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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. People take lots of pictures and post them real time lol!!!!!
  2. Nothing limited about the CF. There is though a difference I believe between the 1/60 v2. I think Jenius has a review on it. Gotta love the CF
  3. Finally took a pic of my paintball set up.. might sell the extra T4 to get the new milsig..who knows...
  4. Awesome!!! Found a thread i can belong.. the weapons thread was too serious for me lol
  5. Found it on the old page. Took a while but man you really had me looking lol http://www.fixturesgroup.com/content.php?parent=frameless_cases&type=products&parent_menu_name=European%20Frameless%20Display%20Cases%20&title=Economy%20Frameless%20Full%20Vision%20Wallcase&product_id=1248 Stressed out at work. I think I'm going to open the case of VF11B to relieve some stress and set up a imaginary New Edwards base when I get home. Been playing and spending too much time with the 1/6 figs Sweet Benson!! Which CMS are you missing still?
  6. thanks man.. just wished I had better picture taking skills.. I don't think my lens is equipped to do real close ups.
  7. I can't wait for Jordan and Rose to be released
  8. Gotta stop collecting 1/6 stuff....damn you EXO!!!!

  9. Its not a medicom or hot toys but thought i'd plug it in here since its 1/6 Screwed around with the photo
  10. Got it from someone on the forum. I don't see those often. I still have some other classic ones in a tube, but no room. I had a link a few pages back. I"ll try to take some more when I get home from work.
  11. Is it only up to today deadline?
  12. If I can only get one more case, frontier has enough items to warrant a display case of its own. Then again I'm more of the original macross fan.
  13. I know...just trying jut a little bit. I have such a huge anime DVD collection which takes one whole wall of the guest room. She said not to bring it out in the living room since she doesn't want people borrowing it and not returning it
  14. Still trying to convince the wife to allow me to display the hot toys stuff in the living room since "they are real life movie toys that are more off the display items and not toys " she's slowly budging. Tumbler and bat pod out in the living room. If she agrees I can move the hot toys to the living room and then the gundams and bishoujo figures go into the office/crafts/guest room and that will leave me open for one more cabinet for macross stuff. Then balance will be returned to the force.....pure macross room.
  15. Reina from Gantz arrived last week. Haven't displayed it yet. Eagerly awaiting Kobe tomorrow , can't wait for Jordan and D Rose to be released
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