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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I want one mang!
  2. There was another character on the back of the box that they announced, but I don't remember the name. I put the box in storage. I'll check tomorrow.
  3. Soon.....when its all complete....and yes that is correct. The complete sum of my customs collection has yet to be revealed. =) They are all located in my secret new edwards base hangar - a.k.a. the Valk Museum.
  4. "I think we need to order 1000 of these to avoid suspicion"
  5. was it earth quake? i should really have the insurance guy stop by and take a look.. I"ve read the policy but I don't think it clearly states anything of that nature. Maybe...should have been a lawyer
  6. They better not... i don't think i can go and get more of these things.. Once my set arrives I'll have before and after pics lol
  7. 2nd tekken chick is in.
  8. i don't get stuff everyday...lol....the guy from last night's show with all those posters, if pay close attention to his interview outside his house you can clearly see usps plastic trays piled up. I don't have that, although the lady at the post office knows me already, actually all three of them. That lady is "not welcome in my house" lol (doing the Jamaican voice from Bad Boys 2) I'm glad I got those display cases.. jesus I remember how cluttered my room was when I lived at home in the attic.
  9. It's a combination of parts from the medicom batman and dx02. I have to get the head widened and painted still Yes... Because he is. Lol Gordon on the way! Just got my notice this morning. Woot woot
  10. Watching it now. Wife is watching it and had some ideas. I told her I better not see that lady in my drive way anytime soon. But I do have to get rid of some of my figures and narrow it back down to some hot toys stuff, bishoujo and macross only. I need to sell the vmf50 dolls still in sealed boxes and all the other clothings and wigs and accessories but we'll see. Wife said there is a reason why isn't allowing any of the toys in the living room because she is afraid I might end like that. Btw Akira bike is also on stand by. Lol Might part the pg gundams but I dunno.
  11. Have fun guys...can't go..fly there for one day =( someone take lots of pictures. How much does she charge for signing stuff? Anyone wanna get me something signed..lol
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