a super computer to watch a fansub. So far, Shouta, your version of episode one is the only fansub that works on my machine, so I hope you guys keep encoding your files the same way.
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