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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Yep proto for the halo 4was t there at SDCC. Picked up the con exclusives black and white Batman and joker and the red ninja. Didn't bother with the street fighter ones.
  2. Don't blame them. I was their panel last night.
  3. Just saw.the creator of the original batmobile, the creator of the tumbler, owner of the 89 batmobile and creator of.the.batman forever films batmobile from.the batmobile panel today. Awesome panel!
  4. It's going to ne strange for me to say this, but i guess everyone hits a wall. But with most of these toys being unattainable, macross whether it be yamato or bandai, me a anal completist has slowly shifted his funds elsewhere. Just like what takatoys said, hot toys has slowly been making it more appealing for me. I'm going to pick up the camo tumbler, another tumbler for custom work, another batpod to display with catwoman, and the bat. I already have the TIM Burton batmobile on pre order. That would have been some revenue for them. I don't have time to jump through hoops for these amymore.
  5. Picked up.the SDCC bishoujo exclusive. Just missing the SDCC storm.
  6. Man no Gordon. SSC wasn't even selling anything. I did see xstoys there LOL
  7. Phack some pictures are up already on some of the items. The tumbler camo looks sick! Your right Exo sideshow went all out. Can't wait to get in! Still in line for the preview
  8. No. I don't think you can. It is a coffee table.
  9. Conressed air? I hope they have some good stuff at sdcc. I'm working on a granas IKEA table that you can modify to make into a case by just lowering the bottom shelf and then get acrylic panels and a metal sheet for the bottom. Anyone know where I can get metal sheets from? I still have to spray paint the table black. Here is a picture of it done
  10. is that going to be available at SDCC? Phack I'm getting that one there!!!
  11. Yes it did =) The Medicom one also comes with it as well.
  12. There are some really talented sculptors out there other than hot toys which I just found out and kinda got lucky snagging that custom Bruce Wayne that I now have since I was late in the game How the one on the right started off as: Then painted..absolutely amazing.. Its your fault Exo for getting me started on those.. you jinxed me!!!
  13. Nope not an expert. These are all from another forum that i now frequent. Believe me they are the experts. I'm just relaying what they have spotted.
  14. I'm in!
  15. Not quiet accurate. The new one yes is indeed a better sculpt, but only the bruce wayne head. The batman cowl needs to be fixed. Again this is just a prototype from their pictures so nothing is final. The bat symbol on the chest also needs to be fixed. Also it does not* have all accessories from all three movies. The DX2 had the back pack. Light up stands are available on the DX02 as well. The connector for the pulse cannon is not going to be available with the batpod, but with the DX12. Notice that piece below the pulse cannon: For the tennis fan Also for some reason there is something off with his optional mouths This is how its suppose to look like (A Medix custom from another member comprised of Hot toys parts and Medicom Parts with a custom widened and painted cowl. I was lucky enough to snag one similar like the one you see on the previous page withe the diorama. That one is also a medix) the difference between the other batman Comparison of Bruce Wayne Heads, one from hot toys and one is a custom Adam Sculpt And my Bruce Wayne Custom with custom Kato suit (Kato is the same guy that collaborated with Hot Toys to make the clothes for the new 2.0 Joker)
  16. the OVA and Tokyo Arc was better. The final fight between shishio and Kenshin had suddenly better animation.
  17. More of the dio Harvey Giving his speech The Batmen The Jokers The Batman
  18. never in theaters but.. next year in bd for 14.99 at Best buy? I see Saito. I wonder if Shishio makes an appearance. I think one of them is Aoshi in that trailer....curious on how Ammakakka Ryu Hiro something something will look like.. lol Kanreyu with the gatling gun is there too.. looks good.. I hope it won't have too much CG and special effects like GOEMON
  19. I wasn't going to do it.. but F*ck it.. http://www.macrosswo...pic=172&st=1050 It will stay up until I get some kind of response and kit comes back. Lets see if this doesn't get someone's attention Info: Member: TSP Name: Ying Hua Chow Email: knife-edge@live.de I'd post the address, but I'll refrain from doing that. A little on edge today so in words from hood I'm putting him on blast
  20. Got my notice too.. =(
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