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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Finally installed some LED lighting on the display cases... gotta still do the other cases but boy they look sweet as hell!!!

  2. Cool
  3. The macross room is starting to look like a store.. especially now that I have t-shirts in there folded like the freakin GAP lol Samurai sword just in case for those who have sticky fingers..
  4. Jk I figured the drummer role would be you. Lol. Is the raffle a chest piece for the helmets?
  5. No. Since your a drummer you have to dress up as veffidas. There is a basara already. Or you can be Ray or Mylene.
  6. Exo can do t shirts and then he can sign them or your chest. Whatever tickles your fanny LOL jk
  7. Pmd you
  8. You know where I stand.. I have three vf11b And they need some rocket boosters.... Chaser 1 Roger
  9. Congrats to Tony!!! I bet those are all his or some of his toys from his collection!! Awesome! If I only lived nearby I would love to take Rohby's class! Man do you guys bring forth a convincing cause for me to beg the wife to let me go this year....
  10. Did anyone ever save a pic of my room with just boxes on the ground everywhere? I lost that pic. I was gonna start them in chronological order lol
  11. Kicker773

    Thunder Hammer

    The shoulder assembly especially or armor parts that onto the shoulder. Its falling apart man =(
  12. Sorry hehehe i've been moving stuff here and there. People were using some of my pictures. I need to watermark some of them and maybe get them all together in one thread.
  13. Kicker773

    Thunder Hammer

    What are the chances of this kit being redone through shape way? I got my VE kit today and it looks freaking solid. We all know some of the pieces of the TH are warped hence they tend to have problems staying in place without needing to do extra work on it. Suggestions?
  14. Borrowed the valk from Yamato for a quick shoot =P Looks awfully familiar doesn't it hehehehe
  15. That valk looks almost identical to my custom 1/48 its crazy...
  16. hmm..i looked at Thor's and it seems nothing has changed. But the probability of them probably releasing a hot toys fig for the other characters, including black widow with short hair is high. So i think i'll hold off completing the unit. My 1/6 hulk =)
  17. Cool..now show more pics!
  18. Gotta wait for Graham's response from Yamato before I hit the order the nuts button!
  19. Thanks bud I wish I had friends that are macross fans. But unfortunately I'm the only one over here that knows and appreciate it. I'm gonna try hard to go to wonderfest. What would look more cooler if I can finally find a center piece glass case big enough to fit all SDF ships including the 1/2000 and mega road. Now let's finish the 1/48 VT and VFX!!!
  20. Harvey Dent on the way to join the cast! Really need to get a new media console!

  21. Why do I get a feeling that they will come out with a new version of the captain since his uniform is different in the avengers movie. Dammit should have bought Thor. First.
  22. Who ever pm'ed me I responded on the price of my misb elint v2
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