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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. such a tease
  2. I miss the zero line. I'm so delicate in handling my zero toys
  3. To Nikon dslr Ooh any suggestions for a point and shoot camera. Getting one for the wife
  4. Ahhh I knew they were important. I have stamp 1 and 3
  5. Those figures look cool. Got to take a break. Halo fig red and blue was just released. Picking that up.
  6. Bat pod will be available for preorder again
  7. Keeping an eye on my macross toys:
  8. Yah I know what you mean that's why I try to keep it batman only. I did get the spiderman series and picked a superman and cap America. Preordered the batmobile
  9. So sad... Not a pure macross room no more....wife told me to move the anime figs with boobies to the macross room. At least Roy will have some company.
  10. It was mentioned in another forum since that picture is on HT facebook account. Considering the size and cost it could go in production but probably really limited or just for show for upcoming SDCC maybe
  11. I saw that. Don't know if they will actually be in production but if I were to get one it will be hanging on my ceiling
  12. Otaku and entrepreneur/weekend pimp. What scary is that there is a lot more.
  13. The one that came with the game? I got the one that was released by Square Enix with the Joker from Arkham
  14. It was bad.. man.. just bad....
  15. Vegas take a picture of Alodia for me! LOL.
  16. Just one more figure... the white phoenix.. Dammit!!!
  17. In My Magical Closet I'm only sticking to the batman series =P
  18. I'm buying this thing on Blu Ray and watching it again in 7.1 surround sound. For some reason i really really liked the film. The whole idea I guess of going to another planet starting a new life thing via avatar intrigued me.
  19. The Batman Collection The Joker Collection And Everyone Else
  20. Oh storm was just released. Just got my notice
  21. Thanks.. I've kept the limited edition ones and SDCC in their boxes.. box inside a display case...man.. I never thought I would say that lol.
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