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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. "It was a million to one shot Doc, One in a million" Feticcini Jerry!!! (I think comes to mind)
  2. That can't happen to me. My ass comes with blinking hazard lights and the occasional beep beep beep noise as I'm backing up.
  3. Picked up another display case yesterday. Wife won't let it go to the living room so it will go in the macross room. =\ it won't be macross stuff in the case. The room will no longer be strictly macross....oshiro hell!!!
  4. lmk when we can order this thing
  5. Hey mike my kit arrived today.. was wondering do they come with decals? also if they are going to be available (decals 1/60) in the 1/60 scale can i order 3 =)
  6. couldn't measure it but i think you'll get the general idea with this:
  7. Here's a picture for reference =) Enjoy the build!!!
  8. Thanks Ying, i appreciate the clarification. Since that is settled I can be be more assured that the kit will be back to me as soon as your done with it.
  9. The DX09 Batman is nice. I haven't gotten a chance to take pictures of it yet but its pretty neat. BTW those sideshowcollectors on their forum ....all i can say is OMG!!!! I really think I caught the Hot toys bug, but i'm limiting myself to only the batman series...well maybe spiderman.. and well.. appleseed.. THAT'S it no more =(
  10. You think they'll have a part 2 or a continuation of what happens after he gets back to Mars? I haven't read the books yet.. but I figured I'd ask if the book addresses that. I know its a spoiler alert but I think it would motivate me to read it even if my eyes fall asleep.
  11. I know right (My bash 1/48 DYRL Skull Squad VF1S Group with Strike and Miriallion Squad and complete Macross sharpener set and Takatoku Destroids and a few of the Revoltechs; Max got cut out lol) Ok enough Macross. Need to take a break. I leave it to the rest of you guys to keep this thread up and alive. Gonna focus on my Paintball and Hot toys stuff.
  12. Boxes, I fold them neatly (collapsed) and store the plastic trays in boxes. When my mother in law stopped by and went in there with her friends they all had this looks of "what is he? A little kid?" My mom comes over she tells the wife to keep me in check so I don't go overboard. I don't have many friends who are into anime or macross but I do get the "WoW" or "Whoa, where the hell did you keep all these when you lived at home?" question. All I say is ....My Magical Closets Sorry no Video, it would just feel weird, plus I don't want stalkers lol
  13. And then.. there were still the 1/48's..... The Original 1/48 Line up Release with the Monster Army Deployed!! and the weathered 1/48 with weathered FP and Mail order Exclusives. Old pictures from back in the day... and then the stars pose for a picture
  14. Yes space... I need more space....booh.. and more pictures from you Kirik LOL I have to be carefull with displaying non Macross stuff since I have figs and statues that are too revealing.. "watchtower this is ghost rider, requesting for fly by"........"Negative ghost rider the pattern is full"
  15. Watched it on Dbox thought it was cool and will be getting in on Blu Ray when it does come out. Refreshing movie from the others out there. Just DL the 5 volumes from Ibooks. Going to read it on the plane.
  16. Thanks guys.. I still have yet to hear from him if he has shipped the item nor has he given me a price on the work he has done on the figure. It was just weird because everytime I brought up the price issue he never responded or answered the question on how much. Then communication ceased when I had asked him again what the price is for the commission. I sent the figure first so he can get an assessment on cost and etc. Seriously though, regardless if no work has been done, that's fine with me.. not even every week, but atleast once a month would be nice. So If I don't hear again from him I will take the next step. Just hopefully not another month.
  17. Sweet.. that's exactly how my room looked like before i took some of the goodies out of their boxes.. well there's still some in the dark closets
  18. I remember Sithlord had a crazy collection, Kensei, xstoys, NB4M, Godzilla and someone else who I can't remember his MW SN. I think I should credit Graham for getting me started on going crazy on the 1/72 Macross Plus toys. After I saw his wall of Mac Plus I told myself.. one day.. just one day.. I will have a collection just like that.. and then a few years later... went a little nuts.
  19. Its not a competition. Post your stuff be it one item or hundreds. It's nice to see other peoples collection. It's like eye candy. Plus it gives mea reason to show the wife I'm not the only crazy guy out there with macross toys.
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