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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Lol then it be 1, and 3 respectively........
  2. Quick check since I had some on display: 1/48 = 128 1/60 = 89 (v2 included) didn't include the Mac f stuff 1/65 = 13 1/72 = 17
  3. Hey Jason, sent you an email. Also since I've accumulated a lot of 1/60 Destroids i will need some sets of 1/60 as well.
  4. Vacation over, wil post pics soon =]
  5. So what exactly is "the real" gerwalk pose?
  6. So it's confirmed right? VF17D and VF17S will be coming out? Need to know to make room for them =)
  7. Bring it on!!!
  8. nice =) can't wait for the next set
  9. Sorry but that card only came in one of the Special lmtd 1/65 Mac7 valks. NO bigger one was issued, However i do recall there to be an art work of that and perhaps maybe bigger in one of the mac7 books. I'll try and check.
  10. Cool. I like your gatherings and pictures. Wish I was there to see them up closely. Thank you for sharing,
  11. Thanks, now I just need one more angel bird to mimic the scene of Hikaru flying through them. I wonder if the bushmaster count as an Alaska base squad since they are also green. And what funny chinese?
  12. Anyone have pictures in detail of galaxy's ghosts?
  13. Don't know.. but while I wait..let me Strike A Pose! V.4
  14. the small matchbox sdf1...non transformable... i opened, looked...confused look on my face... put it back in the box.. and its somewhere in the garage..
  15. is it normal to get them in my inbox instead of my e-mail? If it is then yes it works now.. thank you =)
  16. I need thirteen more? then what happens? LOL.. ok.. thought it was some sort of grading system that I missed the memo on..
  17. Too bad the anime didn't finish the mangas.. i was very perplexed when it ended abruptly and then i found the manga which to this day reminds of my resident evil with numerous mooh moohs coming out of the wood work.. too bad the chapters come out like once a month.. excited about the film though.. I wonder if it will do deep into the manga..
  18. yeah .. i haven't gotten any notifications lately.. btw.. what are the reputation points for? How do we get them? Are they important?
  19. Keep up the good work.. excited to see your finished work.. =)
  20. Anyone know what squadron this valk is from?
  21. I think this might be my best picture yet...
  22. Roy took a disliking to his seat.. so he went ahead and hopped on another Ride from his hangar.. lol Still trying to be like you vegas.. kinda got the hang of the Aperture mode.. now working on figuring out the other buttons on that camera.. lol.. god i need a different lens..
  23. Oops I guess that pic didn't belong in this topic.. but yes I think I would pick one up..sigh..
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