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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. When my family were over, my mom wanted to go in there and take pictures to post on her Facebook. I was like hellz nah. I'm glad I locked the room. Then again she had me open it to show my aunts and uncles and my little cousins with their fingerprints all over my cases. Had to wipe them off ASAP. Sorry I'm just anal like that. It really felt like a tour. Only a certain amount of people could go in at a time. I should have charged them.
  2. I've been slowly taking pictures of things in "that room". It's hard to maneuver to get good shots since its like a library style section. I am trying to dig out stuff from the "closets" and pile them together for group shots. I don't think this thread will be able to contain them. Just kidding. I'm such an ass. Just tired from moving deals around them. Also it seems my brother has been telling his friends. Him and his friends are into the new Macross Frontier stuff.. I had to give him a introductory class to Macross 101. Not sure if I feel comfortable him telling everyone lol. He text me last night and asked if his friends could come over.. gladly enough I was already knocked out.
  3. No I can barely manage the ones I have.. Boxes everywhere...
  4. Family (wife) said she isn't going lol.... I'll see if it gets approved. I wasn't even able to go to wonderfest, her sister had baby and I was on chauffeur duty =( I already have a big trip to San Diego next month.
  5. Appetizer...... Unfocused.. dammit I suck at it. Shield On! Screwing around with the settings and my boi says wattup!
  6. gonna try and watch it tonight.. hopefully unless the wife wants me to watch rock of ages..
  7. Keep up the good work man.. It looks awesome!!!
  8. First off to make everything clear. I need to send the payment for whatever work was done, but I don't have his paypal addy. And it has been way too long since I got an email response. I'm not asking for him to return the kit for free here. I just want some communication on where to send payment and when the item is going out. Its been way too long and I think I've been really really really patient. So please if anyone talks to him atleast have him respond so we can get this settled and move on.
  9. Oh man I wanna go but one day is not justifiable for a plane ticket. I remember at the last con I think I was the farthest who traveled other then Marie
  10. I love how there is no gravity in you room! Awesome!! Eventually I will reveal my complete customs as soon as four more custom valks are finished. I've been so caught up on the 1/6 figures and went a little nuts. Great collection guys. Keep the pics coming!
  11. The bat mobile shell came in today. It is for the toynami one. It says on the box. Did the toynami bat mobile come with the shell?
  12. Sticking to batman stuff. My other joker is in. A dx 2.0 joker is coming out soon too
  13. I don't recall those to be medicom or hot toys orvre they?
  14. I want to go to Barsoom and hang out with the princess of Helium!

  15. BBTS has them from Xcess. The diorama is sold separately from the table and lamp combo with chair Glad you guys like it =)
  16. Finally finished putting it together =) Where is Dent i'm gonna start with this head lol The good cop bad cop routine? Not exactly
  17. Because we are special {^.~}
  18. No.... .............................Just kidding.. in a heart beat if it was in 1/48
  19. Bringing this back up. Agreed on the price but can't send it to him since he never told me the paypal addy. Tried to contact him multiples times still no avail. If anyone knows him that goes through this forum, and I know some of you do. Get a hold of him and tell him to contact me ASAP so we can get this resolved quickly.
  20. Kicker773

    Macross figures

    Sheryl basara version and nurse version on my sights!
  21. is the limited ed still available to order anywhere?
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