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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. This thread has gone to the crapper. Unsubscribing. This has gotten really ridiculous. Sigh.....
  2. Thanks it took a while to find them. But I finally have a small library in the macros room
  3. Yep their my romdex filled with other goodies. =] the pic couldn't catch the bottom shelves...plus there are still some figs still in boxes laying around the office. Wife says it looks tacky but she won't let me buy another display case. She says the toys can't and shouldnt reach the living room =*[
  4. Thanks....still have a few variations left...
  5. Wow nice collection.. I myself am working on the avengers... got the Cap, just need Thor, Iron Man VI, and the chic lol But while I slowly save up for those..here is what i finally took out of the box and checked out.. Vroom... Haven't opened my superman yet.. but i missed out on the kryptonite version =(
  6. Its hard to try and put the figs with their respective animes.. especially the Patlabor Revoltech and Rurouni Kenshin stuff.. but hey.. here is a quick pick I couldn't put both Cammy's in the street fighter section since I have some other stuff on there... I had to put some figs on other sections of the shelves.. wife was nice enough to let me put other figs by her movies...lol
  7. I got a few of those, but in all honesty they are a little over priced in my opinion.
  8. Nothing on side show...thanks for site btw.. will bookmark it... freaking ebay are doubling the prices on those items..
  9. Shelf 1 Shelf 2
  10. Cool I have that case too.. but empty... still trying to figure out what would go with it.. the Animeigo one has its one case.. so not sure what it should go with. ..I know I'm going to get heat for putting Robotech in there together but hey.. its valkyrie related.. lol
  11. Damn...I guess I dropped the ball on that one.. I automactically assume 3 of them would make emerald force since the 1/65 was throwing me off. Gotta watch the anime again to check.. can't believe I miss the small details.. and no i'm not getting 6 of them =P LOL I was already warned by the wife since I have some hot toys now.. =( Probably won't sell them.. put them back in the box and into storage in the mystical closet of valks...
  12. some of the figs a few you here have already My elf My Favs...
  13. Bringing back the memories of the YF19....One of my dark birds..
  14. I retract my statement.. my favorite is my frankenstein valk that I can just toss around and not worry about it breaking..
  15. Man... i spent a lot of $$ getting the complete mac 7 original individual dvd's and getting jason's version with sub. it be nice but i might not jump on it that quickly..
  16. Perphaps i might be the one thats wrong.. hmm.. i always though it was just three 19s... gotta watch mac7 again.. anyone know which episode they started showing up on.. ?
  17. Not a figma, but black rock non the less.. i think
  18. Yes how else would you form your Emerald Force....BOMBA!!! Great Pics Miriya!!! Finishing up things and then i'll let you know when we can start on that project I mentioned =)
  19. It would be nice to see the Mac stuff on blu ray. Too bad no subs on the zero. Mac plus on blu ray would be sick.
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