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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I finally opened the shipping box, but have yet to open the actual toy. What problems am I suppose to look for or watch out for again? Don't feel like reading 34 pages.. ergh..
  2. hmm that figure does look nice though..
  3. That sucks for me.. well sort of since I went a little crazy a few months back and got every single VF25 for every single available accessories out there. Oh well I guess I'll just display them and never touch them again lol
  4. can't wait for mine to arrive =) who do we order the weapons from and landing gear?
  5. that looks cool!!
  6. son of a....
  7. Can I send you mine to get Pimped up like that? Great Job Alex. Getting married this weekend finally and also moving in to our new place.
  8. Great so I completed the series.... when Greyfox gets released then I will get snake
  9. II want 2 sets of missiles and landing gears
  10. was it with the angelbirds?
  11. Nice after going back and forth at the AnimeCon, I managed to bargain on the last day to get all six of them =). I saw the Assassin Creed and Snake, but they look bigger than these figs. Who else is on their Halo reach line up? I did read something about a series 2, so is this series 1?
  12. Did the kit come with a pilot or where da hell did you guys get the sitting hikaru?
  13. A few Macross frontier stuff. There weren't many MAC cells.
  14. Stopped by there this afternoon.. OMG Line is so long glad I had already gotten a pass ahead of time. Found some macross books and shunya Yamashita books. Other than that I did see a few Sharon and Ranka figures here and there.. but were way overprice. My advice if your into the cosplay, you should go there were quiet a few out there that looked really good and sexy, and then there were others...well.. lets just say their friends lied to them when they asked them if they look good in it. Also it be best if you already have purchased a pass and physically have it in your possession. The line for both the pick up of passes and getting passes on site is the same distance which goes all the way outside of the convention. Good luck
  15. so when can we order this thing =)
  16. My Ipad2 is itching for some Mac stuff =)
  17. Anyone doing any scanlations of the available Macross Manga's out there. I would love to start reading some in English with this:
  18. I hope they do it in Blue Ray, especially Macross Plus... since Zero and F are out already on Blue
  19. bought some extras here and there.. =) and finally caved and go a few VF11Cs
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