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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. How much will these things run for?
  2. can't wait for these....
  3. How much are the elints going for now? Might have to unload a pair.. need the extra room for other things..
  4. gotta display this thing next to my Megaroad... aahh.. the memories..
  5. from my Leprechaun at the end of the rainbow =T Waiting for my Kurono Gantz Medicom fig then I'll take a quick photo
  6. <|~~~ giggles like a school girl after displaying most of my hot toys batman....
  7. You what be more cooler....you getting me a 1/48 vf1r, vf1d, vf1e =] don't forget me on that list
  8. Don't know yet... Whatever my budget saved up can get =]
  9. I gotta start saving up...and do more chores in the house so i can persuade the wife to let me display it in the living room..
  10. Are there pics of the tdkr version? The bat pod is probably 19 inches. Rumors are the bat will also come out.
  11. OMG bane is coming to 1/6!!!!!
  12. that sucks.. but i'm still happy with my spidey...posed him next to my HULK!!!
  13. ha i have that figure.. =) thanks for that site btw.. its so informative.. i was on it all night last night checking out other people's collection.. its freaking awesome.. i have a long way to go ..
  14. Man.. i got my spidey today and started to display him and both pegs broke and got stuck in the hand =( Is there a way to get replacements? The only option i Have is to find a set of hands on ebay with separate new pegs. Are all Hot toys like that or just the spiderman? My batman was fine when I switched his hands etc. Yes for an expensive freaking piece on the tumbler the gimmicks were like for 3yr old lol =P
  15. Pre ordered the tumbler... I wonder if there is a chance theynwill come out with a camo
  16. Dont know but it says on hand already. I got to admit my collection is not close to those in that forum. I know exo warned me about jumping into the hot toys, but the more I look at those figs the more I want them. I showed them to the wife and she said they look like barbie but for guys. LoL I really want that bat mobile. I hope someone can direct me when they are available for pre order. Man... I know I will get the mark. Vi and Thor. Those military ones look cool as heck.k I already have the luke skywalker and black spiderman on reserve. Maybe the wife will warm up to the idea of a display cabinet in the living room.... Crosses fingers...
  17. I wonder if side show will carry reservations for both tumbler and bat mobile . Side show still doesn't have the michael Keaton batman but hk and china ebayers have them already
  18. really? S.O.B. where did you get that info?
  19. I'll return the favor... ......... ....... ..... ... . Vroom Vroom 2
  20. I already tried that angle. I even tried the I'll only display more adult (non ecchi) stuff in the living room like the hot toys but to no avail. I gotta keep them within the toy room limits. I already have my macros room so what ever realty space I have in the crafts/office room I try to squeeze as uch as I can, but I'm already at my limit considering I've been pushing for a display case for my pg gun dams and marvel bishoujo =*{
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