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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. So many options... Green, pink, etc.
  2. So.....when do we order.....
  3. "I haven't given them everything, not yet"
  4. I'll take pics when they arrive.
  5. now that the 1/4 are out.. can they be posted here as well?
  6. My sets are waiting for your optional parts
  7. Ann Hathaway doll you say (in Bane voice) That's Yamato version in vmf50
  8. rumors on the price is around 900-1300 twice as much as tumbler. That was the rumor that it was going to be canned, but I guess its back on since they displayed it at the con. It was going to be scrapped if it didn't show up at the con.
  9. I really like that image. I was kind of bored with my spider pose. Gonna have to bust out the stand.
  10. Got the green light from the wife. Since she is going on a girls trip I can go somewhere too
  11. Do it at the con man! I might be able to go
  12. High five!
  13. I haven't reordered the missiles yet since it was rejected the second time. Did anybody's order go through yet?
  14. Why? Because beckinsale is in it. Enough said
  15. I'm back!!! Woot woot!!! Sure you can. You have my permission to use them. I don't have enough skills to put them all in one image. If you win we can split it.
  16. My mouth literally was jaw dropped and I couldn't take pictures since I was busy staring at things both non human and human LOL. The wife took over the camera and took most or if not all the pictures that you see. She was insistent on why I wasn't into it or wanted to take pictures with things and people. But to be honest after waiting 7-8hrs in line just to get in there was already tiring (plus we weren't prepared like the others who had chairs, food and drinks) I was exhausted by the time the doors opened for premiere night. I wanted to take a picture with this girl, which I thought might be Alodia, but I wasn't sure since I was so tired. Honestly by the 3rd day I was comic conned out. There was a custom out, but as far as official release from hot toys. nothing has been mentioned except for the swat version. oh when I was in line for the kotobukiya booth, my wife was kind enough to stay in line for me while I walk around. By the time I got back she made friends in line who both were into toys and was trying to tell her the difference between exclusive figures and non exclusive. From a distance I could already tell she didn't care much for the conversation and was really surprised that there were people more crazier than me out there. Eyes lit up when she told everyone I had my own toy room! LOL
  17. Yes its suppose to be a toyfair exclusive like the Jim Gordon me and Exo were talking about
  18. My pics from the Con I'm going to pre order this as soon as it goes up
  19. My pictures from Comic Con: 1/1 scale
  20. Will take more with BW later
  21. My newest acquisition: Plus a nurse joker that i have yet to take pics of. =) Feeling the batman fever
  22. They were handing out free.stands with each purchases at the con
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